iloner Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 I love the thought that occasionally we get to know what is actually being said Various people have access to translations and seem to know what is going on; others dismiss translations as crap Sometimes it is possible to know they were right - example the date of the visit of Kammi's parents. Other times not so accurate - Danaya was supposed to go on the 20th and she is still in bed this morning the 21st but clearly is going soon But no wonder - the job of translating is difficult; you have to hear what is said accurately, write it down clearly, and when we read it there is no context for us to interpret. What is said might be true at the time but change later. Those that do it work hard on our behalf. Yury, Kitek, porkchop, mikeusa do often seem to know more of what is going on than the rest of us While others think translations spread disinformation I'm confused - what examples are there out there of translations getting it wrong or right? toolmaker123 1 Quote
toolmaker123 Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 While it is hard to know how accurate they translate as some of their dialogue makes no sense; then again, Does rlc really make any sense? I for one am glad to have some assimilation to what they are talking about anyways. Hawkeye 1 Quote
Hawkeye Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 Seeing as there is now new english owners of RLC , maybe they will gradually intergrate english speaking couples into the project , i understand contracts have to be seen out , so maybe it might take time , But in the meantime do we really want to know what silly little russian girls are saying , i find it better and funnier to imagine what there saying danya speaking in russian " my arse is getting bigger " whilst looking at it ,, translated to english in what we think she is saying " i bet them fukin pervs watching me would love to slam there salami up my arse " porksword1, wgigi, cowboy and 1 other 4 Quote
wgigi Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 How in the hell are we non Russian speakers supposed to know what is actually translated accurately and what is guessing? To me this last "translation" reads more like a dime novel written by someone with a hard on. NO, don't need this kind of supposed "translating", let me watch and interpret as I see fit, that is a big part of the fun. AND I KNOW the source!!! And yes, if new management could bring in some English speaking tenants, that would be superb. This post is of my opinion only. No facts! cowboy, Mooka, Servo and 2 others 5 Quote
Robwin Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 I love the thought that occasionally we get to know what is actually being said Various people have access to translations and seem to know what is going on; others dismiss translations as crap Sometimes it is possible to know they were right - example the date of the visit of Kammi's parents. Other times not so accurate - Danaya was supposed to go on the 20th and she is still in bed this morning the 21st but clearly is going soon But no wonder - the job of translating is difficult; you have to hear what is said accurately, write it down clearly, and when we read it there is no context for us to interpret. What is said might be true at the time but change later. Those that do it work hard on our behalf. Yury, Kitek, porkchop, mikeusa do often seem to know more of what is going on than the rest of us. While others think translations spread disinformation I'm confused - what examples are there out there of translations getting it wrong or right? You ask in another post what is the difference between rumour & translations, answer is nothing, they are both mostly bullshit. The last one i had heard was that Kammi's mother was coming to visit end of last week at 4:pm on a certain day, the next thing we see is that Kammi & Kristy are away on holiday so that was a load of bollocks for a start. As far as the Dayana leaving date well they got that wrong again but they were probably just guessing anyway due to the length of time she has been here and visa lengths so no great success there either. I suspect the odd ones they get sort of right is just guessing and luck. Even so i fail to understand why so many members seem to want to get involved in their private lives etc all it does is probably show what shallow lives they live and just want to get involved in the lives of people they will never ever meet or speak to which i do find rather sad. Why members just can't follow and enjoy what they see without wanting to get so involved and wanting to elaborate on things they don't see and never will is beyond me. When you dare question them over the validity of their crystal ball facts they get all upset and start calling you names for daring to question them. To have a discussion like this is good without having to get over heated and throw insults around. I find it funny that many members moan about the time some of them spend on their phones,ipads or laptops which is quite true but they seem to forget that many of them are doing exactly the same thing watching them lol. I only come on for the odd hour say every so often but certainly don't spend all day glued to my computer which many do in the hope of seeing someone shagg or rub off lol. If it happens whilst i am on fine but if not i have much better things to do in the day without being glued to a computer monitor all day. Anyway rant over. porksword1, CowArt, skippy and 2 others 5 Quote
