I have to agree to a certain extent; However, without the authority we were afforded when we were appointed, we have kinda left the discipline to the Administrators. We report, they deal with the non-conformists as they deem necessary.
We had the power to use our authority when we saw it necessary and we banned the perpetrators.
We, the Moderator Team, have been lax in dealing with those that didn't follow the rules and the rules have been neglected by so many. Moderators included.
It's been running fairly smoothly, with the possible exceptions, which have been dealt with by Admin and the Moderators both. Some familiars you don't see anymore for this very reason.
WE want everyone to come, converse with one another, share grievances over the tenants and NOT over each other. Far too much of that in the past. We've come a long ways in a short time; weeded out the bad, tried to entertain the good.
The sole purpose of RealLifeCam.com is for entertainment only; and the forum, RealLifeCamFan.com is also for entertainment ONLY. We niether gain nor lose anything by being here. Other than time.
Remember that, always!