and second thıng ıs how ıts happen ontime ı mean we talk ıt here about secret room she close the door ıt just lıke otherday alına and anton was sleepıng cam was down then they move to lıvıng room wıerd what you thınk they send a message or what
i agree with this coz sometimes i follow them if they go to bathroom for pee or somethıng ıts ok ıts hıdden but when they even dont go to toilet they disapear
actually ı dont understand what can they to there ?? ıts more ımportant
i love that pll who are in here membershipo here so i am not sure that is first or not but if you want to record to cam i mean anyone free or not that program is really great and easy to use i can not remember is it free or not i set it up 2 years ago i never update it but maybe you can download lastest version or freeone
camtasia studio 6
take it easy