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this is a translation from kitek     danaya complained  that she had painful cramps and she woke up at night.    adele went to the gym and said she was sweating so much she thought her undies were leaking lol .  they plan to go out tonight.  they will send text messages to one guy if he doesn't answer with in  1 hour they will text another one.    going to give credit to kitek 

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Very handy translation Kitek, thanks Mike for relaying it. So that could line up with the theory of Danaya's local boyfriend(s); the one called Christian (who I think was from your previous translation mike) or the one named Adres or Andreas which is the name I heard Danaya cry out to Adele on receipt of a text from him. Does that sound feasible?

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Has Danaya been dumped?


Girls got back 7 ish immediately on phones.    Danaya had someone's number from the club but first she read attentively a long text, then made a call which left her crying.   She took a ring off her finger and threw it on the bed.


Adele went into super positive more-fish-in-the-sea mode.


Has whatever has been holding Danaya back now been lifted?   Or perhaps a conquest in Barca hasn't worked out.


Come on Adele, Danaya needs some love. 

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Curious scenes this this morning. I watched them come in and as @iloner but they had not been clubbing last night - no wrist bands and I tried but couldn't quite focus on the phone number on the beer mat, need to go back in 1 hour with more observations

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Back to last night. After returning at 07.10 this morning sober, Danaya goes straight to her room and checks phone and texts. Adele gets her kit off, although I think some of it was in her bag and she stuffs it into her wardrobe and then starts eating as usual. Danaya finds the beer mat in her bag with the name and number on it and phones whoever gave it to her last night and talks. