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Posts posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. Sadly, RLC is going to do what RLC wants to do.  We can only hope for this couple to move into Sofia's & Roman's apartment, but I wouldn't count on it.  These friends of Dasha & Demid are not the only guests of any of the RLC couples who have stayed the night and have had sex.  Diana & Efim, Anton & Alina, and Angela & Valera have had guests over and none of them have ever been given apartments by RLC.  Isabel & Marcelo have been the only exception.

  2. Really? No one?

    Rather just give small arguments to posts that began with somethng different and add your 2 cents without facing the truth about yourselves???

    I'm not afraid, are you???

    Be yourself...explain...and fuck the others on here who judge you.  I dare them to explain their reasons too.

  3. Maybe she'll just leave for a day or two to cool off.  I would really hate to see this couple go.  A fight is a fight and this couple is not particularly known for fighting as we have seen with others like Leora & Paul, Alma & Stefan, or Isabel & Marcelo.  But, if they are not happy, then I can understand the need for breaking up and moving on.  I just hope we aren't confusing a fight with a break up.

  4. Everyone seems to have their reason(s) for coming to RLC and continuing to have an interest in it.

    For anyone who would like to participate, please be honest with us and yourself as to the "REASON as to WHY you initially came to RLC".  In other words, how did you find out about RLC and why did you come to watch?  Two very simple questions, but please feel free to elaborate on your answers.

    I'll go first:

    I am a voyeur and I like to watch people during their intimate moments...and most of those moments involve SEX.  One day while searching hidden cams and voyeur videos, I came across a shared video and found an interesting voyeur video.  After reading some of the comments about the video, I learned that it was from RealLifeCam.  The video was of Alma & Stefan.  So, I checked out the site and...JACKPOT!  RLC looked like a voyeur's dream.  I had never seen a site quite like this other than a married couple who hooked cameras up to a few rooms in their home (mainly 2 bedrooms and the living room - because they had children who they kept out of the camera's eye).  Well, that site I once loved with the married couple soon died and left me with just searching vids on xhamster and other like sites.  Then, I found RLC. 

    As I mentioned, my main intent was in searching for sex in a voyeuristic nature.  Over time, I have learned that my voyeuristic fetish hasn't only been limited to watching couples have sex or girls masturbate.  Many times I have caught myself watching with interest as they have fights, cook (my interest more on what they are cooking and eating), play with their pets, what they wear when they are home alone or what they wear to bed, how they sleep, how they socialize with friends, what their hobbies are, how they feel about Americans (LOL!) and I could go on... 

    A week ago when Demid did not want to have sex with Dasha, I didn't get upset.  She went into the Living room/Kitchen and plopped on the sofa and cried.  I always come to RLC to catch the couples engaging in sex, but that night, I was reminded how I can get drawn in to other intimate moments like that.  It saddened me to watch her cry, but it was pleasing to watch...to be allowed to watch that.  Does that make any sense?  Hope so.

    So, over time, I have derived some voyeuristic pleasure from watching other intimate moments other than sex.  But, I will not lie about my initial intent.  I'm not ashamed at being a voyeur...having an interest in other people and their actions, their habits...their lives...especially their sex lives.  Watching these couples have rekindled memories from my past as well as help me appreciate some of the choices I have made in my life...especially in regards to relationships.  And, irony is never without attendance...watching these couples (from an objective point of view) has even shown me where I have made mistakes in a past relationship...after all these years believing I was right.  It was enough for me to contact an old girlfriend and apologize (which she happily accepted and apologized for her mistakes too).  It's really interesting how this site has affected me over many months...and this is part of the reason I stick around.  Again, it is mainly for the sex, but unexpected benefits have presented themselves and have proven to be positive in my thinking and my life.  Weird, right?  I sure as hell didn't see any of that coming.

    But, again, it's mainly for the sex.  I get just as mad as anyone else when they cover up during sex or turn away from the cameras to hide their nudity and so on...  But, I get mad because it takes away from the voyeuristic experience (not to mention, I pay for that experience too).  Whenever couples do this, it lets me know that they are aware of the cameras and hinges on breaking the 4th wall (the 4th wall is an invisible wall between the actor and spectator - when an actor looks directly at the audience and/or speaks to them, they are breaking the 4th wall).  When these couples break the 4th wall (looking into the camera or addressing its presence in some way noticable), it takes away from my experience as the watcher.  And, as a watcher, I don't like to be noticed that I am watching.

