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Danaya seems defeated and lacklustre.    Tonights bathtime with Adele was barely playful, as though Danaya knows she won't get anywhere and has stopped trying.


If Aida has left to get away from the bad feeling for a while, even though Danaya has been friendly, she must feel a little guilty because she has stayed so close to Adele.


And still D masturbates under the covers - a great sex drive every night - but no fun for us.


If Adele were to leave Aida and Danaya might have some great times - real warmth there seems possible.   But until that day Danaya needs to get some playfulness back into the apartment.   Throw those covers off.   


She gave us great times with Ilona, has a lovely body, a kind nature; she deserves longer in the apartment.  


But if the fun does not return this weekend lets ask the RLC gods to smile on us and for two new girls to be with Aida when she returns.

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We have to give Danaya a chance with out Adele there. I really don't think she is feeling well, and i also think shes tired of Adeles bullshit. She didn't want to go out last night, but probably did because it was Adeles last fling. And tonight she really even didn't want to go and bath with Adele! Shes just sick and tired!!

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Do believe Danaya is one wired girl.  So much sexual teasing by both Ilona AND Adele has left Danaya about wound as tight as a tick.  Would have to put tonights tub soak as a last attempt to do more but to no avail.  With Aida gone for a few days or so her only option is Adele.  Yeah, that looked to me to be a last attempt.  Going to bed totally naked but covering completely up kind of makes a statement of it's own.  In my opinion Adele needs to get her walking papers, Aida needs to get back and #3 on site.  And #3 needs to have a big heart and lots of social skills, attractive and Bi wouldn't hurt either.  Just my opinion here, just me saying what's on my mind.

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Just woken up and see apt u/m as forecast. Agree with you guys for most of D's recent demeanor but even if Adele does leave and allows D to make a better life for herself with Aida and/or a new girl (as you say wgigi a beautiful, strong willed bi darlin), I'm afraid that will not solve the complete problem. I believe D's biggest hangup is she's got the hots for the bloke she sees regularly maybe even in love, so she will keep seeing him whoever is in the apt. If you have daughters then you know what they are like when that happens! Even as a wild card, Adele leaves apt but sets up shop in Barca to pursue her other "interests" and D keeps meeting up outside. Now there's a nightmare scenario. Please may it never happen for our Danaya's sake.

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