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  1. Oh she's definitely a good one to keep an eye on. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. I just saw that Brazilian waxing vid.... I feel so sorry for all women who choose to do that haha. Wow, that is literally commitment. Very interesting site O_O
  3. fja

    World Outside

    As long as that fuckwit Harper is out of parliament come October. I don't care about anything else. That guy is a joke
  4. You're seriously going to get blocked and banned for that behaviour. And then there will be no gallery for you to see.
  5. OMG! I died at Elvis. I was literally just thinking the same thing. Thanks for the video. Not that I'm surprised but she's so comfortable in her own skin around her friends. It's almost weird to see.
  6. I volunteer to take Lev's place! (If only, right?) Or at least be a fly on the wall while he's on vacation and Zoya's have a great time entertaining herself. >:]
  7. Does this guy even know how to do his own laundry haha. He is seriously in the same position right now, with even dirtier socks.
  8. Man, I feel like I bitched about Lev enough today, but I'm glad everyone seems to agree that he's a waste of space. So useless and undeserving of such a hot piece like Zoya. He's so lazy that it sometimes seems to rub off on everyone around him! It's a bad trait to have for sure. He can barely muster up enough energy to answer Zoya when she speaks to him. I really am not impressed.
  9. Am I the only one who thinks she's effin adorable when she eats? She can do the simplest of things and I'd probably praise her, let's be honest. She could do so much better than that potato Lev. Of course right now he's just laying down watching something on his iPad. I don't know how Zoya can lie down next to him looking cute as hell, and he barely even looks at her. I wouldn't be able to keep my hands to myself!
  10. Some of these girls have the HOTTEST friends, wow. I would very much love to see Carla and her friend get it on. There has been some teasing but I don't think it actually happened yet? Let's cross our fingers. =P
  11. Carla's main source of attractiveness for me comes from her readiness to embrace her sexual nature. It's pretty powerful. She's super playful. Even when she's playing with herself! The little minx. It's always a more enjoyable experience for the viewer when the people you're watching are clearly enjoying themselves too. Some of the other couple should take a few lessons.
  12. I'd love to see Taya back. What actually happened since Yarik's gross behaviour towards her was captured on cam? Did RLC intervene? Did he get cut loose? Devoured by wolves?
  13. If they were smart, they'd have a m/m couple to reach a larger target audience. They have heterosexuals, some lesbians/bi girls. They'd make more money if they were more inclusive. And to those not interested in dudes, just don't watch I guess haha. I'm really curious as to why they haven't gone down that route yet. Seems like the logical next step.
  14. Zoya is my guilty pleasure, I love her body. Lev is just so lazy, she deserves someone more skilled and adventurous in bed.
  15. One word responses are always annoying to read, and lack an obvious depth and sincerity. But you can argue that the influx of posts you're seeing on the forum now, are just as insincere, even though they're longer. Like unilateral mentioned, people will write whatever they want in order to reach the required number of posts to have their old access to the gallery back. It's annoying, but it's to be expected.
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