skippy Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 i for one would leave it as it is.. its more fun thinking you know whats going on. but in the end turns out you got it wrong again.if it was in English who wants to know about one of mayas cats have just shit under the bed and the smell is really bad..or carla saying to maro when you f*ck me up the ass last night it has made me keep wanting a sh*t i would not want to know thing like that i would not like to hear a lot of things they are talking about . so i would leave it as it is not knowing is probably better than knowing.. Robwin, Scotsman84 and porksword1 3 Quote
Mooka Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 I equate the 'translators' and those that quote them continuously like a broken clock - twice each day they are correct but for the other 23 hours and 58 minutes they are wrong. If they keep on saying a certain tenant is leaving, and the tenant eventually does leave - they all proclaim how they were right but they never mention how often they are wrong! I know I could create a fake profile, say I am fluent in all the Slavic languages and write whatever crap my fertile imagination can come up with and half the people here will not only believe it but quote me as a reliable reference and defend what I say as if it is gospel. I honestly don't know why some here have to think the rest of us are interested if a certain tenant has a boyfriend, or what they did when they went out, or what they did before joining the Project. To me it just shows how some here can't differentiate reality with fantasy! Robwin, CowArt and wgigi 3 Quote
iloner Posted April 22, 2016 Author Posted April 22, 2016 Sorry, I'd like to quote from a couple of posts but I don't know how. Having careful accurate translations puts us in the same position as if the girls spoke English, and some of us would welcome that. Robwin - rumour can't be pinned down so it is best ignored until it becomes more concrete. Translation comes from a specified source and can be tested. Yes, I enjoy discussion when it doesn't get overheated. Mooka - lets use this thread to evaluate the accuracy of translations by looking at examples. We can then judge how often translations offer useful information or whether they are more usually disseminating crap. At the moment my impression is translators work hard to offer us insights into the girls lives and I like that. A girl telling us (in conversation) that she has a boyfriend is not the same as trawling the internet for her VK account and posting details she may not want to share. mikeusa has given us an opportunity to test. He posted last night that he knows the Barca girls have plans for today. Perhaps he might post more detail if he felt encouraged. I would find it useful to know if the girls planned to be out from xx hours to yy hours, wouldn't you. At the moment they are all three asleep. This is only one small example so whether right or wrong it does not give an answer, just a little part of an answer. Quote
Mooka Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 iloner - here is my take on translators and those that quote them continuously like they are the words of the almighty - WHY! Why do we need to know, all that does is encourage wild arse guesses, totally made up stories and for a few, a reason to delve even deeper into that murky semi-stalker world just to try to find out what nightclub the girls might have gone to. The thing is, there is NO CONFIRMATION, and when asked for proof, you normally get abused (a sure sign they are probably lying through their teeth). But you want examples right, so how about the following tidbits of investigative investigation by these translators; Ilona was a madam of a prostitution ring and was forcing the other girls to work for her Kami is breaking up with her boyfriend (day later they are screwing their little butts off on cam) Kristy has a boyfriend (never proven, never seen) Danaya is going home on the 20th April, no wait, the 21st of April, wait one, the 22nd April. Hell why didn't they just list every date in the month! Adele bullied Aida - all I saw were two girls who didn't get along, I never saw any one sided bullying, it seemed both disliked each other pretty evenly Danaya won't go all the way with the girls because she was traumatized seeing porn as a child Danaya is a lesbian (well to be honest, every girl in that apartment has been called a lesbian) As for Mikeusa saying the girls are going out today. Well think about it: 3 young girls - 1 of them only just arrived, alone in a foreign city, and probably have money for the first time in their lives, AND IT IS FRIDAY NIGHT! Of course they will probably go out, it is a no brainer. Hell I could post every week that the girls will go out either Friday or Saturday night - with absolutely no proof) and probably be right more times than I am wrong. So yes he may be right, but was this earth shattering information gleamed from a translator or just a well educated guess? Robwin 1 Quote
