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Posts posted by Mooka

  1. 3 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    He is not an expert, he is just a Russian speaker, why is that so difficult to believe? There are 143.5 million people in Russia, is it difficult to believe that some of them use that forum? If he says that something will happen, you can guarantee it is true. He told us that Lola was coming, before she came. He told us the dates that previous girls would be leaving the apartments, and every time he is correct. 

    And he doesn't watch all apartments at the same time, only the Barca apartments and K&K, and very occasionally Stesha and Marco. If he says Rebecca is leaving today, you can be damn sure she is leaving today

    Furthermore, yesterday he translated that Anna told Belle she is leaving shortly. Belle was surprised

    And there are in fact three Russian speakers on Camcaps

    Look, you can believe everything he says is true, good for you.  I just remember when one of the girls left, he 'reported' she was leaving and was proved right - eventually. The only problem was he was quoted for about a month saying she was leaving 'this week'.  So I could come on here and state that one of the girls in the Barcelona apartments is going to leave within the next four weeks, eventually I would be right, even though I am guessing each and every time.

    But for me, it isn't the 'x is leaving' that makes me laugh.  It is often the other 'reported' conversations, like Ilona being in charge of a cadre of models/escorts.  Maybe when she was here first and stuck on her laptop, but if she was than during here recent stay then she must have been working telepathically, cos she only used a tablet and definitely wasn't on it 24/7.

    But as I said, he could be 100% kosher, but isn't it common knowledge that RLC isn't available in Russia somehow?  Guess he is using a VPN or the no Russian accounts is another wild story told here. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Barks1 said:

    How do we know Rebecca is leaving? Won't be a happy camper if so goes!!!

    It is simple.  There is some 'expert' on another site that claims he can not only understand Russian, but can hear and interpret every conversation in every apartment at the same time.  So he posts what he 'hears' and because he says it is true, everyone believes it and requotes his translations.

    Hell with this crowd I could say I can understand Russian, make up stories and scenarios and half the people here would not only believe me but get into online fights with anyone who dared question their source information :D

  3. 1 hour ago, capeguy said:

    I disagree this was drug related. No one has shown one piece of real evidence that anyone took anything; that bearded guy put anything in their drinks, gave them pills or whatever. Maybe they got an offer they could not refuse to go overboard like this. As I said in my prior post, if this happened over 30-60 days NO ONE would have said a fucking thing nor would I have. I am ashamed because I continued to watch when everyone was saying they were drugged. Even though I do not believe that it still calls into question my moral fiber and I need to deal with that. 

    Well said Capeguy and I was very relieved to read what you said as I thought I was the only skeptic here.  I won't believe anything written here unless I see it, either live or photos/video.  Simply because some here are that wound up in their conspiracy theories, fantasy's and warped reality that they can see, in their own mind, anything they want to see.  A visitor to an apartment - someone must be having an affair.  A tenant on the phone, must be ringing their lover.  A tenant leaves the apartment, must be having an affair or is a prostitute.  The list just goings on and on.

    I don't know what happened at the party, due to time zones, I missed everything.  But I can't see RLC condoning drugs openly, it is just too risky, too many people that have been banned just waiting for something they can complain to the authorities about.  So what were the girls and bearded guy doing in the bathroom - hell it could have been anything, but probably something innocent like the bearded guy giving instructions or telling the girls this is part of the deal for free room and food. I do agree with most that bearded guy probably works for RLC, the way the girls from both apartments seem to obey everything he asks to me is a telling factor.  

    But isn't this what everyone here was screaming for: a bit of girl on girl action.  Well guess what, you got what you asked for, but evidently that wasn't enough, some here had to make up a pretense to still say it wasn't enough.

  4. 1 hour ago, CowArt said:

    This morning, Anna got up and took a shower at around 08:15. Not really noteworthy, but at 09:15 she started clearing out her closet and packing her suitcase.

    The apartment went UM at around 09:45, I expect her to be gone when it comes back online.



    Thank you for sharing a bit over two weeks of your life with us. Way too sort, I wish you could have stayed longer.

    First Irma, now Anna, so not fair.  And I was hoping she was finally breaking out of her shell, she seemed very taken by Lola and would spend a lot of time with her.  

    Yep, sad now :(

  5. Seems I have ruffled a few feathers, now some of my posts are being deleted, I gather someone reported them as inappropriate.  Is that a hint by the Mods I shouldn't comment on some of the more 'uninteresting' posts here?  Would have been nice to receive an message stating that fact.

