If "ivandopalo", a member of CC is actually D&E, then there was more than just their identity being discovered.
ivandopalo wrote:
"it is because of the stalking, posting photos and videos from RLC, posting photos from facebook and some other stuff.
why can't u just watch?
be nice and we'll come back.
thanks to people who support us."
And, I can hardly blame them for leaving. Someone has crossed the line (and I cannot blame them either). The internet is fair game. There isn't any policing or protection except by the sites themselves, and half the time that's not even good enough. Ironically, too many of us want the freedom the internet offers without any rules, but when we are negatively affected, then they want protection for ourselves. Unfortunately, we can't have it both ways.
In D&E's case, hopefully they were informed (by RLC) of the consequences of participating in RLC. If not, then I would hope they at least have self knowledge and/or an understanding of what can happen. It's the same with any of us who have a facebook, instagram, myspace, twitter, email etc. account/profile. No matter what policies are in place, there is no guarentee that any information you upload and share with others will be completely protected.
But, more importantly, I would hope that all of the couples on RLC would take a lesson from the Hollywood celebrities and learn how to best protect themselves from outsiders (i.e. stalkers and any other unwanted fans). RLC should also work harder in protecting these couples as well.
I think RLC is doing everything they can to protect these couples' identities. Simultaneously, they are in uncharted waters and didn't expect things to turn out as they have. The watermark is just one example, as well as their attempts in ridding pics and vids from the message boards.
I really hope that D&E comes back. I was just about to leave RLC until they were added. I guess we'll see what happens this month.