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Posts posted by momo5768

  1. 16 hours ago, Ebin said:

    I do understand where you're coming from, I honestly do, but the RLC Gestapo has made it extremely difficult for people who want to share and talk about their site to post innocent conversation pieces (pics). I would think they'd encourage this type of thing, as it promotes their site, but that is currently not the case. I know it used to be allowed in the past, but the dynamic has apparently changed. No offense was intended directly towards you, and I apologize if I got snarky, but I enjoy RLC and would rather not get banned. I'm not going to post anything I've (allegedly) capped in an open forum, and I would never ask anyone else do take that risk.

    OK. But pictures framed without the identifier, bottom left are not reparable.

  2. 12 hours ago, Ebin said:

    I expect nobody to take risks, I'm not the one asking others to post pics and videos. I made a simple comment asking if anyone else had been privy to this. I pay my monthly fee's to RLC, and have for over 2 years. Everything I see and discuss has been bought and paid for. By me. You're the one with your hat in your hand.

    First, I do not do the sleeve. Then, rlcfans is supposed to be a sharing site. If we do not want to or can not share, the interest of following this site escapes me. After, everyone makes his choices.

  3. 6 hours ago, Ebin said:

    Did anyone else see the couple in the guest room a few nights ago? They were absolutely amazing. If there's a petition to get them their own apartment, I want to sign it. They did it 3 times in 4 hours, and the girl was extremely attractive.

    one picture is allways better than a fiew words

  4. 59 minutes ago, iloner said:

    Hi Momo,

    Sometimes things happen which are hard to explain.    Several of the girls in the past have been pictured counting out large sums of cash, for instance.   Sometimes there is an innocent explanation - e.g. Stella? sold a phone to the Fat Man who gave her cash.

    So making a claim without evidence is only a problem if, when challenged, the claiming poster is unable to give sensible reasons for his claim.

    I agree that damaging the reputation of the girls without cause should not be acceptable.

    where are the pictures of stella and fatman? never sean!!

  5. 10 minutes ago, iloner said:

    We also use the phrase 'old chestnut' to mean something regularly raised but not truly believed.

    If  everything repetitive or tedious or without proper foundation is banned from chat or forum we might find ourselves with very little to talk about.

    But we could insist that posters who make questionable claims have to provide their reasons or 'evidence'.

    Most such claims are made in chat - by its nature ephemeral - but what if we allowed anyone to make a Challenge which puts that post into a Reputation Forum and invites the original poster to justify their claims and the rest of us to scrutinise and comment.

    The Challenger would also be obliged to give their reasons for challenging - 'he's a dickhead' would not pass muster.

    Could be fun, and we could do this ourselves to test it out without the need for any new facilities in Forum or Chat. 

    The reputation of your chat or forum is reached as soon as the assholes make affirmations without evidence. Especially since these "chators" do not share any images, except in particular. They are only parasites.


    la reputation de votre chat ou forum est atteinte dès l'instant ou des abrutis posent des affirmations sans preuves. d'autant plus que ces "chateurs" ne partagent aucunes images , sauf en particulier. ce ne sont que des parasites.

  6. marronnier. tous les ans, à la meme epoque, les journaux font les memes sujets, comme les regimes, les vacances... en france, on appelle ça un marronier.
    Ici, nous avons aussi le notre.
    toujours "monsieur je sais tout"  pour accuser certaines filles d'etre des escorts girls. Bien sur, sans jamais aucunes preuves. je veux bien que la parole soit libre sur ce forum, ou le chat, mais la diffamation releve de la loi..
    Alors, apportez des preuves, ou fermez vos gueules.


    chestnut. Every year, at the same time, the newspapers make the same subjects, such as regimes, holidays ... in France, they call it a marronier.(chesnut)
    Here we also have our own.
    Always "mister y now all" to accuse some girls of being girl escorts. Of course, without any evidence. I want the speech to be free on this forum, or the chat, but defamation comes under the law.
    So bring evidence, or close your mouths.
  7. On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎17 at 10:25 AM, Mike997 said:

    Part 1:

                            (The Video Contents are No Longer Accessible)

    Part 2:

    the first time y see a foursome by M and S good job    You and they!!!!

  8. 15 hours ago, iloner said:

    And there is a photo of her counting the notes from her handbag - blurry, but it does look like a lot of 50s.

    Could have been from dancing/hostessing in a club.  Possibly a photo shoot - they pay cash I believe.   But she wasn't out long yesterday (or awake for long), a couple of hours, and to earn so much in such a short time?    Perhaps the earnings built up in her handbag?

    I haven't watched at all today - but the simple and obvious explanation was the one we all jumped to about Hairy Arse Man, even though it left a lot of questions still unanswered.

    I don't understand French well enough to understand the idiom of what lucas75 says Carolina said in the kitchen: 'c'etais du super sexe elle est Stella .................. ', but Google translate has ' Carolina said in the kitchen c was great sex she is Stella, Lola was fine with customers tonight '.   I expect a good French speaker would make that clear to us.

    Link this in with what fanrlc said on CC as reported above about Carolina arranging to meet a client for sex in a hotel and you are faced with either:

     - two French guys have joined CC and RLCF recently and are determined to cause mischief  - but why?

     - Carolina is earning lots of money outside the house, leaving her exhausted and uninterested in bating or loving where we can view her

    We knew Polya had a job outside, Adele too, Danaya got dragged along.   So no problem with her being out working.  

    Perhaps she got lucky at the casino?!     Yep, lets agree on that one.




    this guy, lucas, was banned 2 or 3 times; it's a troll

    his french  is "approximatif". for him is(est) and (et) and are the same. i don't now how he cant translate from russian, or english.  the theorie of escorts is his leitmotiv during 2 years.  because him, a go to patagonia!!!

  9. 17 hours ago, lucas75 said:

    carolina a dit dans la cuisine c étais du super sexe elle est Stella , Lola étais bien chez des clients  ce soir

    quelque soit ton pseudo, tu fais toujours autant de "fotes" de français!! pour ta theorie , donne des potos prises sur le vif, ou ferme ta gueule!!!

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