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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Sounds like you are talking about efim and nympho and I hope they don't get an apartment on rlc

    I think they should get an apartment, "after all look what Lev did to Zoya" and he is still there with Zoya and she seems to love him even more.  I believe Efim should get another chance I am sure you and others watch them make out and have sex just like the rest of us do. They are having sex more than the over paid ones anyway. 8)

  2. I don't know if this new thing is RLC marketing or what? I hear a lot that this is the first sexual thing SugarBonnie has done. I have not seen her on CAM4 but I have seen her engage in three sexual encounters: 1) at a party, all the girls sucked her tits, 2) after the party, she dry fucked Elvis (both had on panties) in the bedroom and 3) they brought in a guy who fucked her one night in the guest room; 

    OK...i missed that one "the one with the guest". 8)

  3. We all know that after SugarBonnie came back off her one week vacation she sprung into a whole different person, the person that most of us was asking when or why haven't she done anything sexual on cam. Now that she is doing these things on cam its a big question mark for some of the members.  SugarBonnie is sexy and now I know sneaky and freaky too, I had the pleasure of watching her masturbate yesterday while she was doing her thing in front of the cam and that was the first time I have seen her do that "what a turn on" and to me it was not fake.  Maybe its me but I since a lot of JEALOUSY in that apartment now from Carina and Sabrina, they don't talk to her as much and seem to do a lot of whispering to each other.  Some members think its wrong for her to be doing what she is doing, We really don't know why she is doing it, only what we have heard or think, I think if RLC had a real problem with it she would be the first know.  I have noticed that you use to be able to look in her room late at night with the light off,  for some reason that cam won't let you anymore if she is in there with the light off and she won't move that chair either. What is she doing so different than the other young ladies in these apartments? 8)

  4. Dasha is a nice and sexy lady but who I don't think is not as happy as we see her, I think Dasha would be happy if she wasn't held down all the time by her man Demid, who also doesn't allow her to masturbate becasue he thinks he is the best lover in the world.  When their having sex "to me he is to rough with her" and he fucks like a horse with a broken leg.  As you can see I am not a big fan of his, but Dasha has friends like Nelly and she use to go to some of Nelly's parties that also has stopped.  So to me Dasha is being held down and unable to really be herself. 8)

  5. not being funny but it could also cause the apartment to be closed down i don't think rlc accepts this kinda thing it goes against there rules about the blue thing on cam4 i am talking about.

    I understand your comment, but with out Blue that apartment is dead.  When ever they bring in a guest for a few days it wakes up until Sabrina or Carina "Elivs" becomes a bit jealous.  I am glad to see Blue finally open up and who knows maybe she'll move that dam chair out of the way and turn around and show us everything special....LOL  If she is reading these posts it may just run her off anyway. "back into her shell" 8)

  6. How many of you would still view RLC if the top 7 apartment listings were removed tomorrow?

    There is so little interests in them them for me which is why I cancelled my subscription fees last summer. There's only so many times you can watch the same old thing before it gets boring.

    I understand what your saying,  but I am the opposite I like a couple of those 7 apartments "true one or two need to go" but these new girls sometimes are just as boring, with the older apartments you never know whats going to happen, but with these new "girls" apartments its like everyday clock work, after awhile you can dam near tell whats going to happen from the two in the bathtub and the two with the back rub "massage", and it always end up nothing.  When couples like Nelly and Bogdan are having a party its fun to watch and to see whats going on "never boring" to me.  Lately Dasha and Demid has had a lot of company that was intertaining.  Sasha and Dasha has also been doing good with company and something different to watch.  Carina and Sabrina they have there little fun in their apartment as well and it seems Blue is finally opening up too.  Nina and Kira they stop hiding from the cams and sometimes having sex with out the black light, they both walk around the apartment tits showing now...lol    Hector and Suzan always something going on weather its fighting or fucking to sneaking a kiss from the guest.  Yes one or two can go "Zoya and Lev" has gotten boring. since that fight they had I don't visit they apartment to much anymore.  Maya and Stepan boring they can go, Maya is sweet but her man Stepan keeps her living like she is 90yrs old.  Adriana and Daniel are starting to get boring and maybe because she works and he doesn't, for the past few weeks in been a desert in their bed.  Leora and Paul.... Leora is sexy gives us that masturbation set that a lot of people say there tired of but they keep watching no matter how many times she does it..lol they keep watching "me too"..lol  Paul can go..LOL  No do get rid of all seven just one or two.  I don't think there are any one in those seven apartments are there for a modeling career either or run around hiding in the laundry room for 2 hours or have us waiting to see if anything is going to happen half the night either. Another example "I haven't seen Leora or none of the other girls masturbate under the covers yet."  If its supose to be normal living then why hid?? 8)

  7. I hope thats just one of the many masturbation sets to come, she can really wake that apartment up if she came out of her shell and stop making us wait and wait.  Sabrina and Carina might have sex once a month and fight for a week.  Maybe Blue needs her own place she is sexy. 8)

  8. I saw Blue taking a bubble bath today and she was so sexy looking, "I guess I am going to have to get use to that tattoo" and I really don't like it at all.  Blue looks sexy and better, just wished she would come out a bit more and give me a masturbation show.  Right now I'd rather watch her then some of these other anorexia looking ones we have in these new apartments. 8)

  9.     Why does it bother you or anyone else that "ANY" comments be made either in favor of the tenants or any negative comments as well.


