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Everything posted by BORN-TO-RIDE

  1. welcome to Beatriz and Santiago lets hope for an improvement
  2. Not much to add to the previous comment except ,this is why we made @toolmaker a moderator , he as been a member for a long time and as involved himself in all parts of this fan forum, this is the sort of thing that doesnt go unnoticed, you to can have a major imput into our site to bring it into the realms of the place to come .YES this site is primarily for RLC discussion ,But not a hardfast rule ,come join the guys on chat,and you will see there are many topics of discussion from cultures , conspiracies even talk of sport .Many members are now using this forum to socialise with new online friends ,i have witnessed a great change in the temprement of our members of late,whiich makes me proud that our site can be used as a social media site aswell ,I am the process of finding ways to add more content to this forum,to make it a level platform for all members regardless of sex ,culture or colour ,we are building this site with everyone in mind ,so join in with any comments on what you think you would like to see added to this site to make it enjoyable for you,.We are also blessed in having members that are technically minded who are more than willing to help those of you who are computer virgins ,off which there are many , just ask a question in the forum or ask on chat if anyone ca help in matters .you will find alot of friendly and helpfull members ..and let me make a footnote here , @toolmaker as proved to be a wise choice by me . but dont think he his soft ,that fuker bites back . BE WARNED !
  3. TRY emailing RLC and tell them you know of a hack that really works for there site , say to them if they give you 1 months free membership ,you will disclose the hack at the end of 30 days ,then fuk em off lol ,,oh yes also dont you a static ip when you send the email or you might just need to buy a new computer pmsl
  4. fluffy what is it with you guys , shes fat shes ugly shes ate all the pies , candyfloss is fluffy she is more like a pumpkin
  5. i guess your going to be needing this more than me ,you can have it , (Image Content No Longer Available)
  6. still no sign of jitka so heres some pics of guest to keep you going (Image Content No Longer Available)
  7. well put tnx, an example of how a meaningfull post is done
  8. NOT ANYMORE, RLC have established themselves now and they feel they dont need to offer incentives , Goes to prove they really dont support there viewing public , RLC MOTTO "IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX IT "..guess the dumbfuks in their hierachy have no comprhension of improvement ,
  9. the said member as been a guest on here but due to the changes alot of guest are now having to register
  10. alma was one of the few residents that actually gave us real life
  11. i wouldnt say no to 5 mins in a room with him , he would know what pain really is ,B.T.R style
  12. links to there instagram have been deleted ,or made private by them
  13. guest cant view gallery they need to register.as for stopping them seeing anything else well that would not allow them to see what we have to offer .guest can only watch chat , there only option they can use is the forum section
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