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  1. I have to admit I will miss her. She was by far my favorite on RLC. I am sure she misses her home and her privacy. If she is happy then I am happy for her.
  2. A professional Photo shoot for one model with a couple of wardrobe changes takes a minimum of 4 hours assuming everything goes smoothly which it never does. 6 to 8 hours is typical. Initial makeup along takes almost an hour. It also takes time for the model and photag to sync. It would not be uncommon for a model to come home with makeup on and to be exhausted and ready for a bath. Not saying that is what she did but it could be possible
  3. I would not be surprised if they are going out somewhere and the body paint is their outfit,
  4. They both seem to be into it but it never gets beyond touching. It does not become sexual
  5. I am not sure if they are into each other or just playing for the camera.
  6. Thank you all for the information. It has been very enlightening. I cannot figure them out.
  7. My guess is because they want to bait guest into buying a subscription
  8. Wow those are great. I have not seen them go it. Thanks
  9. For me hiding from the camera. I would prefer if there were no areas in the apts to hide including the toilet.
  10. I also wonder how guests are handled. I would assume the rule for this are strict and would not be surprised if there is some notification posted somewhere. I would also assume the housemates are required to tell guests about the cameras are face immediate eviction. Also the cameras are visible not hidden.
  11. That is a good one, but it is really hard to pick a favorite.
  12. Hobbist


    Thanks for the suggestions. I am going to give puffin a try for my driod.
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