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Everything posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. Now that Mia is gone, why are Sofie & Lilu still sleeping in the same bed? They have not shown one sign that they are "together" (lesbians). One of them could have their own bedroom now. Is RLC expecting Mia may return or are they planning to put someone else in that bedroom or is there something in the contract? What are your thoughts?
  2. Nora was not a sex machine...in comparison to Dasha, Diana or Adriana, who I believe are the closest to sex machines that you will get with any of the girls on RLC. As a matter of fact, many complained about Nora and Kiko not fucking as much...BUT, whenever they did, we got a good show. As for the rest of it, she mainly hid from the cameras during the day. She had a little spot in the living room that was just under the cam and we could not see her. So, most of the time the apartment looked empty...unless you had some good speakers or earphones and could catch movement and then know she was there. Nora & Kiko have been gone for a while, but I know they were here this past Spring (not sure which month they left). As far as comparing any couples to Nora & Kiko, I would compare them to Maya & Stepan, Anton & Alina, and Lora & Max (who are not here anymore). My comparison is based only on the fact that they never had fights, like the couples I have mentioned above and had a pretty solid relationship...just like the above couples. However, Anton's & Alina's actions this summer have changed, and we have seen different behaviors with them that were not there back in April or May of this year (somebody correct me if I am wrong and missed something). But, with Nora & Kiko, it was pretty uneventful and they never argued like others have in the past (i.e. Isabel & Marcelo, Leora & Paul, Sofia & Roman, or Katya & Ruslan). Nora did have one break down, but I believe it was before I started watching. I only saw the video. Nevertheless, there were many and are still some Nora fans out there. And, just like Alina, Nora can fuck...and she fucked Kiko well. Bottom line, she has a nice little body, sugar titties, and is nice to look at...and I hope we get to see her fuck again. Also, she gives blow jobs, squirms a lot when her pussy is being eaten, and she is beautiful when she cums. But, sadly, I have never seen her masturbate.
  3. Well it's official. I received my RLC newsletter and Nora is back! Well, that's it. Now, what do you guys want to talk about. Oh, I got it! Let's talk about what could have possibly happened to Kiko. Anyone besides me think that they may still be together?
  4. We should use this thread to talk about having sex with one or more girls while maybe using protection (unless they are on the pill), while drinking coffee and tea, doing drugs, and eating a BLT (but hold the lettuce for me and add more bacon). LOL!
  5. Just because I watch RLC doesn't mean I don't check in on some good porn sites. Give me both.
  6. Sorry, everyone! I forgot to change the font after copying my email response from RLC. You may want to scroll up to my last post and read it for what they said regarding Nora. Also, many have stated that it is NOT Nora. And, it is because the new Nora looks a little different. RLC may have given their answer, but there isn't any reason for me to believe that they are telling the truth. Why? Too many similarities, and as each day passes more have come to light. I am still leaning toward believing it is the old Nora. So many people have posted on this topic (here and mainly on the CC board), and everyone seems to be split on whether or not it is really her. But, who's to say she didn't purposely alter her appearance (i.e. hair style & color, etc.). For all we know, she could have done it to keep crazies like us from recognizing her on the street or maybe because she is doing another show (she is a dancer, right?). In any case, if it is her, then Nora fans can be happy she is back, and if it is not her, then at least Nora fans have a damn good substitute. And, she has the same name, Nora.
  7. I contacted RLC and asked them... Thank you for taking the time to read this. I just have one simple question. Is the Nora in the new apartment along with Lilu, Sofie, and Mia the same Nora that used to be with Kiko? Thank you, Their response was....DRUMROLL!!! Hello, This is an automatic response to let you know that your request is being processed. You will receive a response within 24 hours. -- Support Team, reallifecam.com And, then came the REAL response... DRUMROLL continues... Are you guys ready for this??? Hello, Thank you for contacting us. No, all participants in this flat are new. -- Support Team, reallifecam.com There you have it! Please feel free to contact RLC on your own to verify.
  8. New Nora on the left and old Nora on the right. Please take note of the glasses.
  9. I think I answered your question...unless I'm not understanding the question you are trying to ask. Anyway, I gave you some advice, just as you gave some advice to us all (with you out of topic post). I really don't have any interest in a flaming war with you. It's your's and everyone's choice as to how they want to live their lives, and if any of us want religion telling us what to do, then fine. Maybe you'll get some positive responses and turn some of us from our pleasures and sexual curiosities. But, mixing it with my PORN, it somehow doesn't really work unless it's a porn with a sexy nun and a strict priest, who's punishing her for being naughty...and I mean really naughty (like she was caught licking the pussy of another hot ass nun - yeah, I like that shit - now, I need to go find my nun porn videos - LOL!) Sorry about that, fen0. Got off track there. Like I was saying, if you need to live a restrictive life of denying pleasures and fearing some horror of hell in the afterlife because you fucked some woman with a condom to prevent diseases and/or pregnancy, then that's on you. Good luck with that! I rather enjoy life and keep my porn in my sexual life and my God in my spiritual life. And, if you have a problem with that, then just go fuck yourself (but, God forbid you use a condom).
  10. She rations the pussy to him. That is why he cums so quick and not a good way to be in a relationship. If Leora ever cheats and someone fucks her good, it will most likely be a sad day for Paul.
