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Posts posted by angevenusduciel

  1. come and live an exceptional experience with them, simulation of enjoyment guaranteed from 6:00:00 p.m. to 11:00:00 p.m. on chaturbate, pause every 10 minutes after a blowjob, which ends in nothing, therefore no ejaculation. doggy style 10 minutes time, but still no ejaculation, icing on the cake, her boyfriend doesn't even have a hard time. Places an order.

  2. 24/24 7/7 call me at 3669 I will answer you in hot video, all your requests will be executed, you will have a very hot time, vaseline galore, open pussy, with simulation of enjoyment. take out a subscription for $29, for all of this.lolOh My God Omg GIF by CBC

  3. en realitez guetty tu sais quoi ,les responsable du site ,prends les gens ou les membres pour des imbecile.la dernier fois que il avais postez ce message out of down ,tu regardez dans la cuisine ,sur la table ,il y avais rien .4 heures apres tu re regardez ,cendrier,papier bonbon sur la table ,et apres il te dise qu 'on les accuse de mensonge .mdr l'arnaque du site .c'est comme les cameras tout marche et d'un coup coupure general ,apres tu as message probleme technique ,(comme chez valeria,en realitez c'est la tarlouze qui as debranchez toute les camera ,ou le modem et j'ai la preuve en video si tu veux guetty  )mais encore une fois ,il vont ce justifier en te demandent des preuve ,alors que ca ce passe sur leur site .

  4. c'est ce que je disais dans l'onglet sophia et nick ,avec les responsable ,mais il te dise ,qu'il faux leur donnez des preuves ,que on les accuses.regarde toi mme tu le dis .tout les week ends 4 couple out of down.par contre en semaine pour allez sur chaturbate ,ca il y as pas de soucis (valeria)et on as eux la preuve encore ce week ends juste avant qu'il poste ce message ,on as bien vue que valeria etais absent comme beaucoup de wekk ends.ah mais oui ,elle va jouez de la guitare au conservatoire(mdr elle fais ce faire defonce oui plutot par un autre mec ,et la tarlouze lui attends comme un con a l 'appartement .


    mais je te rassure guetty c'ets une strategie marketing ,c'est ce que les responsable du site camarads.com a poste hier soir ,va lire dans l'onglet sophiaet nick 

  5. a real public dump in this apartment, not only is there no sex, no sensuality, she never puts on sexy lingerie, she and force to fuck seen the expression on her face, and her boyfriend, he's just a bouncer balls. not much left compared to rlc.noel fetes GIF by ARTEfr

  6. like every evening. 10 minutes of fucking and more simulation, and now stop in the kitchen. to say that he has a soft hard-on, as soon as Erika comes out on him directly; he puts his underwear back on. to avoid anyone seeing. lol scam.

  7. non non tu as pas répondu .je t ets pose la question que faisais erika juste avant quelle ce masturbe ? le reponse etais évidente encore une fois ,elle faisais un show pour chaturbate .c'est pas ce que tu as repondus .tu as détournez la question .alors que vous saviez très bien quelle était sur chaturbate .encore une fois ce n'est pas une acusation ,mais une veritez ,que vous ne vouliez pas le dire comme ,les autres mensonge .ehehehehheheh

  8. and any tenant on rlc, when she starts something, she finishes. karma when she fucks, with her boyfriend. in no case her boyfriend and with her phone. sexy music, and it lasts not 10 minutes, but 24 of fucking, you are far from the count. at home top times maximum 20 minutes, and again it is done with force, by obligation. on rlc no, she takes pleasure.

  9. when we look at her, she looks really like she's masturbating. She and more concentrate on her phone. and to see this at $29, we ask why take out a subscription, all and simulation. Take a look at the marketing on rlc Take for example, the girls on RLC, when she masturbates, they don't look the same, and even less so with a phone.

  10. yes of course. that's what I'm saying. you're scamming people by making them believe Jerusalem, when it's completely false. you have a replay on your site. you already have all the proof. you have another member whose name is guetty, who keeps telling you things about liz. and he's not the only one. dakota too. and if you don't have a supervisor on your site, we can't do anything for you. you're still ask for proof, while it's happening before your eyes. What more can be said about that? So you take the money from subscribers, you put 20 couples on your site, and you don't even monitor them. On rlc the slightest misstep of the tenants it's direct to the door. they are not to touch the cameras every 2 hours, even less cut the sound. at the slightest problem on rlc, direct cut of the cameras. you are quite the opposite. the tenants on rlc, they are not on chaturbate. Most of you work for chaturbate, and you dare to post the links on Friday evenings.

  11. so the typical response, we cannot answer all your questions. for strategic reasons. we all understand your marketing technique. if you are not able to answer here, it is because you simply do not want to tell the truth. I have nothing to send to me. But I will send the proofs to all the people who ask me. It is proof that you are scamming people. Don't worry, I am a very old one, but very old on your site. I know everything that happens on your site. And I have all the proof. Drugs, violence, and so on.

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