    Anyway, that's just me and my reasons.  Thank you for reading.  I would love to read yours too.

  5. LOL! I would like to think that the couples are allowed to take a vacation.  That would be too funny if RLC is that militant and "allows" them to take a vacation.  I can just imagine the RLC management coming into the apartment, dressed in suits and ties with hair slicked back and holding a gun, pointed to the RLC contract that D&D signed.

  6. Which browsers are you guys using? 

    I've noticed that it takes less time on my laptop (i5, dual core, 6 Gig Mem., win 7) to switch between cameras on Google Chrome as opposed to Internet Explorer.  I haven't tried with Firefox or Safari, and if anyone is still using XP, I feel very sorry for them...it's a choppy nightmare.

    Unless a camera is down or having issues, it takes my screen 2 to 3 seconds with Chrome to switch between rooms in an apartment and about 3 to 5 seconds between apartments.

  7. I guess some people don't read what's posted before posting their own opinions.  But, that's okay, I've been guilty of that too.

    Just so you know, there wasn't any room for disagreement there.  My statement begins with, "IF YOU LIKE..." 

    It was a suggestion to the ones who actually are happy with the improvements...not for the ones who are disappointed.  Maybe I should have made that more clear.

    But, if you are so disappointed, might I suggest you contact RLC and let them know.  And, if that's not good enough and you really dislike the couples that much, then I have to ask, "Why are you here?"  If you want porn, then go to xhamster.  This site is for voyeurs.

  8. If you like the new couples and what RLC has been doing this month, then send them a nice email. Remind them that they have members who appreciate what they do...even if you already show appreciation by paying a standard or premium membership.

    And, no, I do not work for RLC.  It just seems like they have been listening and have done what they could do to fulfill members' demands.  

  9. I believe ragnor is making the comparison on how Anton sleeps on the floor or in another room whenever he doesn't want to be bothered by Alina's advances. In the case with Dasha & Demid, it is similar and therefore a fitting comparison.

    In regards to comparing the sex between Alina & Anton and Dasha & Demid (in which ragnor was NOT making a comparison), it is too early to make a comparison. However, the sex between both couples have been beyond par. As I have said before, Alina & Anton always give an epic performance whenever they have sex, and Dasha & Demid (for the one time they have had sex...so far) gave a great performance. Only time will tell if Dasha's & Demid's sex continues to be great or not.

    We should know a lot more after a month or so.

  10. In the past two days that I have watched this couple, they have been very interesting.  Lucas is one horny bastard.  I've seen them have sex 3 1/2 times.  I say 3 1/2 because, the 1/2 happened while he was lying behind her while she was watching something on her laptop.  He got inside her and was slowly fucking her for a while...then he began to speed up...I think he barely got in 5 or 6 strokes before it poked her too deep and made her cry out in pain and shove him away.  She started yelling at him and then he pulled completely away from her.  I only got a glimpse of his dick exiting her as he disengaged and turned over to go to sleep.  Later, she cuddled up to him, but he eventually woke up and brushed her off.  But, this morning, she made it up to him and let him fuck her before they got up.  Then, they cleaned and had a meal.  Afterwards, it was back on the bed and Lucas was straddling her face with his dick out of his shorts.  She sucked him for a while and then they had sex again (cowgirl and missionary).

    Even more interesting was the small fight they had yesterday.  At first it was just an argument, but it kept growing and she grabbed at him and he roughly pushed her away. 

    Very interesting couple...so far.

  11. Dasha has tried three times to have sex with Demid for the past two nights and he has turned her away. The night before last, she stormed off into the living room crying. Demid eventually picked her up and brought her back to to bed.  Last night, she tried again, but he wanted to sleep.  She  managed to wake him so that she could get his shirt and shorts off, then she just cuddled with him.  Meanwhile, in the kitchen/living room, there wasn't any action by their friends who stayed the night.  They eventually left early in the morning.  And, Dasha tried again earlier today, but Demid brushed her off because he was watching television.  She tried to get up to leave, but he pulled her back on the sofa and kissed her.  Then, he gets up and leaves the room only to go to the balcony.

    Maybe something will happen tonight.  We can only hope.

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