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  1. We´ll have to wait and see! I expect that they will leave soon, so i hope they put on at least a few good shows.
  2. Looks very interesting! Do we have any pics of Alex?
  3. If you like her, you should check out this vid! Havent seen her behaving this way in a while... (The Video Content is No Longer Accessible)
  4. A/D are now the most interesting. It´s also fun to watch Nelly play naked violin, but no one is equal to Carla and Mario (and their adorable kitten)
  5. I love it when a woman leaves a little landingstrip when shaving. All shaven clean just looks like a prepubescent girl. I was at a dutch spa this summer and like 90% of the women there (all ages) were all clean shaven. What a shame.
  6. I cringe so hard from their dubbed TV-shows, so I never really get to enjoy their gymnastics/yoga... They have awesome sex, though!
  7. Wow, she is huge! Good to see not all girls on this site are supermodels.
  8. I am also interested in this! i have been so unlucky, checking in only before or after she changes clothes or showers...
  9. i think he might be depressed, and she is only focusing on her self, not helping him out
  10. Same here! A screencap of Zoya masturbating and a link to the site. I´ve been there nearly daily since then.
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