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Everything posted by Rob1

  1. Cats like being in high places that is a known fact they live and sleep in high places
  2. It would not surprise me if Iceland beat England they are looking pretty good they are a decent team now Iceland. Infact there has been many improved teams in the euros this year Hungary is another.
  3. Portugal are so lucky they haven't even won a game within the 90 minute mark but yet they are in the quarter-finals. They was lucky to get third place aswell drawing three games and still qualifying is unbelievable.
  4. Snails and game consoles move faster then him
  5. Yeah get into something more hairy after seeing that i think that has put me of pussy's for life. But i have always been into white pussy's not gone off them yet and i have never really been keen on black pussy's.
  6. No way leora is blowing Paul i should of known lol
  7. here is the true meaning of stalking stalk2 stÉ”Ëk/ verb gerund or present participle: stalking 1. pursue or approach stealthily. "a cat stalking a bird" synonyms: creep up on, trail, follow, shadow, track down, go after, be after, dog, hound, course, hunt, pursue, chase, give chase to, run after; informaltail "he noticed a stoat stalking a rabbit" harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention. "for five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her" literary move silently or threateningly through (a place). "the tiger stalks the jungle" 2. stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner. "without another word she turned and stalked out" synonyms: strut, stride, march, flounce, storm, stomp, sweep, swagger, prance "without another word she turned and stalked out" and heres another a person who pursues game, prey, or a person stealthily. 2. a person who harasses another person, as a former lover, a famous person, etc., in an aggressive, often threatening and illegal manner: Hollywood stars often have security guards to keep dangerous stalkers at bay.
  8. Ain't stalking when you attack someone oh wait that's what we are doing lol
  9. this song is for lev and don't worry i am not going #downwiththekids #allforlev #levismyboy
  10. Never heard of a finger massage but i have heard of a fingering massage lol. maybe k&k could do one of those oh wait we are all dreaming lol
  11. Didn't kami's mum & dad come round a couple weeks ago and Sabrina's mum?
  12. You will find that most tenants/guests are different on the outside world then on rlc. It is all part of the game rlc are playing.
  13. Which of the current tenants on rlc would you get the most upset about when they eventfully leave rlc and give your reasons why? I would say m&s (Maya & Stepan) because they are the most real out of all the tenants they do everything real nothing fake. I would miss Maya's amazing body. Also i would miss them because they have been on rlc since i first started watching it in 2014
  14. Dasha went missing for about 6 months then we found out 3 months later she was on vacation it happens lol
  15. Would getting naked be an allergy. Nope probably not but with all the smelly fanny about you gotta be careful you don't catch something lol
  16. What's the one thing gays and women have got in common?. They both love sucking cock.
  17. Picture 1 she's good with her hands that's for sure lol
  18. m&s (Maya & Stepan) The girls apartment (only because My Rita and Irma are involved in the apartment at the moment apart from that i don't visit it at all) Zoya & Lev m&s (Masha & Sasha) Elvis & Sabrina,Dasha & Demid,Nelly & Bodgan and Nina & Kira (sometimes)
  19. R.I.P to the people who lost their lives in Orlando in a truly tragic event. Let's hope they get justice.
  20. Not as horny as c&s dog is it i can't see it trying to attack some human flesh
  21. What's with all these # you are doing is this a new thing for you or are you getting down with the kids lol
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