           THIS is the whole point of a forum; to voice opinions based on the likes and dislikes of the players.


                            Let's not rock the boat; just paddle


     BESIDES,   .... IF a new topic is started for every comment, the forum would be a mess; something Admin would NOT like and neither would any of the members.


    Comments , derogatory or in any way defaming or insulting, directed specifically at the any of the members of the forum, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

    I agree with you 100% but my thing is why are a lot of the members falling in love with these women that most of them may never meet or have a chance with, if anyone says anything negative about them in the shout room they get all emotional dam near crying about how you shouldn't say that or there just living there lives...."give me a brake"! I don't care what kind of lives there living, but when they get up on my stage and not giving me my moneys worth "yes I am bitching just like the other person" Some of the members want you to agree with them and if you don't your comments become "SPECULATIONS or ASSUMPTIONS".  Lately I try and stay out of the shout room because of the crying and whining of grown ass men who are in love and put my opinions in the forum.  Some won't talk to me and some in the shout room won't talk to me but that doesn't bother me because it helps me put more fuel in the fire...lol  Wake up people "its a game" play it with out your dicks in her your hand. 8)

  10. Blue is back......... I was hoping the other girl was going to stay and take Blues place, Blue is more in love with those cats and dog.  Only seen her naked in the shower or getting out never masturbates if she does its some where we can't see, like on the toilet other then that she is just like a piece of furniture around there to me.  She was sexy until she got that last tattoo "looks like crap" :-\  O0

  11. As a fan of Zoya's I thought that was really a bad thing for everyone to see,  I saw what I saw and no one can tell me different "no it wasn't a play or script" that was real and why didn't RLC stop those cams? and why did Taboo sit on her ass an did nothing to stop it weather who was wrong or right.  That was much worst than Hictor and Suzan's fight,  the most amazing thing about it was they both shitted there way out of it with the police and tried to laugh it off.  Did they laugh it off because they don't want to get kicked out of there apartment or was it because Zoya didn't want Lev to go to jail.  "Where I am from, when a man hit a lady or spit on anyone your ass is going to jail". I am hoping RLC don't kick Zoya out, but Lev needs to go. "THATS MY OPINION" 8)

  12. I see that Sabrina and Carina "ELIVES" has a new house guess, I wonder if she is taking Blue's place, I have all so notice that Sabrina has taken sort of a vancie for her, and Elvis "Carina" would normally get mad but seems to let Sabrina have her way a bit, eariler Sabrina kept pulling on her "the guest" hair.  I am hoping this new girl if thats who she is "make a big change" for this apartment, Sabrina and Carina needs a big charge in the house right about now. Also the new girl doesn't look bad at all.  I am going to hope for the best for Sabrina maybe it well cut down some of the disagreements with her and Elives. 8)

  13. Leora is going to always give us a good show weather some of us think its fake or not, what I like about her is that she doesn't hid under covers she is all open. Some of these other girls need to take some classes from her and Masha, in other words stop the "bull shit". Leora keep on doing what your doing.  I am so tired of some of these other girls "liona , Danaya Kamila and Kristy" walking around all day thinking there look so good for the cams and really are not doing nothing for RLC but wasting there customers time.  Most of them don't even have an idea what they are supose to do.  I'd rather see RLC hire 3 whores than 3 wanna be models, at less where get ower moneys worth.........."Now less see how many comes to there defense" for what I just said. 8)

  14. I just watched her masturbating under covers again with her legs up while she was playing it off like she was watching tv on her I-pad, I couldn't help noticing how she would cover her mouth on the sly when she would cum and try not to move or quiver and she kept looking at the cams to her right off and on. I wish she would masturbate from under those covers one day before she leaves. 8)

  15. I do not know where do people come up with this stuff like liona and danaya  are going to make love lol  just because they roll around naked on the bed and also dance around naked        hay look nothing happen  and you are still hoping lesbian action in that apartment which that's not going to happen      all you going to see massage here a there Ilona and danaya walk around nude  and adele in her bra and panties.  and here a question where do you guy's get you will see lesbian action in this apartment ?

    Seems your more caught up into these girls than anyone else... I have seen some of your comments. 8)

  16. Danaya is happy again glad to see that, now with the new girl in the house she well have someone to talk to seeing that Ilona well most likely stay on her laptop again.  Once Ilona skips around the house for awhile like a kid shes off to her room to play with her toy laptop.  Adele and Danaya may be able to be come closer friends I hope.  I think Danaya is sexy and she is good for that apartment but I am hoping she changes her way of masturbating under the covers, sometimes she looks like a dead corps with her legs down, I guess its a way to try and threw us off too "just barley moving"  "Word of warning" if your going to watch this one "Danaya" masturbate you had better have a lot of patience. lol 8)

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