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Posts posted by MEE4YOUU

  1. Hello, I clicked the green New Posts ("Mark as Read) by accident for one of the forums ; getting no new posts,

    how to reverse ??


    Thanks !!

    This action applies for the current post you clicked read but when there are new posts, they will appear as unread again 

  2. Let me clear this for you :)

    The first guest who is here since January or even before this date is Suzans brother :)

    The second guest is his friend.

    Hector and the 2 boldheads are typical bulgarian villager guys, with low IQ and they are coming from a small bulgarian village.

    This boldhead stereotype is really typical among the low IQ balkan kids. What I mean by "Low IQ" -> They can talk only about drinking, smoking pot, fu*king girls and random stupid things.

    They shave their heads bold, cuz they want to look like tough guys, but the real thing is, that they are too stupid too realize, that people are making fun of them


    Are you sure that the 1st guy is Suzan's bro??? How come ?? have you ever seen a brother playing with his own sister like he does with Suzan ? 

    I have another questions about Hector and the gang: Why all of them have shaved chests and legs just like women?? Is it a common issue for those low IQ ppl or maybe they are gays or what?? 

  3. does this answer his question? If the scenario occurred, would you put that apartment on repair til underage was gone. What would RLC do?


    Good question my friend... The thing is that we've never seen any underage guests yet.. Let's wait & see what would the scenario would be if this happens .. 

  4. Masha's guest looks a lot better then the china doll "asian girl" they had there for the christmas holidays  8)


    You're 100% right but unfortunately she didn't stay long.. I hope she would visit them again very soon 

  5. In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257) and associated regulations found in 28 C.F.R 75 all participants located within our domain are 18 years of age or older. All proof of age and other required records are held by the custodian of records, which are listed below. All content is in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.


    I do think M & S's guest does not seem to meet those requirements from her appearance.

    Well, thanks for the information provided. I didn't mean that girl in specific I just wanted to learn the applicable rules in general for such cases..

  6. Underutilized tenant - seldom seen and seldom used in terms of sex - RLC would benefit greatly if she paraded around naked more often and had a more frequent sex life. For a skinny girl she does have a solid look about her (from head to toes and EVERYTHING in between) plus such a treat to watch. She's a beauty.


    But still she's good having solo actions very often when he's not around.. I feel that some male tenants prevent some really good solo actions when they are sitting there such as Paul, Hector, Demid and of course Lev.. 

  7. I have a question:

    What will be the case if underage female or male visitors come to one of these apartments and stay for a few days.. Is it going to be normal or it would be considered as something illegal and children abuse ?????  ???  ???  ??? 

  8. It's not her sister for sure, but the boy guest is her brother :D

    I've chatted with him yesterday on facebook while he was using the laptop and it was hella fun :D his reaction was priceless when I've sent him a nude pic of Suzan and Hector and he replied "Dudee please don't send me nude photos of my sister" :D :D :D

    Oh really?? so lucky.. Did you ask him how can a brother fondle his sister the way he does ??? 

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