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Everything posted by Scotsman84

  1. Aye busy with such a hard life they have lol that Vacation must have been needed lol wtf
  2. Maybe they got lost and cant find there way home lol im sure some nutters will THINK they know whats happened lol
  3. My low opinion of women what? that the best you can come back with lol dont normally entertain little faggots like you but fuck it stalkers like you give the internet a bad name
  4. If it wasn't for the Barcelona Apartment you wouldnt know who Kamilia was lol she would probably be safer woman in this world lol
  5. She is doing well ment to be leaving 22nd, 23rd,24th... lets just say she will be away before the Euros start lol
  6. Comming from you lol you do know that stalking doesnt count as work.... fair play surprised you could spell it
  7. Im pretty sure he works hard for a living lol
  8. Pretty sure thats bollocks just like everthing else that comes out your mouth lol
  9. Aye you get paid monthly for being a member here lol
  10. Some need to shut the fuck up and stop comming out will bullshit
  11. Poor monkeys... they 3 are not that smart lol more like pheasants small brains and thick as fuck
  12. In some Apartments the animals are more entertaining than the tenants lol
  13. Amazing what some will do to to get an apartment lol
  14. Nora can show her where to masterbate secretly lol Madam Nora
  15. Thank fuck some of you dont have a passport
  16. More chance of finding a cock when putting hand down trousers lol
  17. Look even bigger twat than you did before lol
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