Mate... wherever you learned this, you should unlearn it just as quickly.
Homo or hetero has absolutely nothing to do with sex drive and preferences. Also, you might be able to draw comparative lines to define "average", but there is certainly no "normal" when it comes to sexuality.
She might very well be asexual for all we know, or not really enjoy vaginal stimulation. That's just one example that deviates from your very skewed proposal.
You should also know that there is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that there is a correlation between sexual orientation and animosity towards one's gender. That homosexuality can be conflicting to many because of being so stigmatized historically? Sure!... that holds no standardized connection with how much sex you like, from whom or how frequently you need it.
I don't mean to insult you, just so you know; but you spoke so categorically that it made me scared to think you think you are versed on homosexual psychology.