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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. OMG Anna is back home! I wonder if it had something to do with "WOLFMAN JACK" leaving. At one point I thought Anna was going to move back in with Madam Lola "(-----)," I never thought that I would have seen Anna so open and easy as a lay in bed. If the ladies are that easy over there I need to take me a trip there, but on the other hand I wouldn't qualify, I am not into drugs. Lets see what the next few days look like, lets see if these girls are still going to party or are they burned out or well they sleep the rest of there time there.
  2. Why not put cams on all the apartments patio's so the paying customers can see whats going on?
  3. I see madam Lola has a new girl "Carolina" in the house, I wonder how long she well last? I am also wondering if Carolina has been briefed by Anna, that "spinach chin is hers only."
  4. I was saying "what the hell was she thinking?"
  5. She must have been horny and lonely as hell.
  6. Looks like he is going to be around for awhile.
  7. I really don't think its over, I think this may go on as long as there are a big amount of viewers, I did not see the first night and a few minutes of the 3rd, but I did see the second night witch I made my biggest comments on, being as honest as I can I felt bad for my comments "not saying that I did not like some of the things that was going on" but I truly felt that there was drugs going on that night, weather some of you said "there were no proof of any drugs" Well that word "can you prove this or did you see that" sometimes I think I am talking to a few cops or Detectives in the discussion room, weather some one has proof or not thats their opinion, why spoil their fantasy because you don't have one. Yes this girls may have label themselfs but I am sure they knew what they were signing on too. I just wish I couldn't feel the drug part of it, "I wasn't born yesterday, and I have been around a lot of things in my life" I just feel drugs was a big part of all of this. I am hoping know one gets hurt in the up coming nights of their fun before all this starts getting boring. My lesson for the year is "be careful what you ask for" you just might get it, I got it, liked some of it, but hated as lot of it.
  8. With out Sugarbonnie, I see no interest in that apartment, except watching the dog beg all day
  9. Anezka was great, her boyfriend "NO GO" giving them a grade for keeping the apartment clean -E not good at all. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  10. Yes I was expecting everything you mention!! "I never said nothing about those other apartments" I was talking about Kamila. And some of those that agree with you have bitched about her too. That was thoughts and feelings about Kamila, minds only "now if your and fan and in love with her fine, lets not turn this into a federal case. Maybe one day I'll change my mind.
  11. I have been watching her for the pass year and some, I have seen her sleep all day, and stay out all night, and then go on vacation. I have seen her at her best, but mostly at her worst. Yes she is having a lot of sex with this knew guy "great" and yes I use to like her but she fell to many times for me. Maby after awhile I may start to like her again, but she wasted a lot of my money thinking things was going to happen. "I sound like a real voyeur don't I?" I am and I don't like wasting my money on bull shit. The frist night she came into that apartment she had everyone "like myself up on their feet" she woke up the site "RLC" with her masturbation set, after that she just went down hill. "hiding, gone, sleeping, bull shiting. "these are my thoughts only" if you a fan of her's don't hurt me...lol give me a little time to see what she is going to do.
  12. Where is Anna? I haven't seen her in two days.
  13. Yes its seems that Sugarbonnie is moving out, I don't know if that might be good on Carina "aka Elvis" and Sabrina, seeing that Sugarbonnie did have a lot of eyes on that apartment for awhile. Of course Sabrina has always been jealous of Sugarbonnie being in the spot light that she wants had. Sabrina can be a bitch when she wants to be "hope you are reading this because its true", when Sabrina doesn't have her way she fights with everyone in the house even with Elvis. With Sugarbonnie leaving I see this apartment going even farther down hill, being screwed on cam by her lover "Elvis" is not the pretties site to watch. Sugarbonnie has had her share in men in her bed for the last 6 months but she did keep us watching, even with her own web site she kept us watching, and Sabrina couldn't stand it. Now lets see how Sabrina is going to make up for her lost. Sabrina could make a come back if she got rid of some of the rump roast around her ass. Sugarbonnie don't for get your cat.
  14. I am glad that I am not the only one who notice "Jug head" the bulling boy friend, I don't know how the thin girl puts up with him. When they "Stesha and Marco" has guest I was hoping more things would be going on besides the passing of the water pipe, and the morning breakfeast "another dead apartment"
  15. Does Dasha and Demid still live there? Every since the new changes you hardly ever see any of them. most of the time when the cams hit them they go running out to the patio. I can't and don't understand what RLC is doing.
  16. 0235 am their time, what did Stella take out of Polya's room that was in her "Polya" dresser drawer and put in her dresser drawer with out Polya knowing. Polya was down stairs on the balcony. I hope Stella is not a thief.
  17. Lola, Megan, Rebecca, Anna, and Belle are having fun tonight. Lola seems to be having the most fun and I am hoping she can lure these girls into some kind of kinky action. Anna can't seem to stay home and thats alright too, Anna looks very sexy tonight so does Megan. Its a nice party going on.
  18. I only watch this apartment to see Kristy, Kristy is sexy have nice looking girl friends that come over every now and then. Kamila has bull shitted to much in the pass I have lost interest in her. When she came back on the first night of thats apartment opening she masturbated like she was in heat, after that her ass just went down hill, she would sleep all day and stay gone most of the night. For her fans "sorry thats just my opinion of her" for now. Now there more sexy ladies on RLC and more to watch "and they don't sleep all day either."
  19. Carina "aka Elvis" and Sabrina had sex last night, all I can say is "wow" what a rollercoaster ride "in the front seat too" I has seen them do this before and it wasn't pretty "at least not to me" I was so hoping that Elvis didn't use that baseball bat "Dildo" on Sabrina but she did and Sabrina took it. I wish they would bring in another female or male just to see how things would be, everyone knows that Sabrina gets all excited and turned on when a male is around. Elvis may want to be a man, but in bed she is still a female. I think she needs to call Kira and Nina and gets some advise. Elvis and Sabrina love each other but their love making sucks.
  20. Your right, to "me" it seems that Thomas still haven't gotten use to the cams, and if he and Vanessa are having sex he stops leaving her unsatisfied. These two have been here for awhile now, "I believe for them its just free living" as long as they are getting away with it I think they well continue to keep doing what they do "NOTHING"
  21. Your right, she does like to eat thats for sure. I think we well see more of that then any thing else.
  22. be carefull there is a virus on the loose when trying to enter this apartment.
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