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Everything posted by philo

  1. I try and post about what I see in the apartments. I don't think anyone else who posts would care about my thoughts regarding what THEY post so I don't engage in that behavior. Let's say two people see an event...say and automobile accident...and one describes what they saw. Another person then says "If I had to rely on your facts and thoughts" it would appear that that person has a different view. The responsibility to explain what was wrong with the first account then shifts to the person who differs to explain what actually is happening and why the facts as presented by the first person are dubious. If the second person cannot or will not do that...then It goes the THEIR credibility. I hope you will accept the challenge because I have no personal interest in trying to convince anyone to agree with my post. From the examples you do cite in your limited argument, however, if does appear that you do not watch the MSD apartment much otherwise you would not be trying to dispute what many on the chat have seen and have even discussed previously in the chat. If you don't believe Masha has a new boyfriend or if you don't think Dasha and Sasha spent a week away together...I'm afraid I cannot help you. By the way... have you seen Dasha and Sasha in the past three days? I do suggest that you get up to speed and maybe we can chat again.
  2. I think that a better way would be for you to just provide some fact or observation that disproves what I posted. I had always thought you were one of those who had an informed opinion about what we are observing in the various apartments. Rather your response is more like one of the many trolls who get their satisfaction from launching attacks about the posts of others. I stand fully behind everything I posted. I await your post that will disprove what I posted and prove me to be false and erroneous. Of course you will have some specifics to offer in order to make your case.I challenge you to do that!
  3. So when Masha comes back home from an extended stay, Dasha and Sasha leave immediately upon her return for their extended stay (or what I call, their "second honeymoon"). To me, this demonstrates a serious new development in their deteriorating relationships. The couple that was brought in as guests seem to have no sexual interest in Masha (or in each other for that matter and Masha does not show in sexual interest in either of them). So why are they there? I think their only reason for being their is to distract viewers from what is really going on. (that Sasha and Masha can no longer stand to be together in the same place at the same time). Maybe having these guest come in (I call them the "wall paper couple" is the only thing that RLC can figure out at this late stage of events or what has been called the pending "train wreck".
  4. Now three years later, Dasha and Baldy (Then called Shaggy) are reunited at Masha, Sasha and Dasha's apartment. What was the first thing that they did when they were reunited? Dasha tried to eat his face off and Badly fingered her on camera. They did all the things that we suspected but could not see them do while they were just out on the balcony for a "smoke" during her relationship with Demid. This is only one of many examples that seem to suggest that you are the one who got it wrong. Perhaps a better way of approaching this would be to acknowledge that there are some people who see things that you don't see. The arrogance is in presuming your authority over others...especially when you end up being the one who did not have a clue.
  5. With Masha gone for a while, we get to see what a Dasha, Sasha apartment would look like. I was wrong when I suggested in a much earlier post that Dasha would not step up to the demanding duties of domesticity that Masha was performing. Not only is Dasha getting up to prepare meals, I just watched her bath Masha's cat. LOL So does this answer any questions about who is likely to be the one to leave when this trio finally splits up and who will script the scenarios with Masha gone? Stay tuned. LOL
  6. Now that Masha's guest have gone, it looks like she may have gone back to stay with her boyfriend for a while. Before this new relationship started, I can't recall that Masha ever stayed away two or more days and nights at a time. But she can't stay for long because she has to put in her RLC time on camera or she won't get paid. I really hope she convinces the new guy to come home with her and to go on camera because I'd like to watch the dynamics of who gets to occupy the big bed. LOL
  7. Have you seen this guys' face? He has tattoo scripts written on both sides of his face like some Russian Mafia figure who never needs to worry about going to a job interview because he is a "made" man.
  8. I've been watching MSD for the past few days, primarily observing the interactions between Masha and Sasha. I'm starting to feel that their relationship is deteriorating slowly but surely due to Sasha's feelings of loss of control. He seems unhappy about the sleeping rotations where Masha gets alone time with Dasha. He seems especially resentful of Masha's guest and is pouting like a small child for having to sleep on the floor because it's Masha's turn to sleep alone with Dasha. I may be reading this wrongly but whatever the reason, Sasha seems to be developing resentment towards Masha. He still performs the required RLC contracted behaviors with Masha but it seems, now, to be no more than an obligatory duty. I hope Sasha can overcome his negative feelings before his resentment turns to hatred.
  9. You have proposed one of the best ideas I have heard recently. You may have said it in jest but I think it's worthy strong consideration by RLC. More..More !!!
