love to see balcony cam's at Dasha's and Nelly's they spend lot of times out there where you don' see them when they go out, just like the girls apartment, just hope they can do the same
love the comments, love this couple, nelly is 1 that loves to fuck and she knows it, she gets turn on giving that sly look at the cams knowing we are all watching lol, thanks nelly
got to love zoya natual, real bates, masha, nelly diana,elma,dasha with the banana,susan,leora some i'v seen in galary
top 3 for me
1 Zoya
2 Nelly
3 Masha
list can go on lol
had my thoughts awhile bac when i saw lera come in 1 night with another dude briefly, i thought it was alex but no soner they left alex came home, so my thoughts she playing around on him, it had to come out sooner or later, glad it did their apartment was a waste of time any way
agree lazy fark head, care's only to himself, if zoya is getting it outside the apartment good for her, but don't think so at this time, when lev was away for a time she stayed loyal till he got back, as for Efin he was hoping but no go wit zoya, would have been a waste with him also, she has a bit of pride, she has the cleanliest pussy out lol