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iloner quite often (peace time) orders were given a month ahead of departure or assignments.  Especially those personnel who got their military discharge orders became rather useless and attitudes became FIIGMO!  F**k it I got my orders.  Kinda like Danaya is now.  Just waiting for the last few weeks to pass and then go home.  

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Agree wgigi that is Danaya's attitude.   She has forgotten her purpose in being there is to provide us with entertainment.


Just now she returned home from being out with Vika and appeared to throw a Fuck you sign up the stairs to Aida.   Ten minutes later a very scantily clad Aida was on Danaya's bed - they seemed to be laughing, and Danaya grabbed Aida's nipple and squeezed it (at last I thought) and then quite aggressively grabbed her bum, almost as though she poked her with a finger.    I think she was saying get dressed, and shortly Aida and Vika went out.


My guess is that Danaya still views Aida with dislike because of Adele's issues, but at the same time the dislike is mixed with sexual frustration at Aida's delicious closeness.   Danaya finds it hard to keep her hands off her.  


To`promote harmony in the house, and seal her forthcoming status as house mother, Vika should encourage a massage session tonight (after 12pm LT please).   Aida needs to get her legs across Danaya and do to those tits what she did to Danaya's hands the other day. 

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yea  last  ditch  attempt  before they  both  go    dont  know  whether  aidas  going  for  good  or   just home   visiting  again   mikeusa   heard  shes  leaving  on  18th    another  guy  on  chat  box    said   it   was   just   a  visit   home      danaya  due  to  go   20th  or  she   might  go   before         so  vika could  be   on  here    own   for  day  or  two

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Thunderguts - might explain why she's behaved towards Aida today like an oppressive stormcloud.  


Right now she's being charming towards Vika, but Vika has already been in to find a disheartened Aida had gone to bed early and she can guess why.   


At least Vika had a day in the sun - she's got a touch of sunburn on her bum.    She might have let Aida rub some cream in, but not Danaya I think.  


They are sat at the table chatting.   Maybe Danaya is trying one last try, but once again targeting the wrong girl.


She's spent 90 days in a barrel of tits, and will come out sucking her own thumb.

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Thunderguts - might explain why she's behaved towards Aida today like an oppressive stormcloud.  


Right now she's being charming towards Vika, but Vika has already been in to find a disheartened Aida had gone to bed early and she can guess why.   


At least Vika had a day in the sun - she's got a touch of sunburn on her bum.    She might have let Aida rub some cream in, but not Danaya I think.  


They are sat at the table chatting.   Maybe Danaya is trying one last try, but once again targeting the wrong girl.


She's spent 90 days in a barrel of tits, and will come out sucking her own w

what are u talking about

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Hi mikeusa - Danaya has been uncharacteristically aggressive today - described earlier today 12.47pm.    This has left Aida feeling fed up, which Vika noticed.   


I ascribed D's behaviour to a mixture of left-over issues from the spat Adele had with Aida and sexual frustration, but Thunderguts suggests it might be her period.


D is now talking to Vika and occasionally displaying her tits to great advantage.    But it is my view that while Aida has always been interested in Danaya and so might have returned sexual advances, D is showing interest in Vika, but I think it will come to nothing because Vika is not interested.


In my view there has been considerable evidence that D is very tempted by a girl-girl session, but she has her own hang-ups. 


I'm trying to be short because I have been criticised for writing 'novels'.  

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Hi mikeusa - Danaya has been uncharacteristically aggressive today - described earlier today 12.47pm.    This has left Aida feeling fed up, which Vika noticed.   


I ascribed D's behaviour to a mixture of left-over issues from the spat Adele had with Aida and sexual frustration, but Thunderguts suggests it might be her period.


D is now talking to Vika and occasionally displaying her tits to great advantage.    But it is my view that while Aida has always been interested in Danaya and so might have returned sexual advances, D is showing interest in Vika, but I think it will come to nothing because Vika is not interested.


In my view there has been considerable evidence that D is very tempted by a girl-girl session, but she has her own hang-ups. 


I'm trying to be short because I have been criticised for writing 'novels'.  

Tell me who is criticizing you for writing 'novels';


             I think your posts and comments are very tangible.


