This one is nothing but a tease. We have not even seen any good masterbation. At least Leora is not afraid to show it all and enjoy herself. Of course she has Ben around a while. Why would RLC keep them around ifthey are not actively making them money.
I think the only thing that would.make her masterbateing more perfect would be if she got alot wetter. I would love to see a little squirt or some love juice running down her leg!
Danaya just needs to keep trying. Maybe if she just starts matsturbating with Ilona in the bed next to her she might decide to help. Such a tease these two!
I am beginning to think that there might be some legal reasons they don't change them out quickly. Does not seam like it would be too hard to find other willing couple to live in a sweet place for free and all you have to do is walk around looking good and fuck every now and then.
Too bad. Well it was nice to see them roll around a little. Such a tease though. I don't know many staigjt as an arrow girls.that roll around naked together so I will keep the hope alive. You never know what a little alcohol and some pent up frustrations van lead too!
Not sure why they are allowed to remain in the apartment if they are not making rlc any money by making people want to sign up. I think there is more than her just being shy. Maybe her family found out like leora's did a long time ago.