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Everything posted by Rob1

  1. A fan page is also for debating about the person saying what they think is going to happen and what they think about the person. you don't have to be a mega fan just to reply to a message on their fan page. Myself I am only a fan of my Rita which I always have been and quite recently Irma but it doesn't mean I can not comment on the other fan pages just because I am not a fan of the other people
  2. And not to forget Paul is in the army and maya is into arts and crafts maybe even a hairdresser (that's what I believe)
  3. 100 agree with me the other 200 are not so sure rob1 and 7 are 100% sure it is rita's double lol
  4. Hell yeah like the idea of that Chloe & Joshua old app once you are there everything goes wrong he wouldn't last long look at the last couples before c&j which was fails jitka & marek and lera yep you are right Skippy that apartment is truly cursed
  5. It is possible efim may return in a new apartment with his new gf nympho I hope not but it could happen and could be the reason why efim left n&b because he is waiting to move into his new apartment and rlc thinks he has done another to return to rlc. That's my opinion. What do you guys think have your opinion?
  6. The answer is never he always dresses like a dude lol
  7. Yep he was he used to beat up his former girlfriend Diana when they had an apartment on rlc now he regularly visits rlc with new gf nympho (that's what we call her on rlcf) to try and find his way back on rlc and we all hope that doesn't happen
  8. Yep at least Nelly brings entertainment to rlc and that's more then other women can do and that's no offensive to other women you are all just great comedy acts lol
  9. Don't believe everything they say on cc all of the time they just make up stuff like we do on rlcf but cc do it more then us. people on cc really think they know it all.
  10. Sorry toolmaker but I prefer Skippy's one flc fakelifecam lol
  11. yep sure do care if it is fake and have said that more then enough times i like everything real and you will find that most people are like that on this forum. also yes we do want true lesbians not fake ones like the ones in k&k and the girls apartment true lesbians are the best.
  12. They do it all for the extra money,boast their ratings,keep members interested which never works with me I know the game they are playing and boast their modeling status
  13. Fully agree with that it would be alright if they was lesbians but they are not we all know that by now all this fake lesbian teasing,playing to the cameras and having bath/showers together making it look lesbian pisses me off this is why I never watch this apartment fed up with it. Like I said if they was lesbian maybe I would watch but while all this fake rubbish is going on I can never watch again just make the girls into normal girls how they was before a normal all girls apartment no need to fake being lesbian this is also why I never watch k&k I say bring my baby girl Rita back to this apartment at least she was acting real lol. Or even Irma loved Irma I know she wasn't acting real but still her face and body was good to watch and she had meat on the bones big tits big arse nice arse nice tits which is the most important thing about her.
  14. That dick should of been on danaya's boobs at least you can do things with danaya's boobs I don't know want to do with Adele's nipples and man nipples lol
  15. Zoya's masturbation scenes are pretty real aswell and when she does them with Lev not being there they are the best masturbation scenes in the world and currently on rlc. Ashame she doesn't masturbate often OK here's hoping lev goes away soon so zoya can have some fun lol
  16. I do like the translate idea as it was my idea to start this topic of but in a way it may ruin rlc because they will be saying things that we already know is happening on rlc currently. Things like lets tease for the cameras,lets play to the cameras,lets have baths and showers together make it look lesbian and lets do a fake tease show we will get money for it. I do think the translate will be good for the other apartments but not k&k and d&a as they are just playing to the cameras. I hope you know what I mean by this but that's only what I think.
  17. Girls laugh and joke about anyway whether it is with men or women that is normal for them but mostly it is with men
  18. i would of liked to see btr get involved in this hole efim and nympho thing not seen him say much about them i wonder what he thinks and what his thoughts are towards efim and nympho
  19. Incest is the best but not real incest oh hell no. fake incest as in porn films is the best. And you guys keep bringing up the same story whenever a guest comes round is it her brother,sister,mother or dad every guest that visits rlc is not family related it is mostly just a friend seriously this is worse then Christmas tree porn lol.
  20. I would also say leora and Nelly I think they will be a car crush made in heaven there styles are so different and how they go about their daily life And one more Adriana and maya only because they are the most real life out of any tenant on rlc and it will be really really really real to watch lol
  21. Let's play a little game pick any pairing,any pairing you like who you think should be a couple on rlc and explain your reasons. I start Lev and Paul I just think they will be a strange couple on rlc and fun to watch. (not in that way lol). i mean lets face it they are both strange dudes in there different ways. Or Mario and Paul that would be one heck of a strange couple
  22. I see k&k are doing things to try and gets their fans back
  23. Efim will go straight down and dirty he don't care at all even if it is with a dude lol
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