maybe its just me .but i don't see the fun loving girl from the old apartment she seams sad and distant now ,oh and a ton more clothes on ALL THE TIME ,what do you guys think ?
i kinda like that i cant understand what their saying .makes it a bit more fun trying to figure out whats going on lol ,body language facial expressions,voice tone
i dunno about Lev..ive seen this guy in his kangaroo pjs ,,go for a shower and put the same damn dirty clothes back on ,so im pretty sure the dude don't worry about socks lol
I rather enjoy watching this couple ,they always seam to be having fun and care for each-other deeply .and Nelly is always so happy and cheerful she make me smile alot of days just watching her have fun
i saw paul check out the history on the pc or something to that effect that completely lost his chit on Leora ,next thing i know i hear a loud bang and see Pual lunging away from her while she burst into tears.the girl looked scared as chit too ,she ran away he chased,standard abuse cycle ,,why Leora just could do sooooooooooo much better ,,
so after a couple rejections from leora paul starts sitting in the guest room in the dark playing his sad guitar with the door closed while watching himself in the mirror wtf ..could this be the end of what ever sanity he has left lol