  6. Iloner,

    There is a difference between making the occasional whimsical post and making daily posts that say nothing.   We do seem to have a cadre here now that seem to be under the impression they must post something every day, with 99% of their posts not adding to a conversation, not even talking about any events that may have occurred in the apartment.

    Think of it like this: if you had just discovered RLC and then discovered this site - RLCF, your initial thoughts would have been ecstatic, finally an avenue to talk about what is going on here, maybe finding out a bit more about the tenants that have perked your interest.  So you, as a prospective brand new  member, jump into the forums and what do you find - post after post of dribble lately.  From good night wishes to wild assumptions, it would probably turn you off taking out membership here, from what you have seen you know you aren't going to find out anything.

    I have no problem with the light hearten humorous posts, hell I have written enough myself but I don't do it every post but for some here that is all they post.  Yes, we as members (and those lurking) are interested in what is happening in the apartments, but we don't really need to be given daily timetables of mundane things, often followed up by wild arse guesses (K&K are absent because they are having abortions, must have got cheap bulk deal).  Scary thing is, even with zero proof, some here are supporting that hypothesis.  Hell we might as well be posting about phantom people in mythical apartments because what is often posted is so far from reality of what actually happens in the Project!

    I know I ruffle feathers, I have received my share of abusive messages but I held such high hopes for this site.  With the RLC crackdown on posting images, the lack of sometimes meaningful content in the forums and the aggressive nature of some in the shoutbox who get upset if you don't agree with their conspiracy theories, I would be very reluctant to recommend anyone joining this site.

  7. I just spent 20 minutes trying to catch up on anything I have missed in the forums.  Yes I tend to concentrate on certain apartments, simply because they are the ones that interest me.

    Well can I have my 20 minutes back - seriously what do some people post such utterly inane and uninformative dribble.  There is everything from someone going to each of the single girls and wishing them a good night (like they will read that and feel so much better), to wild jumps in fantasy (xx isn't in bed and it's past 2am, she must be out hooking).  Hell I even tried being whimsical and posted utter crap about what one of the tenants gets up to and I swear some here thought I was serious!

    So please, I fully encourage everyone to post in the forums, that is what this site is about.  But post something relevant, something that others may want to know or discuss or debate.  No one word posts, no good night serenades, no quoting another post and saying 'yes' (that is what the 'like this' button is for).  Lets get some good discussions going here.  Fuck I am even willing to put up with the conspiracy theories, as long as they are willing to listen to the other side of the argument without getting snarly.

  8. Box_Hunter, there is a big difference between knowing you have a whole bunch of people watching you remotely on cam and having meerkats and sleazebags hassle you at a beach in person.  Also, although nudity isn't frowned upon in Russia or Spain, we con't know if there is a suitable beach where Leora, Irma and co go to.  Add to the fact they may like the idea of having tan lines, a lot of guys here have expressed their liking of them.

  9. @Mooka above, you said, "Fuck it, those members who pay for all the freeloaders deserve to see far more, in far better quality than those who don't pay - simple as that."


    Well I stopped paying a while ago, so yes I'm a freeloader now, but I believe the residents are freeloaders too, don't they get free power and rent and they guests that often stay sometimes for weeks sleeping on the couch, I would have cameras in my house if I got my power paid for, I've already bought my house but if I got my mortgage money back that would be nice too.


    So just think when you pay you are paying for them to lounge about all day and sit looking at their phones and PC's and leaving the lights and TV on 24/7, so go on get your money out I'll put mine to better use lol.

    Of course I am paying them to lounge around all day - since there is no guarantee, no mention that any form of sex is a given to be seen.  That is the whole concept of RLC, the chance to see something happening.  It makes me laugh when I see people post that they are upset, or leaving the site because 'so and so' isn't getting naked or they just sit around all day.  Well guess what, that is what they are hired to do, to living in the apartment and provide some entertainment for us.  And it doesn't have to be sex, hell we have at least one member here who is delighted if he can see the feet of the tenants.


    Basically, what has irked me is those that come into the forum, proud of the fact they aren't paying members of RLC, then in the same breath demand RLC gives them the same access as a paid member.  They don't realise that if they get their wish, the site would be closed down within a week.  But I guess it is their choice, they chose not to become members, they have to live with the consequences that they will see far less than a member does.  And they should realise that no member is going to risk his account by posting captured images and video now days - hell I know I won't.

  10. Remember how everyone screamed about the balcony in the Barcelona apartment.  People were convinced that all sorts of fun was had out there, they just knew it. Post after post was done just on that subject, each one a perfect prose of the latest conspiracy theory.  


    RLC listened and put a cam there.


    And then we found out that bugger all happens out there!!!!


