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  1. well I guess since Leora seems to be ignoring him most of the time he has to have something else to do with his life
  2. Most excellent pics. She's a hidden gem I see
  3. Now thats what im talking about! Preferably attractive nudists!!
  4. Ok.. so I'm not the only one who thinks they sleep all day. Must be a well paying job they have ! Thanks for the time tips.
  5. I think that I'm going to old out as long as I can to see if/when the new apartment in Ashville opens up. It would be nice to finally understand some of whats being said . With my luck, they'll import one of the couples on RLC now to the new house
  6. For those of you that have been on the site longer than I have, what are good times to catch the "tenants" at home? It seems that I just keep staring into empty apartments. I'm on Pacific time so the GMT +7 should match up with us here. Any suggestions? Thoughts?
  7. mc2164


    Ouch. It would be worse if she were ugly too At least I've seen her more than I've seen the others on cam. Sometimes I winder where the others are hiding
  8. There is a sub Reddit but theres not too much on there. Only 20 entries in 2 years.
  9. what a great idea. I often wonder what the other rooms we cant see look like
  10. I really never get tired of seeing those!!
  11. Never been to Russia. Maybe now's a good time to start?
  12. Dont know where they were headed but Carla was looking stunning in the dress she was wearing
  13. I keep hearing Morse code when he's at the pc but dont see any other equipment. Any idea on what he's up to?
  14. Maybe we should try and get her and Leroa together. They seem to have the same interest in masturbation. That would be a show.
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