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Posts posted by angevenusduciel

  1. et a chaque fois quelle ce raze la chatte ,c'est quel a eux un rapport avec un mec .mais comme ,elle ne fais rien chez elle .on ne vois rien .observe la bien tu verra .la derniere fois ,elle as fais la meme chose ,et je sais quelle devais rencontrez un mec ,car il etais en visio un samedis soir .et elle ,c'est meme denudez en cam pour le mec.

  2. This evening
    it's still strange for what I said. all day long, no free camera, as if by a miracle, it's there, immediately a free camera. logical, has all that. all that to make you believe that There are hot shows going on, when in reality, it's just a replay every evening. Proof in pictures.


  3. good evening everyone, new marketing strategy for the site. no more free cams, and for good reason, apartment most of the time empty, where they sleep. so they have decided to delete all the free cams to force you to take out a subscription. all this, to see completely empty apartments, another scam friends, don't fall into the traps, and I'm telling you with full knowledge of the cause. Absolutely nothing happens.









  4. bonsoir a tous .mon amis guetty et oui comme toujour les responsable de ce site sont incompetent .ta bien observer ,oui en effets l'heure ne corespond pas ou elle habite .et oui le soleil et toujour present au moment ou elle quitte l'appartement .alors soie ,elle et de colombie ,5 heures de decallage horaire .ou comme tu as dis ,du cote amerique .cela dis pas touche a ma chatte poilus ,ohohoh ,toi tu as liz ,alors couchez pas bouger toi (mdr pliez )tu change de femme comme tu change ton slip toi ,chacal va (lol)

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