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Posts posted by ukpolska

  1. 5 hours ago, Robwin said:

    Ah well i only saw a bit of it and one bathroom bit with him and her i ran out of patience with her voice lol had to pull my earphones out.

    It was a fucked up night in that flat and the only reason I kept on watching was that it looked like Stas was having a heart attack and I was in two minds about contacting VH support to get him some help, but he looks okay today.

  2. 1 hour ago, Robwin said:

    That girl who Stas allegedly assaulted in the bathroom the other night they had her and her b/f round again last night and later on the girl was all over Stas like a bloody rash (looked a bit pissed anyway) and then followed him into the bathroom later and again flirting with him. but Stas just ignored her and walked out. I wonder if would she have rebuffed him again if he had tried it on again?. Some women just bring it upon themselves i'm afraid to say however unpopular that might sound.

    They were not pissed as they were high as kites on something - not too sure what drug it was but they spent ten mins in the cupboard altogether opposite the bathroom and came out stoned. Stas danced for 20 mins in the front room before moving to the kitchen hardly able to move on the seat there.

    The funny thing was that 'that girl' was so high that either she pissed herself or spilt some drink on her trousers and had to change them and put them on inside out. Later she was splashing water on Stas in the bathroom to try and straighten him up. Didn't work though and he spent an hour sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands - by that time I was too tired to watch anymore at 4 am in the morning.     

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