  10. There was no rumor. I was the one who reported that Bodgan hired a photographer to do a photo session of Annabelle that began in the afternoon. (Many people watched what I watched and there were several days of discussion on the chat following the incident.) After a couple hours of shooting, Bodgan started pouring liquor. The "real photographer" left and Bodgan took over the photo shoot as Annabelle's poses got more provocative. This session went on for several hours. Annabelle gets hot to trot and suddenly Efrim shows up. Bodgan pours him a drink and then takes Annabelle to the balcony. After more than an hour, Efrim goes looking for Annabelle and Bodgan. (It's well after midnight by this time.) Efrim comes back from the balcony crying and falls on the sofa in a fetal position. Shortly after, Annabelle comes back from the balcony and tries to console Efrim. A few minutes later. Bodgan comes in and heads straight for the restroom next to the front door. After I reported what happened, the Bodgan Army descended and started accusing me of saying Bodgan had fucked Annable. I only reported what I saw. It they concluded that Bodgan fucked Annabelle, then they started the rumor...not me. One only has to ask themselves, what possible logical explanations could one imagine to explain what transpired. Personally, I think they went outside to talk. LOL
  11. There is no doubt that many of the girl-girl sessions on RLC are fake. The most classic example is the three year marketing charade that RLC used to build their brand with Kammi and Kristy in B1. (They could not fall asleep unless they were in each others arms and now Kammi and Kristy hardly even speak to each other). But if someone wants to suggest that the session Irma had with Stella (or any of the other girls) was fake, then it only means that you only read about it and did not see it. LOL
  12. I don't know if anyone needs to make up anything about Eva and Sam. They pretty much show us what they are thinking by doing it! Sam does seem to demonstrate more emotional involvement with his girlfriend than he does with Eva. Some will recall that this is Eva's second RLC announced "vacation" in the past 30 days. The has time she was on vacation, Sam brought the girl in for a bit of anal and Eva came back the next day, well in advance of her scheduled "vacation". I just wonder where Eva is on her vacation? As far as we know, she could be spending time with "Baldy" (Shaggy from the Dasha/Demid apartment). Or, she could be visiting her girlfriend that some say she is "only friends" with (even though they have eaten each other's pussy). Where are you Eva?
  13. Another indicator of "trouble in paradise" is to watch Sasha's hands. When Sasha makes considerable effort to keep his hands folded behind his head, he seems to be intentional about not touching. As I watch him lay next to Masha, he seems intentional about not touching her. Sasha's body language is even more predictable than Dasha's. He often communicates non-verbally with Dasha by discreetly touching her, especially when passing her or when Masha is in the room. When he is under some restriction (Whether imposed by Masha or by RLC I cannot determine). What I have observed is that Sasha will pout for an extended period and become non-communicative to show his disdain for the restriction. Another indicator is "positioning". Close observers will note that the decision as to whether he will be situated next to Masha, or next to Dasha, or in the middle, is carefully choreographed. This seems consistent whether they are on the sofa or in bed. This pouting behavior of Sasha seems to be most apparent when he is positioned next to Masha and he really would prefer to be next to Dasha. Again, it is not clear whether Masha or RLC is calling these shots but it seems clear that Sasha is not a happy camper about following the directions.
  14. Dasha usually presents with this "pasted on" smile that has become her persona, especially when in the presence of both Masha and Sasha. Lately, when Sasha pulls up a computer page for her to view, a close up reveals a facial change from a smile to a look of concern. (That's why I'm asking if they may be reading posts from one of the forums about them). One of my secrets to figuring out what is going on without understanding their language has been closely observing Dasha's face. Dasha would be the worse poker player in history because her face usually reveals her emotions. Whenever Dasha starts to look worried, it's a good idea for fans to start looking more closely as to what is happening because Dasha's face has ALWAYS forecast her situation...at least, it has been a reliable indicator in the four years I have been watching her.
  15. So now that MSD are back from their last "vacation" what is it we are seeing now? Another earlier post suggested that this last vacation was actually an opportunity for RLC to call the trio in for a co"what next" meeting...since Masha seems to have gone off script with her new boyfriend. I agree with that theory since something clearly has happened to change the tone of the trio since their return. There seems to be little conversation and Sasha and Dasha act like they are under some kind of probationary restrictions. For example, instead of Sasha and Dasha looking at the computer on Camera 1 together...Sasha will pull up a page and leave while Dasha comes and reads the content. They do this in rotation without any conversation. (Are they reading the posts from the forums about their latest activities?). Whatever happened while they were away, Sasha and Dasha do not seem like the same carefree couple they were before Masha's escapade. Dasha has been on these RLC initiated vacations before. RLC sent her and Demid away for a week when things were not going well with them. They came back on day three and were a non-couple shortly after. If anyone has a clue about this I'm sure we would all welcome your analysis.
