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Posts posted by hollywoodmogul21

  1. What should RLC do about it?  

    Other than replacing the couples, I cannot think of anything that I would want them to do that would be short of manipulating how the couples live their lives.

  2. Find out and you will be the man.  Many possibilities have been posted. +8 time zone and we know it is in Russia - good luck.

    I hope you never find out because RLC needs to protect these participants from undesirables...at the same time, these people need to live their lives in comfort and perform for us as they feel the need without any fear of any of us lurking or staking them.

    For us to discover their true identity puts them in danger and this takes away from us true voyeurs who just want to watch.

    Think about it.

  3. BabOlii - I think that we all appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication and even support what you are trying to do.  However, as you can see, most of the members on this board know when to come online for any of the couples...+8 usually happens in the early morning for US watchers/voyeurs...+4 happens in the afternoon for US watchers/voyeurs, and +2 happens...well, without Alma (the most popular) it almost doesn't matter...and it's a blessing when Alma is seen in Isabel's apartment.  So, it doesn't matter what schedule we try to incorporate, the times that people will be on are based on these times.

    In other words, you should monitor the members on this board instead of any of the couples to see when action takes place.

    You can easily judge it by the time of the comments in the shoutbox. That should make your research a lot easier.

    Sorry, if I deflated your idea, but I have only been here since Jan of 2014 and this has slowly become the norm in the past two months since RLC has enforced their decree on what we signed.  It has changed a lot since Nora & Kiko and Lora & Max. and it has changed since before then.  Especially since Alma & Stefan is gone.

    The last board we had went into more depth about all the couples.  Now that it's not anymore, you can go to CC to get a piece of what has happened...and the same rule applies to them too.  You're not giving us anything new...when most of us are trying to adjust to these new times.

    RLC is making a lot of significant changes and all we can do (as paying members who have not been banned) is adapt.  My hope is that RLC will embrace these changes that they have been responsible for and do something good with it...instead of banning any past paying members.  I would like for RLC to release their ban on past members (because of the new technology) and give them a 2nd chance.  Most of them gave us videos for justifiable reasons based on our investment of RLC...and have been banned because of it.

    I believe that we need a board for paying members who will not be bothered by people asking for passwords and that these paying member will be allowed to post pics and videos to a members only board.  This is to the advantage of paying members and RLC.  It's nothing (personally) against people who don't pay...but for any true voyeur, who does pay, it is for RLC's protection and the paying member's benefit.  

    I understand if a person doesn't want to pay a membership and indulges on the free cams...I did that too for a while...and it took a lot of work for me to become a member.  Now that I am, I will completely support RLC (even though I still have issues with them).  But, I did sign an agreement with them to not record, copy, or distribute their material (I signed that, but have issues on some details that I will share some content - so if I find it elsewhere, and if another paying member missed it, then I may share it - I think that is fair - because I am not breaking my contract with RLC - if anything, I am helping them keep some members).

    So, making a schedule is not important for many of us, because we already know when to be here.

    Things are changing, many things are changing and you may have come in the middle of it all.  Expect more changes and more evolution to the site.  This is just the beginning.

    If it makes any difference, a paying member wrote to RLC and asked for a new couple and asked that they be English speaking.  RLC wrote back that they are working on it and that we can expect a new couple (possibly an English speaking couple) soon.  I don't know whether or not this is true, but I have faith that there will be another couple.  I expect it in another month or so.  Anyhow, I did the math, and RLC can very well afford it...as they have afforded the new updates and upped their membership for those of us crazy enough to pay more than $30 per month.

    RLC watches the boards and they took a technology we used and incorporated it into their site...and they are keeping people from uploading videos...because no one wants to be banned from something they love.

    So, after all that talk, it still stands that no schedule is needed for any of the couples.  Members, paying and non-paying know when to come and watch.  For any who do not know...just read my post above.

    Hope that helps.

  4. Yes, a few of us did too.  I wrote to RLC and here was their response:


    Thank you for contacting us.

    Unfortunately, we had some technical troubles for a few minutes yesterday. It has been fixed in short period of time.

    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    Thank you.


    Support Team,


  5. As to the reasons why people use the ul site, I do not know. But, I did read something about them earning money for people clicking on their links.  Whether it's true or not, I do not know.

    But, if you are having some issues viewing it, you may want to try it a different web browser.  I use chrome and it works for me.

    My issue with the ul sites is the limited number of downloads and the extremely slow rate that it takes to download.  If I get a time out, then it a very long wait to try again.

  6. A member over at CC named, newbie1kenobi, posted this link and I found it very interesting and wanted to share it with the members here, who may not have read it.


    As an American and coming from a different culture than Russia, I was enlightened.  However, it doesn't justify cheating (in my book), but it does give an explanation, some insight.

  7. The motion sensor is pretty nice, but the ones in L&P's are either not as sensitive or not working at all. As far as the other apartments, some are as sensitive that they capture the movement of curtains in D&E's bedroom and kitchen, and the rotation of the fan in K&R's bedroom.  Also, pets will set the sensors off as I have seen in A&A's, M&A's, and I&M's.

  8. I stepped up to the premium.

    My initial thoughts:

    Yes, if there were more couples like D&E, then these multiple cam views and motion sensor tools seem to be very beneficial.  As for the price, I think it's a little much, considering the couples RLC has at this time.

    If all the couples were more sexual active as D&E (and their guests too), then I would pay $50.00 per month. But, I would also ask RLC for a member message board or a page where pics and videos can be posted...because I am tired of missing the good stuff.

    This is what I think so far...and my opinion may change.

    But, the ultimate question is, "Is it worth getting the premium membership now?" My answer is, "Only if you can afford it. It's just an option at this point, not a must."

  9. You really cannot answer that question truthfully unless you had a list of every paying member of RLC and had them all vote on their favorite couple (which would be difficult for some members, who could be torn between two or more couples)...and favorites can change over time as new couples come aboard (i.e. D&E) and older couples become uninteresting to watch (i.e. I&M - until there's something interesting to watch like them having sex or Isabel lounging with her legs open and giving us that famous bat signal, their big fight like yesterday or because there isn't anything else going on with any other couple).

    RLC could best answer this question by putting it to a vote or by reforming their membership fees. For example, instead of paying one fee of $30 per month to watch all couples, they could divide the fee between all couples ($5.00 each) and allow members to pick which couples they want to watch.  The couple earning the most money would be the most accurate way that I can think of to determine which couple is carrying RLC.

    Someone could just write RLC and ask them, and they may or may not reply with an answer or not reply at all.

  10. Well, if Efim wants to get her into trying anal sex, then what he needs to do is the next time he is going down on her, start fingering her to get his finger nice and wet, and then casually slip that finger down to her anus and just rub his fingertip around in light circles.  If she likes it (and I have never had a girlfriend who didn't - even though a few of them swore they would never try anything anal), then Diana will push against that finger and allow it to penetrate a little...but don't let anymore than the first segment of his finger enter her...and don't let it go any further than that...the first time.  That will be enough to tease and have her thinking about trying it again.  And, all he needs to do is repeat this process during the next few sex sessions (allowing her to push on his finger for deeper penetration).  Before he knows it, he won't be the one asking for anal sex.  She will. 

    This has worked every time I wanted to have anal sex with a girl and I thank the girl, who was a good friend in college, who taught me this strategy.  Angie! Wherever you are in the world today, THANK YOU SO MUCH!  That was one night of homework that I will never forget.

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