iloner Posted April 22, 2016 Author Posted April 22, 2016 Hi Mooka - I can see you could attempt to make a case for all of the examples you give above, though I don't think I have seen the claims about Ilona as you state them. The trouble is that the kind of balanced measured accurate language needed to ensure we remain fair to the truth of any particular situation is quite boring. So I guess we get a lot of exaggeration that is not meant to be misleading. Over-statement for fun, sloppy writing because we are in a hurry, not quite using the right phrases because English is not our first lauguage etc etc all might give rise to misunderstandings. But most of the translations I see sound reasonable. As I recall Kami's Mum and Dad did turn up when predicted and we all had fun when her Dad caused meltdown at RLC by using the unusable loo (ok, the apartment went UM - see what I mean by how easy it is to find yourself exaggerating). It sounds as though it is the third party reporting of them that you find exaggerated. But we shouldn't blame the translators for that. So is the solution to be more moderate in our language - at the risk of being dull? Or more understanding of others points of view? Quote
MEE4YOUU Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Sorry, I'd like to quote from a couple of posts but I don't know how. Having careful accurate translations puts us in the same position as if the girls spoke English, and some of us would welcome that. Robwin - rumour can't be pinned down so it is best ignored until it becomes more concrete. Translation comes from a specified source and can be tested. Yes, I enjoy discussion when it doesn't get overheated. Mooka - lets use this thread to evaluate the accuracy of translations by looking at examples. We can then judge how often translations offer useful information or whether they are more usually disseminating crap. At the moment my impression is translators work hard to offer us insights into the girls lives and I like that. A girl telling us (in conversation) that she has a boyfriend is not the same as trawling the internet for her VK account and posting details she may not want to share. mikeusa has given us an opportunity to test. He posted last night that he knows the Barca girls have plans for today. Perhaps he might post more detail if he felt encouraged. I would find it useful to know if the girls planned to be out from xx hours to yy hours, wouldn't you. At the moment they are all three asleep. This is only one small example so whether right or wrong it does not give an answer, just a little part of an answer. Thumbs up but hold your horses man and let the guys make their guesses and let 's have fun toolmaker123 and porksword1 2 Quote
skippy Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 i am not siding with anyone .as it sometimes gets a bit silly .watching grown men nearly crying over someone disbelieving what another person says is true .. i personally would rather not know what they are saying to each other and just try and guess whats going on listening to ppls translations only ends in disappointment and fall outs over who is teling porkys and who isunt this is only my opinion Quote
flab Posted April 23, 2016 Posted April 23, 2016 Ilona being the booking agent for an escort agency was definitely mentioned multiple times as being the explanation why she was on her laptop all day, and going to the laundry room to make confidential business calls. Was this supposedly from translators, or just speculation, I can't say, but it was said both in the chat and in the forums. And it turned out to be wrong. If anyone is interested, the Google Translate phone app can help. however, it only works when only one person speaks at a time, and there's no echo or background noise. I was able to hear Bogdan shout to Nelly from the kitchen to their bedroom "I have 3 pages left!" but otherwise, there's always too much interference from the TV or cross-talk. Mooka 1 Quote
Majestria Posted April 23, 2016 Posted April 23, 2016 Personally, I could care less what these people are actually saying. I understand some Italian and Spanish, and have understood what was going on in the couple of Latin apartments, but I would have preferred to have my own narration. To me, these people live in a bubble and knowing what they are talking about makes it too real. Half these people are deadbeats, anyway. Why not have some humour and make it fun. As for those who want the translation, that's up to them to decide for themselves. There's no right or wrong way of looking at it. Quote
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