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Posts posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. Sería genial juntas o por separado ambas se lo merecen


    Eu poderia ir para Alma & Isabel dividindo um apartamento. Esmola poderia trazer para casa sua nova namorada nunca vimos ou um novo namorado, se ela tem um. E, Isabel daria muita animação (já que ela é tão psicótico e amor para relaxar nu).


    For those too lazy to use a translator:


    I could go for Alma & Isabel sharing an apartment. Alms could bring home her new girlfriend we have never seen or a new boyfriend, if she has one. And, Isabel would provide plenty of entertainment (since she is so psycho and love to lounge around nude).

  2. Oh yeah, I see Leora in the background. I knew she was up to something. Now we know. LOL!



    Note: Before anyone goes all crazy, the above comment is meant as a joke. I did NOT really see Leora in any of the pics.

  3. Do you guys think if each one of us email RCL asking for Alma & Isabel back would they respond and would they try to bring them back? I miss Isabel as for Alma she's before my time in RLC but I have seen a few videos and pictures she looks hot. I would like them back. It would had been nice instead of Monica & Kamila they brought Alma and Isabel back as single girls to replace Alisa & Nika. It would be lots of action !!   


    It couldn't hurt.

  4. Mr. Hollywood; thanks a lot..


    Of all the member on this board, you are one of my favorites. You fuck with me all the time and I just haven't paid it too much attention. So, I just figured in order to keep up my "Mr. Perfect" image, then I should do something about it.


    Note: This is Hollywood, and I approve this message!  8)

  5. its all fake but who cares? ??? id like an older couple to join RLC and to get rid of V&L!!! who do u think should go???


    An older couple? Well, we have had Sophia & Roman, who appeared much "older" than the rest of the tenants on RLC. If I had to hold them as the standard for all older couples then they were ultimately not well received by most of the members...not for being older, but for the lack of performance. 


    I'm all for an older couple, considering they are a reasonably attractive couple and have an active sex life.


    If they can meet that criteria, then great!

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