    As for the free cams, there has to be free cams, otherwise what is the reward for paying to become a member.  And I actually agree that some of the premium apartments, like the girls shouldn't have any free cams.  Fuck it, those members who pay for all the freeloaders deserve to see far more, in far better quality than those who don't pay - simple as that.

  11. Sorry folks; you will get no sympathy from me. When you each open your own business and give away your service for free get back to me. If you complain that RLC stuff is junk then what the hell are you there watching it for? You just want to get the good stuff by having others record it for you and post it, risking their membership dollars. If you want it then pay. If you do not want to pay then you have absolutely no right to bitch about the quality of the apartments nor the rules for free usage. 

    Could not have said it better, actually I probably have said the same thing once or three times here but maybe not as eloquently.  Yes there is a small but vocal band here who think RLC owes them everything for free and will cry and stamp their feet (read: jump on the forums and complain) if they don't get their own freeloading way.

  12. To be honest, you would have to be stupid and blind not to see the warnings RLC have about posting images - but just incase you do fit that category:


    "Video has additional hidden watermarks with user ID.  Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited"


    So all I can say, copy and repost at your own peril.  RLC are a business not a charity, and quite rightly they are protecting their property.  If they allowed unrestricted copying and distribution of the cams, how many here would bother taking out membership?  Nope you would just use sites like RLCF and CC to see what had happened.  And then complain when the site shuts down because they can't afford to run it anymore.

  13. Okay, I will wade into this emotive topic .....


    So lets say the new owners of RLC heed all the complaints and opens up a few free cams in every apartment.  The ONLY thing that will happen is the same people currently complaining about no free cams will now start complaining that no action happens in the free cam rooms, they now want free cams in bedrooms and bathrooms.  They basically want everything for nothing.


    And before everyone jumps down my throat, ask yourself this:  if there were free cams in every apartment, would that encourage you to take out membership, as in actually paying and contributing to RLC?  I seriously doubt it.

  14. Since Stesha and Marco's apartment opened for business there has been an outpouring of homophobic comments.  I will freely admit it isn't something I want to see so I will do the totally absurd thing and change to another apartment room.  Yep totally radical idea I know, but for all I know there are members, even paid members, of RLC that might want to watch it and whom am I to judge.


    What I do find totally hypocritical is the same ones who are whining and bitching about two guys kissing (or they think two guys might kiss or touch each other!) is they expect EVERY FUCKING WOMAN in the Project to be at minimum bi-sexual and will rant and rave if two women who are in the same apartment don't immediately strip naked and start fucking each other.  Talk about double standards

  15. I use to enjoy the Chat Box but lately I am stopping myself using it.  And the reason is quite simple, I enjoy being a member of this site.  I have a very low threshold for idiots (blame 3 decades in the military I guess) and it seems that some here can't help themselves and have to see things the rest of us don't.  A tenant has a friend over, yep they must be having an affair.  A tenant is on the phone, yep calling their lover.  A new tenant comes in (this is especially relevant to both girl's apartments), they must be either escorts or about ready to sleep with whomever is already there (which of course will create tension and an all out cat fight over the new girl).


    And these conspiracy theories would be nice, humorous stories if those telling them did get so upset if you dared to even ask for some iota of proof.  Yep he has seen it with his own eyes, he has PROOF (always stated like that), he has video (which never seems to either back up his outrageous story or can never be found).  And how dare someone query his wondrous detective skills, it is akin to questioning his manhood.


    Seriously, one of the attractions to RLC is the interaction between people, but most of it is innocent,  If the only way you can get enjoyment from the site is to first imagine something may be happening then have the overwhelming compulsion to tell the world, then get upset when no one take you seriously or questions your 'facts' maybe you need to step away from the computer and experience real life for a bit.


    I remember one member back when I first joined who was convinced that one of the women was having an affair.  His reasons: well the woman showered and put on nice clothes and went out, oh and she use to go out on the balcony to smoke and took her phone.  Yep that was the basis but in his mind that equated to the woman having a fully blown affair and boy did he go on about it, timings published when she would be on the phone, what she wore when going out, what time she would come home.  It would have been funny if the guy wasn't so serious and earnest about it, he could never understand why the rest of us didn't agree with him and laud him with platitudes for his wonderful investigative skills.

  16. I have read alot of speculations about guest and potential cheating .. but nothing really happend right ?

    This Italian girl and Sasha`?

    Lev and the Taboo girl ?

    Dasha and some guy ?

    And one of guys trying on Susan in their apt ?

