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    Dublin, Ireland

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  1. Sure, it used to be that 'shaven' was a fetish, and now things have turned around and hair is becoming almost a minority interest. Personally I'm not fussed either way, as long as a bush isn't hiding a surprise cock (happened to a friend of mine- swears he had no idea - and now he goes for bald only for the sake of his nerves!).
  2. Hope that was just a little olive oil she was applying there - the less dressing I have on my food, the easier it is to eat . . .
  3. Guess I missed Nora - oh well, at least I can't agonise over her departure.
  4. Mmmmm - I wouldn't tell too many people that, as it's illegal in most places. Only joking. You have to wonder, though, if the tenants are encouraged to keep animals just to keep a bit of movement about the place when no-one's in. I must admit, it's hilarious seeing the cushions in Leora's quiver and then the little dog pops out, obviously having a lot of fun. (Well, I would have a lot of fun ralling about on her cushions too, but only if she was there too - I don't think Paul would object, in fact he probably wouldn't even notice!)
  5. I spotted Marek on his knees last week, blowing kisses to his woman through the glass of the balcony - I'm sure such an overt and explicit display was just too much for RLC and they got heaved off the site!
  6. Yes, and here we are, sitting here with our tech, watching these couples (and visitors) sitting around using their tech. And people out there (in the UK and the US for sure) are watching what we're all doing on our tech. Yes, it's a weird old tEchNoLOgicAl life that we have, to be sure!
  7. Thanks wgigi. Well, as they say, if you don't laugh, you'd cry. Talking of laughs, it was real comical watching Lev a week or so ago trying to sing along to his iPad - to Rammstein (a truly excellent Berlin rock band) playing Mein Herz Brent. The song means, I believe, 'My Burning Heart' - well my ears were fuckin' burning listening to his efforts! Poor Zoya did her best to correct him and sang it better than he did. Still, at least he had something worthwhile on the iPad (I've seen Rammstein in concert, and they fuckin' rock!)
  8. Well now that I've been forced to give up on the dog theory, I am inclined to agree with you. He certainly has the charisma, staying power and gazonga necessary to be the chief silverback. And hell, he didn't even have to chase the two Mareks back into the jungle - they went scampering off all on their own!
  9. Hardly ugly, and anyway, it's nice to have a mix of types on the cams (just look at the bunch in Carina / Sabrina) ,and I'm sure they all have their fans. Anyway, Suzan is kinda cute, though I do have a thing for girls with glasses
  10. Hmmm, you got me thinking about alpha males now - something I rarely do, me being a fully moisturised, Beckam-underpanted new man (sort of). So, if we leave aside political correctness, with all it's tight-assed limitations, and consider our bunch of lads . . . -Lev and Paul are not even in the running, for well-stated reasons -Stepan, Demid and Daniel all make little impression, and guys - beardiness is so over and not a true sign on manliness! -Nina and Kira we will excuse from this debate -Mario is surely a contender, he has presence, so we can forgive him his bit of beardiness -Santiago, we don't know so well, but he looks like he'd be handy in a scrap and wouldn't let you carry off his woman without a fight! -Carina, Sabrina - the bigger girl with the big quiff in her hair gets and honorary mention -Hector - yes, as has been said, too weird by far, would be easily swatted aside -Bogdan - could've been a contender, but he just falls short in the charisma stakes -Marek - looks like he'd handle a rumble-in-the-jungle all right, (and there's two of him so he's stand a better chance), but I did see him on his knees making romantic gestures to Jitka the other day, so an alpha gorilla would just trample all over him! So, not much of a contest. is it. I am forced to conclude that the only male who is supremely self-assertive, roams wild and free and has it all his own way is actually . . . . . . Leora's dog! (and if it's not a male then this has all been a very sad waste of time) Of course, he doesn't get laid (or does he?) while all those other wasters do! Well, ma ole daddy did say life was a bitch (and that's on a good day).
  11. Yes, she's lovely, and she knows it. You can see some bumpy cellulite (the scourge of bikini girls everywhere) on her ass, though, which proves she is actually human and not a bona fide goddess.
  12. Of course, none of us are even the slightest bit jealous . . . .I wonder how many of us 'watchers' could actually change places with him and become the 'watched' (not to mention the blissfully-happily shagged and otherwise maintainted!)
  13. Hey, I like how the cams tastefully avoid all the toilets, though there is undoubtedly a market out there for that too. And I wonder if the residents ever can forget (albeit temporarily) that they are being watched 24/7.
  14. How come Zoya never paints any pictures of Lev - I mean, it's not like he doesn't sit still for long enough! (Or a statue might be a more appropriate work of art in his case - then she can stand it in the corner for old-times sake, and toss him out of the appartment!)
  15. If I was a girl, I'd wear lovely knickers just like Leora. Actually, I might try anyway! (I'm a Scotsman, so I'll have them under my kilt!)
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