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Posts posted by angevenusduciel

  1. 24/24 7/7 sitting or lying on a sofa waiting for the customer to call on their phone, after which the site managers will post the video links, making you believe that it is for the site. scam as always.

  2. hello everyone. wake up at 2:36:00 p.m., she's going to get ready as always and leave the apartment at 8:00 p.m. not even the bloodhound, she takes the torch from her phone. and when the light is on all evening, in the living room it doesn't bother them, logic she is not present in the living room. everything and do to hide.Canal Plus Reaction GIF by CANAL+

  3. an apartment always so disgusting, everything dragged on the ground, nothing and put away, clean. never before seen for a site, which dares to broadcast this kind of apartment, what a beautiful image. she throws everything on the ground, not even, she throws in a trash, the total decadence of this site.

  4. Well there you go, we see it straight away. She's already preparing to go on chaturbate or go out. Make-up session, you subscribe to them, we treat you like shit in reality, you don't have the right to that for $29 , like the sound in the apartment, it is an additional option.

  5. it is 1:30:00 p.m. and still sleeping. Afterwards she goes to get up, drink her coffee, smoke in the guest room, prepare to leave the apartment, return 8:00:00 p.m. shower for 2 hours, kitchen finally if she cooks, and then it will be time to leave until the early morning ($29) for 10 years.

  6. here you are, already dressed to leave the apartment, once again. act beautiful in front of a mirror, and wiggle your ass in the mezzani, thong to go out, and you subscribe to them, you have the right to titanic pajamas, bonnet on your head. The $29 scam subscription is not nice.

  7. sum up the weekend sucks, like many weekends. And let's say that the tenants are not connected to chaturbate, absolutely nothing happens, not to mention the camera cut off voluntarily. They only sleep or are outside their home (medina, valeria).

  8. They still don't know how to count those responsible. We had to wait 10 years for it to change that Emma was alone, Liz the same. That said since the opening of this apartment I see more than 2 people every day. sometimes there are 4, and sometimes 3. but in no case do I see 2. afterwards we will say that we accuse them once again, it is another deception of those responsible for this site, they are incapable of managing a site suitably like rlc.citation GIF by franceinfo

  9. and not connect to chaturbate, well nothing happens, apart from watching movies on her pc. nothing sexy, that said she no longer needs to do it even though it's silk, seeing what she earns in tokens on chaturbate. voila Realize it dear friends, we are scamming you, we are stealing your money.Happy Niels Schneider GIF by CANAL+

  10. hello everyone. ah well everything works like magic. that said, they must have had a party last night, seeing the bottles in the living room. ah we don't see the other couple anymore either!!!!! ! ah but yes, as they say on their site take a subscription, to follow the daily life of the tenants. it's true that you pay a subscription to see people who sleep all day, or an empty apartment. and be on their phone 24/24 7/7. What a great scam this site is, nothing good.Fun Wow GIF by CANAL+

  11. bonjour a tous ,oui oui ,mais encore une fois tu paye un abonnement pour voir des camera debranche ou le modem deconnecte du reseau internet ,on as la preuve chez amy&mark .hier soir on les as vue rentre ,direct message probleme technique ,alors que au moment ou ils sont rentrez tout marchez bien .et encore une fois les responsable vont dire qu'on les accuse .donc resumez vous les abonnez pour payez pour lire des message probleme technique ou ouf of down .yas pas un jour sur ce site ou il y as pas un probleme ,du jamais vue ,sur d'autre site .ils sont toujour a cachez les choses ,camera coupez son coupez ,absence des locataire ,alors qu'il sont present ,en gros un site d'aranque total .

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