I live on the east coast of the US. It's hard to catch anything because of time differences. Paul and Leroa are 11-12 hours difference . I'm retired and when I first started I would stay up watching because I could grab sleep any time but it's not worth the headaches . I can't afford the membership plus I was banned the first day I joined. I didn't take steal pictures and didn't post anything worth banning someone over, Fuck RLC. At some point they are going to realize you can't ban 80% of the people because eventually you won't have any people
I think it's time RLC says goodbye to this couple. I've seen more action from old retired couples sitting around watching the Weather and Game Show channels. Never around,sex under the covers,Dasha doing a quick streak across the kitchen . The blog continually goes days without a post. They use to have parties and open sex. Now they have become that old couple next door
How do I start my life over? Is it hard to move to Russia? Would Nelly do MFM? Can I start my life over and be Nelly's lesbian best friend? So many questions
Does your wife have to force you to bath? The guy is a disgusting pig. His biggest interest in sex is watching the dog hump a pillow.Most of the time he puts zero effort into fucking her and zero effort into pleasing her. You wanna bet if I was a woman and looked like her.I'd be looking in the mirror all the time. I doubt he says anything to her that resembles romance . He seldom touches her except to do that half ass ass massage he gives her and sticking his dick in her for three minutes . Her self esteem is in the toilet which is obvious because she is with him