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Posts posted by mikeusa

  1. on cam caps there are two russian translators yury and kitek who have been listening to danaya and adele there not bi cus all they talk about is guys or going to clubs to meet men. and i notice that this forum been going in circles with les and bi but who cares right. lets just in joy the fake show they like to put on and have same fun with it

  2. this is a translation from kitek     danaya complained  that she had painful cramps and she woke up at night.    adele went to the gym and said she was sweating so much she thought her undies were leaking lol .  they plan to go out tonight.  they will send text messages to one guy if he doesn't answer with in  1 hour they will text another one.    going to give credit to kitek 

  3. she was crying yesterday and talking in italian to curly. she is lost, don't know what to do and try desperately to make money with porn she hope to be able  to come back to italy but curly told her she needs first to make same money because in italy, "paese di merda', it won't be possible. she is conscious that she is doing some sort of prostitution work and does not like it at all. she had normal work a year ago but spent everything. curly explained her that she has same relationship problems and doen't mingle well with other's doesn't share a lot. they speak italian with a northern accent may be milano.

  4. danaya said she will not go out to party until adele returns.

    danaya is afraid to sleep alone in the apartment.

    danaya dictated adele message a guy: our relationship should not develop so quickly i'm not that convinced. no sex...for now

    they commented on different bunch of guys.

    adele: one group wants only drink and have sex and the second is more enjoyable.

    danaya: the second group i really liked.

    adele: this guy in baseball cap was so funny. and the other in the sweater.

    danaya: they are such jokers.

    danaya: when you leave for good i will party with christian. he probably knows that i like him.

  5. this is what blue said to curly. she needs money and she started a cam 4 account. curly wanna to join in cam 4 too because blue gained lot of token. there will be more show going in the future... stay tuned and also when blue was talking to curly in the living room when she was trying to create a similar paypal account ...she said several times 170E.and curly was curious to try that too...but butch wasnt very happy lol... but their relationship is in stand by so...we will see what happen in the future......who knows.......maybe a lesbian duo      â€‹

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