    Probaly most wishfull thinking or what ? :)

    You have to remember we have some here that automatically assume that if two people are within 50m of each other they must be screwing.  Any visitor to an apartment is there only for sex, if any tenant is seen talking, or just being in the same room as a visitor they are automatically having sex, if someone is one the phone it is always to a lover.


    Of course there has been ZERO proof of actual sex happening (apart from the one threesome with Nina and Kira ages ago) but that doesn't stop some here from imagining a touch or a look to mean sex.  Lets face it, if they were having all these extra bed partners, you would think with an apartment full of cameras that someone would have seen it and recorded it lol


    Just don't tell some they may be imagining things, they tend to get very upset when their fantasy is destroyed :D

  17. I wasn't too sure on where to place this topic, technically I guess it should be in the Suggestions folder but in reality, this is a rant so hence I put it here ....


    Anyway, this is a request to the great and powerful BTR.  Next time you get whoever to add some new bling to this site, would it be possible to add an icon or something to a member's name to indicate whether they are paid members of RLC or not?  Can be a voluntary thing I guess, to be able to be turned on or off via Profile edit.


    The reason:  so when I am reading a post or something in the shout box and some brain dead idiot is demanding everything I can quickly and discretely check to see if he is an actual paid member of RLC.  So sick and tired of people here demanding everything yet not willing to pay for the service.  I guess these mental giants expect RLC to be a charity and provide everything for zero cost.  Every day it seems someone is asking for more free rooms or bitching about something not happening in the girls apartment simply because they can't see it on the blurred thumbnails.  Or jumping into the Shout Box and asking for passwords or pictures.


    Sorry, rant over, just fed up with those complaining that have no right to complain.

  18. I would swap with Lev, I believe that Zoya needs a real man in her life and not someone who sits day after day playing with tv games,  If I had that chance "just like a few of you all" she wouldn't sleep have the day away all the time. Its bad enough she thinks about me when she masturbates...lol   just think what would happen if I was there!!! 8)

    Disclaimer: My reply isn't directed at Rubberman but as a general observation (I know how some here have thin skins)


    Ah love it,  can just see the posts now:


    Rubberman, more like Rubberdick ...

    Was a wimp, can't get it up in front of the camera

    What, is he queer or something, Zoya is in the same apartment as this jerk and he isn't fucking her 24/7 


    Remember every guy in the Project is judged against some fantasy level porn star level.  I would bet at 99.999999999999999999% of the people here either wouldn't even try to screw on cam or would get a big case of stage fright lol

  19. Scotmans84  Man you hit the nail on the head. Some members are way to involved in this to the point it's not voyeurism any more.

    Just don't use the "S" word, some are a little thin skinned about that.  After all, they are just following their target's social media feed, their friends social media feed, any guy they meet social media feed.  Hell anyone can do that, it is perfectly legal ........

  20. Has anyone seen Leora's pubic hair? O0  has anyone seen her shaving or waxing >:D?? I think the answer is no. Maybe she made Laser hair removal.. her pussy is always shinning,fresh and clean >:D .. >:D  

    Can you guess who just found out how to use the font and colour buttons ..... lol

  21. Yes, makes most sense she leaves tomorrow,


    I'd like to think she could make friends with Ilona again in Kiev (get the money back she advanced her).  I'll miss her - but like you I want her to go so new things can unfold.

    Re your comment I highlighted in red:  where did you hear this little snippet - please don't say it was from one translator on another site with no one else confirming it and no proof available?

  22. I know I have probably been one of the more outspoken against the translations (and wild arse guesses).  Yes I know most of it is made up for a bit of fun, poor Danaya has been on her last day for at least a week now - eventually she will leave and someone will beat their chest and tell all how he knew and we didn't believe him.


    But I see the wider problem.  All of us that have been here a while and are regulars to this site know to take most of what is written as a light hearted humour.  But those new members or those that English is the second or third language might not pick up on the humour and sarcasm and think, because it is posted to a forum or said in the Chat Room that it is all true.  Think about it, you log onto RLCF for the first time and all you see in the Chat box is members saying all the girls in the Barcelona apartment are high class escorts, or the Barcelona apartment is going to close, or that a certain tenant is going to leave within days.  Would you both to continue in here, would you both paying for a subscription to RLC because what you just read sounds like both places are train wrecks about to happen.


    As for the translations themselves, it would be good if there was some collaboration or alternate sources to verify what is being said.  There has to be more than one guy who can understand Russian on CC but all we hear is Kitek from CC said this.  Or worse, someone just pops in and says "Danaya is leaving on the 20th" - no indication where the information came from, no explanation - just a bland, confusing and often wrong statement that we are all suppose to believe.


    Rant over .....

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