  11. Assumptions and hasty judgments are always to be expected for the first couple of weeks.
  12. Not quite, wiseacres1. I've had one friend who had to move out of his home and leave his fiance'...not because they were breaking things off, but because he got a better job out of state. They lived apart for almost a year until she could finish the school year and join him. I also had another friend, who was in the air force, and he went TDY. His wife moved off base at the time to live with her parents. I think he was gone for about two years before they bought a house together. Point being, there are NOT any indicators of Nora & Kiko breaking up. Now, if you see another guy or girl come visit and tshe starts having sex with them, well there's an indicator. Still not 100% proof of a break up, because she could just be cheating. In any case, we still do NOT know if it is Nora for sure. But, I will find out.
  13. "Why do you want to kill child? Pleasure? Why do you take contraceptive method if it is pleasure?" Kill a child? What the fuck are you on? Or is there something you need to be on? Does this have anything to do with all those times in high school when I pulled out or when I used to wear condoms, so I didn't catch some disease or knock up some girl because my dick was ready to fuck, but I wasn't ready to be a father? As far as using contraceptives, that just being responsible. As far as western civilization being soul killing or suicidal, you need to be more specific. Okay, dawg!?!
  14. The new Nora, who looks like the old Nora (the one who was with Kiko) sleeps in the bedroom where cam 5 and 6 are located...and coincidentally, those cams are named "Nora's room". And, when if it is fully revealed that it is the old Nora, there isn't any reason to assume she and Kiko have broken up. Now, if we see her being intimate in a sexual way with a new guy or girl, then that would tell us much.
  15. Several more coincidences, the green suitcase and the blue bag on Nora's shelves are the same ones that were on the top shelf of the dance studio in Nora's & Kiko's apartment. And, I just watched an old vid and the Piggy lamp that the new Nora has was once sitting on the small dresser in Nora's & Kiko's bedroom. I'm going through some old pics and vids right now, and the more I find, the more I become convinced that the new Nora is the old Nora who was on RLC before with Kiko.
  16. WTF??? Well, I KNOW who my father is, and I'll be damed if I give up any of the fun things in my life like illicit sex, gambling, drugs, tea, coffee, or meat. For me to give up all that would be placing me into a position of being unhappy, and life is too short for me to live under such restrictions. I like to fuck, but I sure as hell don't want a girlfriend right now. A nice little fuck buddy with no strings attached is working well. I'm not a big gambler, but I do enjoy pulling the lever of a slot machine and playing cards with some friends. Drugs can be beneficial, depending on what I choose to do and what I will need them for...Nyquil helps with a bad cough and I cannot wait to fuck on Ecstacy again. The pussy has never been so hot and the orgasms so intense. And, hitting a joint once in a while is relaxing...pop a Loritab with it and you're floating. And peach tea is so good. I don't drink coffee, but give me a Coke for the caffine or just bump me up to a Red Bull or Monster. And, finally, there isn't anything that anyone on this planet can say or do to ever get me to quit eating a large juicy steak. By the way, you forgot nicotin. Isn't that bad too? But, fen0, if you're concerned with all this, might I suggest reading some teachings from Epicurus. He has a four-fold cure to dispel all your fears of Death, Pain, Angering the God(s), and will show you how to appreciate everything you already have. I think you will find that homeostasis is much better than punishing yourself for what others in your society deem is wrong, sinful, and/or evil. Oh, and science delivers facts. Science doesn't lie...even if there are some scientists out there who do.
  17. More will come to light as time passes. But, I remember one thing that Nora & Kiko did that used to have me questioning if that was popular style in Europe, and that was they wore mixed-matched socks...almost never wore the same color socks on both feet. Nora & Kiko were the only ones to do that on RLC. And, yes, there is more than one Nora, but how many of them look too closely like her, have some of the same shit she has, and wears mixed-match socks too? We'll see in time.
  18. I don't think Sofie & Lilu are lesbians. So far it just appears to be two girls who are friends that are sharing a bedroom. But, I hope my thinking is wrong.
  19. I have compared some pics and I believe it is the same Nora who was with Kiko. Furthermore, here is what another Nora fan, See, posted on CC. "...she is the original Nora. I have seen so many items that I have seen her in the old apartment, and I have seen her in the bath, she is genuine. I looked at Nora and Kiko's life in the old apartment very carefully and lot. I draw a lot of attention to objects and details. You have not seen those objects in the new apartment, because you are not Premium. I'm sure you remember the pink pig, pink laptop bag, blue/white hair dryer, red rough fabric looked like towel and its end patterns? Surely you remember her red phone with a slide keyboard under the display? All of those articles I have seen her in the new apartment, can not be a coincidence. She is our only true Nora!" Only true Nora fans will pick out these types of details and verify that it is actually her. As far as picture comparison goes: Nora is the girl on the far right in the yellow and black. Here is a couple of old pictures of the Nora when she was in the old apartment. When I was watching her in the kitchen cooking this evening, everything came together. It's just been a while and she has changed some, hair is different (colored with streaks of red), she has gained a little weight (but the old cams vs. the new cams that RLC is using now may make some difference), BUT same eyes and nose, Oh, and the same fucking necklace as shown in the pics. I believe it is her. And, if I see her put on those glasses, that will confirm any doubts for me.
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