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Danaya seems defeated and lacklustre.    Tonights bathtime with Adele was barely playful, as though Danaya knows she won't get anywhere and has stopped trying.


If Aida has left to get away from the bad feeling for a while, even though Danaya has been friendly, she must feel a little guilty because she has stayed so close to Adele.


And still D masturbates under the covers - a great sex drive every night - but no fun for us.


If Adele were to leave Aida and Danaya might have some great times - real warmth there seems possible.   But until that day Danaya needs to get some playfulness back into the apartment.   Throw those covers off.   


She gave us great times with Ilona, has a lovely body, a kind nature; she deserves longer in the apartment.  


But if the fun does not return this weekend lets ask the RLC gods to smile on us and for two new girls to be with Aida when she returns.

Aida made a baby in the Adele's back and this is the reason of all of this, so please let down this stupid Aida !!!

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Dear Viewer,


I'm sitting on my own on the settee on Saturday night when I'd rather be clubbing with my mate Adele.


But what can I do?    Adele won't talk to my other mate Aida and she won't even play with my tits now.


Aida looks upset so she went to bed early, and Our Elsie won't let us go out any more because we let people down.  


So we're bored but we're supposed to be fun.


Any Ideas?


Love Danaya

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First of all,  love you Danaya---And I want to have your baby. Iam more then willing to play with your tits if no one else will. Hell with Adele and  Aida. Even though this post seems a little suspect, I believe it is truly you.  Your future husband--Vampire.     LOL

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Dear Vampire,


You are so sweet and trusting.   I too am a simple straightforward girl from Kiev.


In my country we have a saying - if you want my assets show me yours.   My friend Adele says a balance sheet or a simple trading statement tells you a lot about your future husband.





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Earlier Danaya and Aide were in the kitchen talking and Adele was sitting at the table eating...surprise surprise .. they looked like they were getting along, then Danaya said something to her about the face cream she had on and Aide washed it off right away.... They had a little laugh then Aide went upstairs... Danaya  said a few words shaking her head then ran out and whispered what she said to Aide to Adele, looking upstairs to make sure Aide wasn't listening ... Obviously it was doing something to her forehead that Danaya thought was funny and had to share....Hmmmm... Me, Myself and I were not very impressed by what she did... Goes to show just who's side she has taken.... Shame... Thought she was a good kid... :(

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Boofer69 and so it would seem.  As much as I like Danaya I'm just not into like seeing her go over to the "dark side" inasmuch as it appears Adele has her own agenda and when the time comes, I don't think Danaya will be part of the plan.  By my count today marks Danayas 61st day there which hints to me that she will go full term and hopefully (my wishes only) Adele's 60th day comes April 5th and she doesn't see her 61st day here.

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If D does the same tomorrow night, perhaps with a bit of spanking (Adele's trigger I suspect), she may be surprised.   Adele is still tossing in her bed now - after D's loving assault I'm surprised she's hasn't tossed herself off.   But she is clearly affected, tempted I would say.


And if Adele has only 5 or 6 days left she just may throw caution to the winds.    These girls have real lives to go back to - sniggering comments to be faced - so it is a dilemma: give in to the one-off experience with the excuse of an artificial situation or forego release with someone you've forged real emotion for.   Yes, seems to me tough cookie Adele is in turmoil at the moment.


Don't be too hard on her chaps - Danaya is a kind person, and will in turn become besotted with Aida once Adele goes.    And Adele's just been fighting her corner as Ilona did when she arrived, and no doubt Aida will do in her turn.

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