  16. Yup...I agree. They have to come up with something better than Sasha pouting and pretending not to have sex with Masha again because he is made about her new boyfriend. I can't wait to see how long before they bring Masha and her boyfriend back on camera. I hope they don't drag it out as long as they did before Sasha fucked Dasha.
  17. Masha has returned to a cool reception from Sasha. Dasha prompted her to go and give him some love and he rejected her. Looks like he's going to pout about her excursion. That won't last long. LOL
  18. Alleged quote from Dasha and Sasha: "Masha who?" LOL
  19. It is remarkable that Dasha and Sasha punctuated Masha's departure with a house cleaning!!! It could have been worse...they could have taken down all of her art work from the walls of the living room. The are two big elephantile questions now on the table in my opinion: 1st is why did it take Masha so long to make a move after it has been clear for some time, to any casual observer, that she was no longer emotionally relevant in the life of her longtime mate, Sasha? The 2nd question is why would she ever return to a situation where she clearly has no way to win back anything resembling a loving relationship with her longtime mate, Sasha? Other than the fact that the RLC contract on the apartment is probably in her name and that she may be the only one with the combination to the wall safe, there is no reason for her to ever return. This situation creates a golden opportunity for RLC to CREATE ANOTHER SINGLE WOMAN APARTMENT. Surely Masha has earned that consideration from RLC as much as Vanessa or Maya ever did.
  20. One of the benefits of this to viewers is that we get to see what a Dasha/Sasha apartment would look like. Will Dasha step up and assume the considerable domestic duties that Masha was performing? Will they redecorate and will Dasha try to impose her personal touch on things or will she leave everything in place awaiting Masha's return (which I think there could be some doubt about). My guess is that Dasha and Sasha will "double down" and will try and make some kind of move that sends a "fuck you...good riddance" message to Masha. That would be a big mistake in my opinion.
  21. For those of us who follow Masha closely, we see that she can be very organized and sticks to a schedule for herself. She is normally the first out a bed in the morning and prepares her meals at around the same time each day. A part of her early morning routine a few days per week has been putting on her gym gear, leaving the apartment for a while, coming back and taking a quick shower, then rejoining Sasha in bed (sometimes before he is even awake). So my theory is that the guy that Masha has run off with is someone from the gym and that she has been seeing him for quite a while. The level of intimacy that she displayed with him did not suggest that this relationship is new. Also, the engagement of other guests did not appear to be new. They were very comfortable standing right over and watching Masha and the guy make out on the sofa. It even inspired them to get frisky. I'm thinking they have all been engaged in group sex together for some time now. Additional evidence for this is the way that Masha interacted with the female guest and the way she kissed her in the kitchen. Also, one of the things that I like about Masha is that she does not try to hide her lust. The freedom with which she engages her sexual partners is open and honest whether in the middle of a party or in the middle of her bed. She does not stop whatever "naughty" behavior she may be engaged in just because someone enters the room the way that Sasha does. Well now that Sasha and Dasha have the place all to themselves, they won't have to worry about that for a while.
  22. You asked all the important questions here !!! As to your last question, others have posted on here that it all started long before RLC. Some earlier post say that Masha, Dasha and Nelly were school mates. That information, if true, correlates with a masturbation show that Nelly performed while watching a porn video on her computer. When Nelly went to get her big dildo, she left the computer screen up facing the camera in her bedroom. I took the opportunity to zoom in on the screen to see what she was watching. What I saw was two women having sex while being film by someone with a hand held camera. When the camera angled changed and moved in for a head shot, the two women looked like younger versions of Masha and Dasha. It was before Masha's boob job and before Dasha's tattoo but otherwise looked very much like them. I think there are many life styles that people choose and RLC is just exposing some of them to us that we might have never imagined before.
  23. Well they are off... and Masha even left it to the big guy to turn off the lights. I don't think Sasha has fully realized what just happened!!! I think that she told Dasha what was up because when she got up at 4:00am (their time) to fix her new man some breakfast, Dasha immediately got up from her palate on the floor and got into bed with Sasha, knowing that Masha would not be coming back. The three make out sessions that Masha and her beau had this morning were HOT! Not about sex but the guy seemed to be giving Masha lots of tender loving (the way Sasha gives it to Dasha). Masha was so cool with it all while packing...she put her clothes in her new boy friends' bag and then the new boyfriend conned Sasha into finding him an extra travel bag to carry his clothes in. What a hoot !!! Also, when Masha went into the safe to get money out, I don't think Sasha even checked to see if there was anything left !!! LOL Now all that Dasha has to worry about is WHO IS GOING TO COOK FOR THEM NOW? Thanks to RLC scriptwriters for a great new story line. I love it.
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