                      Don't let anyone sway you from writing INTELLIGENT comments.

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it's funny how you think danaya is gay or bi but she not from yury transation  danaya never admit being gay or bi to any of the gril's at all and also from the body language i been reading and the facial expressions she is not  interest in any of them at all and the conversation go no were at all  all they do is women talk . but only thing admits to is watching porn having deperssion.           iloner i'm just going by what i been seeing  and reading off them is there body language  you can write your novels lol  we are all friend's  here .

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Thanks mikeusa and toolmaker.


Aida has just gone off on her own with a book.   I think she has tried hard to be friends with Danaya but D just does not want this.    The result is that the playfulness and interaction between the girls which made the apartment such fun in the past is now missing.    


We can try to make our own fun by talking up the possibility of girl-girl based on that favourite storyline - girl A secretly wants girl B but is too shy to come out because in her home culture such things are not ok.   There is plenty of behaviour to support this for Danaya if you look for it, but of course this is inconclusive until love-making actually happens, and even if it did happen would not mean the girls are lesbians just because they seek solace in an artificial situation where they are positively encouraged.   For me the possibility that cooping three beautiful girls up together might create real sexual tension is much more compelling than complete fakery like VV.


Or we could ask who is managing the apartment and setting objectives to keep viewers entertained?  Was there a deliberate plan behind the casting of Aida which went awry because of unexpected real-life drama from the past?   Then we might speculate on what changes might happen from August under new owners, and whether we already know who the new owners are, and if we have that right then any changes to be made should be good ones.


In either case  - a storyline of frustrated longing leading nowhere, or cynical exploitation of gullible viewers for profit (but what's wrong with that if we think we are getting value for money) - eventually we all get bored if there is no action at all.


Like most of us, I know nothing, and any speculation is just me trying to make some fun when actually the apartment has been pretty dull to watch for the last couple of weeks.

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I'm trying to be short because I have been criticised for writing 'novels'.  


You just keep writing your "novels", I find them entertaining to read.


Danaya doesn't seem to want to make an effort to interact with Aida and Vika. From where I'm sitting, I can only guess ofcourse. Maybe there's not much of a connection or shared interest between them? I don't know their exact ages, but I think Danaya is about 6 to 8 years older than Aida and Vika. It could also be that Danaya is just "doing her time" now untill she can pack and leave and can't be bothered connecting with Aida and Vika, knowing she will leave them in a couple of days.


I will be sad when Danaya leaves, even after everything that has been going on in that appartment in the past weeks, Danaya is still my favorite RLC girl I've seen live on cam so far. I know Irma is the favourite of most people here, but I've only been a member since the final couple of days of Irma and Anna, so I haven't seen them on the cams a lot, for them I am limited to what you guys posted in the forums and the gallery. Again, sad to see Danaya go, but it really is best for her, she doesn't look anything like the happy and playfull Danaya that joined us almost three months ago.

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You just keep writing your "novels", I find them entertaining to read.


Danaya doesn't seem to want to make an effort to interact with Aida and Vika. From where I'm sitting, I can only guess ofcourse. Maybe there's not much of a connection or shared interest between them? I don't know their exact ages, but I think Danaya is about 6 to 8 years older than Aida and Vika. It could also be that Danaya is just "doing her time" now untill she can pack and leave and can't be bothered connecting with Aida and Vika, knowing she will leave them in a couple of days.


I will be sad when Danaya leaves, even after everything that has been going on in that appartment in the past weeks, Danaya is still my favorite RLC girl I've seen live on cam so far. I know Irma is the favourite of most people here, but I've only been a member since the final couple of days of Irma and Anna, so I haven't seen them on the cams a lot, for them I am limited to what you guys posted in the forums and the gallery. Again, sad to see Danaya go, but it really is best for her, she doesn't look anything like the happy and playfull Danaya that joined us almost three months ago.



I agree with this - physical age gap, experience / education of life and now just waiting to go. Another thought is not wanting to start any form of deep relationship with Aida or Vika only to have the mental misery of it being broken up after just a few days.


As to favourites for me Irma is still top, perhaps because of what I think would have happened if she had stayed 60 days, but Danaya is very close behind.

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