mikeusa Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 On 4/9/2016 at 5:29 PM, Booffer69 said: Gotta luv it that they are now getting along........Great to see....... Today they must of mucked out the laundry room.... they came down with 9 bags full of what I think might of been clothes.... Guess they are going out to give them away.......lol.... no there site them back to adele Quote
delta10 Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 Danaya gets along with Aida and Vika at housemate level. Yes she seemed playful today and we know she prefers company but maybe finds both Aida and Vika less experienced in the 'education of life'. She talks to Aida a bit but I guess now they have little new to discuss and one thought is gets fed up with repeats. When Danaya cooked today she was talking with Aida in the kitchen and they were looking at her tablet. However she took her food to her room showing then her choice was to be alone. Physically Vika seems less inhibited but so far I have not seen them together very often so limited opportunity for any intimacy to develop, hopefully that will change in the next few days. Once away from RLC I too think it is likely she will meet up with Adele again and for more than a chat over a coffee. happyman 1 Quote
wgigi Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 "Shipping" eight or nine "plastic bags" of clothes how far or for how much cost? Sorry people, just doesn't make a bit of sense to me. My guess would be more like cleaning the laundry room out of crap that has been accumulating ever since the apartment opened. A little here from each girl, a little there all adds up to a bunch of throw away stuff. Just my opinion people. toolmaker123 1 Quote
happyman Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 I'm glad to see that Danaya appeared to resist any temptation last night and came back as a threesome from wherever they went. Who clothes were in the bags we will probably never know and does it really matter. My initial fears of her having a blow out after being cooped up for so long, looked to be a misreading on my part so let's hope she won't break out before it's her time to leave and let herself down. Maybe the ghost of Adele or the extrasensory individual (thanks Yury for the translation) is looking down and protecting her Quote
happyman Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Sadly it looks like the wheels have fallen off the convent girl image. A week of abstinence has been too much for her but what triggered her exit from the apartment this afternoon? It's a pity we don't understand the phone conversations since I suspect this has all been pre-planned but for how long?. So the big question for me is has she gone to meet her local boyfriend or is Adele back in town and she's gone to meet her. So why take a change of clothes in the black shoulder bag if not for a later date at maybe a disco club? All will be revealed when she eventually gets back and in what condition. The King was correct ; Suspicious Minds run riot especially when you don't want to know what's really happening Quote
delta10 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Don't rule out Adele being back in Barcelona but not with RLC. Why 1 - She left bags in the laundry room. Bags from there were taken out of the apartment on Saturday. 2 - Her fan page was started on 7 February. If she had a 90 day visa it will not expire until around 5 May. Quote
roy1 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 i agree delta danaya would not be out on her own late at night seems shes dependant on adele to run her life for her Quote
roy1 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 wont be seeing much of danaya for her last week may as well move out now to be with her lord & master Quote
cowboy Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 When Danaya left the apt today it was 13:10. She was dressed in jeans and a T-Shirt. She had showered and washed her hair. She took her big black bag with her. In that she had 2 dresses, and a pair of panty hose. She didn't put any make up on, and from what I could see, she didn't take any with here. On her way out she took a pair of high heels out of one of the bags sitting by the entry way. I assume those are Adele's belongings. Near as I can figure she was going to a photo shoot. I don't know any thing about photo shoots but I don't think they take this long. She probably stopped for drinks some place for a night out. After putting up with Aida these last few days, I can totally understand why the poor girl needs a night out and a few drinks!! Btw, did I mention I liked Vika's butt!! wgigi 1 Quote
roy1 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 no cowboy that is no photo shoot as me & delta suspect adeles visa has not expired but rlc did dont think well see much of danaya now this will have all been planned before adele left yet another piss take by these 2 for paying members Quote
happyman Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Sorry to disappoint you cowboy and me by the way but all evidence from today would suggest the bitch is back in town and sadly our girl has gone running like a puppy dog. Sad isn't it that she can't be her own self! She did keep her promise though that she wouldn't go clubbing after she left and now she is out and took her clothes change. It doesn't take much to work out does it. What a silly, misguided girl. Quote
roy1 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 i totally agree happyman how the hell is she to go forward in life hanging onto someone like adele its like shes been hypnotised all this crap about adele having contacts yes she has in escorting and all that kind of shit its been said that theres videos on internet that adeles into & it aint kids tv danaya could put here looks to alot better use nowt we can do its her life to ruin Quote
cowboy Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Just noticed something that makes total sense to what you guys are saying. The bags i the entry way are gone from what I can see. I didn't see them go but they're gone now! Quote
cowboy Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Aida and Vika must have been in on it. That's why the light in the entry way was turned off. So we couldn't see them come in and get them. Quote
cowboy Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Sorry guys. Just double checked something. The bags are still there! wgigi 1 Quote
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