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 Has anyone ever seen Paul or Leora take the little dog out for a walk. Just wonderin how long that little guy has to hold it. Perhaps their house smells like Maya and Stepan's?

 If he has a doggy door, wouldn't they have to do the Saturday, "Pickin up dog doo?"


 SO many questions for you, Hollywood !!


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Hollywood I watched from the time Paul got up and left (for work or wherever) very early; like 4 hours later Leora got up and showered and primped herself as always. Dressed and left for her job or whatever. Paul came back an hour after she left. Neither one took the dog out all day and into that night even after Leora returned at  6 pm.

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I never specified when. But, I have seen Leora take the dog out. Perhaps she took the dog to the vet. Who knows. But, she has taken the dog out of the apartment more than once. I know because I have seen her do it. I just have never seen Paul do it. And, I know the dog has shit in the apartment, because I saw that too, and I watched Leora clean it. As to when I saw any of this, it was over the summer. If I had known it would ever be newsworthy, then I would have mentioned it back then.

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Yes, what about the dog's feelings? When the couples aren't fucking for days and keeping us waiting, it's the pets that fill in for the entertainment, right? So, someone should speak for the pets. LOL!


Actually, on a more serious note. Does anyone remember when Katya & Ruslan had their dog and how Ruslan was abusing it? There was an outcry on our old board and the CC Board. Then, in a day or two the dog was gone. That was the first time when I started believing that RLC was paying attention to the boards and our demands. 


In times like these, whether it is abusing a pet or whenever there is physical abuse between the couples, I would hope RLC is always intervene. I still remember whenever Alma was pulling on Stefan (aka ass clown) and trying to keep him from leaving. I was glad that it didn't get more physical than that, but Isabel was fucking insane. Marcelo was lucky to get out of there alive. If he still is alive. 

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