Nobody has mentioned what just happened or is happening tonight at apartment #2. Night vision Cams 7 thru 10 have been blacked out since 03:00 Barcelona time. About 08:30 Rebecca got up for a few minutes, texted, got some water, went back to Lola's bed and closed the shutters. Again, total blackness. Thinking that for those (including me) who want to see her perform again, it may be a very long wait, if ever. I won't say anything directly negative about this girl but I really hope RLC has the stones to correct this kind of behavior now. Just wanted to give a shout out .
Congratulations Rob (forum Moderator) on your 1000th post See ya at the 2000th (and I know you like that shaved pussy, we peas in a pod!!!) Always good to have you on Rob, always good!
Amy seems to be rather shy when it comes to showing skin and it looks to me like she is loosening up little by little. Think that if given a little leeway she is going to be a special treat in many ways. Hope so anyway. My opinion.
Thinking that since Lola is a looker, seems happy most of the time and is touchy feely with Amy and Megan that she could get this apartment fired up. First day she was topless but then quit that, why? Lead by example is a true and tried method. Get that top off Lola, then encourage your roommates to follow suit. Thongs and topless, lovely. My opinion.
And first look at Lola's roommates is looking fine! Young, attractive and in a BIG apartment with FIFTEEN, count 'em FIFTEEN cams. No hidey holes that I have seen!! RLC seems to have picked up the pace!
Don't know the exact time but I first noticed that at 22:27 Lola's name disappeared off the tenant registration as well as the word "new". Yes Cowboy, this was final for this apartment and a sad thing indeed!
Don't know who or when the rumor started but it would be nice if a delay in preparedness of Lola's own all girl apartment was the reason why her nine day stay has turned into twelve. Wow, it's 19:04 and Lola just took her suitcase down stairs and a bunch more. Out the door and Polya is helping. Not going far as both girls are dressed in just cutoffs and skimpy tops and no bras. Staying in Barcelona? Just my rambling thoughts, no facts here!
It was originally thought (rumor?) that she would be here just nine days. If my count is correct, she has been here twelve days and much of that has been out of the apartment with Polya. RLC, what the hell is her purpose here? Sure, tall, great bod, so what? I had such hopes for her at first, but now, I'm ready for a shake up in the apartment. My opinion only!!
Iloner, over the past 20 or so years I have become a very nervous light sleeper. I leave a laptop next to my bed and hardly any noise from the apartment will wake me. I've settled down considerably and when a sound startles me I no longer grab my 45 but the mouse. As it turns out this morning I had just got back from another site when the girls walked in at 06:58. Saw it all. But no, I have no problem getting sleep when I want it. Thanks for asking.
Cowart, you might be right on her taking her panties off in the down stairs bathroom. I didn't see her go in there, however, when she took her dress off in the upstairs bathroom and she wasn't wearing a bra hinted to me that she didn't have one on when she came in the front door. Surprised me to no end.
Did anybody else notice what clothes Lola was wearing when she and Polya left about 10:45 their time? She had on a bra, thong and the dress she wore earlier in the day. When she got home she went to the upstairs bathroom and took off her dress to shower. No underwear!. Leaves little to the imagination as to what kind of fun she might have had. None of my business, but it did get my attention!
Think I've lost my mind as I think that she did have on a thong on. At that moment I was blinded by those gorgeous tits!!
If the nine day stay is correct, then tomorrow is her ninth day. DO NOT want to see her leave. She and Irma and Ilona are starting to get along famously. Have to go along with how the chips fall I guess.
And Lola even went to bed, her first night, without a top. Right there in front of cams 7 & 8 and pealed the top off and the lights were still on!! .What a grand start Lola.
I'm certainly not an advocate of violence but Rob, that part of having the girl ask him to shave his head "OFF" had a certain cartoon flavor to it. LOL Does that kinda reek of my dislike for Efim?
A friend the other day explained who Mr. Bigglesworth is/was. Feel so silly but I never saw any of the Austin Powers stuff. When nothing else is amusing to me I go look for the cat. Still wish C & M's white cat was around. Don't care about C & M though
These three (yes, I counted the cat) make up the best of the couples apartment. Bogdan knows what to do, Nelly is always happy and the cat is amusing to say the least. Nelly and Bogdan throw fantastic parties and invite some really sharp people (except Efim) who can be fun in themselves. Love to see another apartment of this caliber and get shed of several others, but leave my 3 girl apartment alone. It's coming along!! My opinion only
I would have to agree, Anna could be a fine replacement. Then again, I think Aida could be a nice selection. But then, There's no insurance that either girl would be what we as voyeurs want to see. A throw of the dice, I would gamble on either girl , but then, I've donated some coin at the tables all over Nevada. LOL
LMAO, Iloner, ya did it again. This one was top drawer. You know, I might have mentioned Aida before, did I? Funny, this one is well thought out and funny. LMAO The "yes please new owners" is a beautiful final touch! How can they refuse that? LOL