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Posts posted by oldhairygoat

  1. Short answer? Everything. Long answer? Everything.


    Not only eating, but doing so with the most disgusting table manners, mouth wide open chewing his food.


    Overall his personal hygiene is appalling.


    It's hard to fathom why a well-groomed, beautiful woman like Leora allows him to behave like this in her presence.


    I'v e always understood that the one thing that turns women off the most about a man, is poor personal hygiene, yet this uncouth guy carries on as if he has just stepped out of a cave!


    This may account for why he shows her little affection on a day by day basis, except when he feels randy, which is not that often.


    Leora, for her part, seldom hugs or kisses him, noticeably when arriving home or leaving him behind to go out somewhere.


    The lack of true intimacy and affection between them must have a lot to do with her disgust for his atrocious personal habits.


    How on earth she can bring herself to even go near him in bed is a complete mystery to me, you'd think she'd be totally turned off not turned on

  2. OMG. How ever did they get together, with her being so ultra hygienic and him being such a grot?


    It's quite amazing that she can even be interested in him, the way he presents/conducts himself.


    Then again I often look at women with other men and see nothing in them to attract their women, but it must be some mystery ingredient.


    In his case he doesn't seem to be capable of pleasing her with any practiced technique, or by providing constant attention. Far from it.


    She can't be that desperate, she's got so much going for her.


    He must have such power over her in other ways that we don't know about, or is simply the only man who will condone her exhibitionist streak?


    Since she's not playing the field, as far as we know at least, she must not care how slovenly or inattentive he is to her needs, perhaps as he has some unexplained hold over her, or maybe he is the one who organised the apartment and she knows that this relative luxury won't last forever.

  3. Going out more, perhaps, but maybe that's because she was stuck at home a lot at one stage and hardly left the house.


    But when we can't see her in either room or the bedroom, bathroom etc, it looks like she's probably escaping the cameras, just off to the left of shot, in both rooms, as you'll see an occasional foot or dangling leg and he's also wandering out of camera range a lot in the living room which is probably because he's talking to her or even doing things with her that he doesn't want us to see.


    The under the covers thing in the bedroom, so often now, suggests that she's the only one who is likely to do much in front of the cameras and only then when he's not around.


    She also seems to have something happening outside now, to judge by the different incidents over the last week, but since she's not showering any more often than usual, if anything somewhat less, it's unlikely to be another man, since she's always been so hygiene conscious. 


    Just a few thoughts. 

  4. Now we know what it would be like to be hearing impaired or profoundly deaf. 


    Without understanding what's being said between them, never mind the obvious cultural differences between them and many of the western types on this forum, it's very difficult for us to guess what's going on half the time. Even the body language might be different where they live compared to how it is in the west.


    It's also the man deep down wanting to control the woman and the woman making sure that she's always the one in control and not letting him ever take charge. Hence her teasing and contrary behaviour around him.


    One minute affectionate, the next stand-offish. One minute provocative, the next matter-of-fact. 


    It's like one big game and for us it's even more complicated than it is for either of them.


    Being a couple together for a long time they can probably read one another like a book and know one another's next move.


    It's like a joust, feinting and probing, alternately.


    We can only watch in wonder and puzzlement most of the time.

  5. It certainly seems that way, doesn't it? 


    Whether it's by mutual agreement or brought about by the forces of the pressure cooker situation they're living under we'll possibly never know.


    Have to wonder if they're staying together for the convenience of it, or if they just decided to give one another more 'me time' we can't be sure.


    If we knew the language or could interpret the dialogue that goes on between them, not to mention being able to interpret the body language correctly every time, we'd be better able to form an opinion.


    If she wants to play the field, it would be understandable, not knowing if they are officially a couple, to start with, as she's at an age when it's not at all unhealthy to do so. Tying her down so early in life would do her no favours, if the two of them are sexually, emotionally, or even intellectually incompatible.


    What his motivations and ambitions are, must remain a mystery to us. He may have little say in how this arrangement or this relationship will develop.


    Though to us, from what we have been shown as virtual voyeurs, it looks like the relationship is doomed.


    Who cracks first may determine how long it all lasts. Leora might be OK to stay on if she's given the freedom to behave as if she's in an open marriage.


    He might see it quite differently of course.

  6. She looks in the mirror far more when she's confident of herself, than when she's feeling unglamorous like she has during the last few days 


    The mirror is for reassurances, as she's insecure. Vain of course. Always looking for admirers. Even if through the looking glass. 


    We'll probably see her wearing nicer outfits from now on and casting glances at those mirrors much more often again than over the last few days, now she's had a haircut and is over her monthly distractions.

  7. Two likely reasons.


    1) Her leg may not seem to be troubling her, with or without a bandage, but it may slow her down, give her less confidence about herself or her image, not wanting to appear unglamorous.


    2) That time of the month, when it's not the main thing on her mind, taking care of business.


    I also wonder where she goes to when she's not in any of the rooms that we can see?


    She can't be in the loo all that time, she is usually not in the bathroom that much either.


    She must have some refuge somewhere, to escape the cameras, which can also be put down to the time of the month when she's looking for some peace. 

  8. Not sure if she's lazy, exactly, after all she sleeps less than he does and does all the housework, cleaning, tidying and cooking for him, while he does nothing.


    We don't know what lies beyond their apartment, do we?


    If there are facilities for maintaining fitness, like pools and gyms or even safe paths to jog along or even cycle.


    Apart from chess and TV/video they don't seem to do too much for recreation, other than the obvious sexual activity.


    They don't seem to take the dog for a walk all that often, which would be good exercise for them and the dog. Or did I miss that?


    I did see them go out with the dog occasionally, but that could have been to the vet.


    Interesting couple, really, little interaction with others except on Sundays, that we never get to see, but it would be interesting to know what they have available outside in their town or community to provide them with regular fitness opportunities.


    Otherwise they'll both lose condition over time. I guess he's OK if he is in the army, as he'd get regular workouts there, but apart from action on the couch, Leora seems to be missing out.


    Apologies for the long diatribe about nothing! Then again these two are all about doing nothing, aren't they?! :rolleyes:

  9. I wondered when someone would mention that. If anything she's sitting around too much, or lying around too much. She's young enough to stay in shape without doing too much as she eats little, but she'll need to watch that obvious tell-tale sign of wear and tear. So far the cellulite is minimal, but these things can creep up on you if you're not careful. All the same she's still got the perfect derriere, for my money.

  10. They have their ups and downs like any couple.


    I don't see too many signs of disagreement that would last.


    There's plenty of moments of affection between them still. And caring.


    Two people living under the same roof 24/7 both need their own space and I think these two strike a good balance. No relationship is perfect, but this one looks OK overall. No violence, or intimidation, only the occasional tantrum, mostly minor, sexual tension can be a good and a bad thing.


    This girl seems to me to have a good heart. Maybe her libido is far stronger than his, so she just takes care of it and we get the benefit of that.

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