hello for everyone
ım here wıth you around 2 years
fırst of all sorry about my eng
ı had thıs problem whıch ı attach photo
so ı have 2 connectıon one is with wi-fi
otherone is cable connection
ı had thıs screed fırst wıth the wifi but ı dıd not pay attentıon coz ı was connect wıth cable but now ı have same screen wıth the cableone
ı try to communıcate wıth support team RLC they are answerıng me but they just tell try dıfferent browser thats all
so ı lıve ın turkey we have some ıssue about ınternet protocols whıch ıs ım not allowed to go ın rlc so ı use VPN
I trıed 5 kınd of dıfferent vpn ı changed my dns ı restart my router but ım stıll at same problem
ıf u guys help me ı wıll be pleasure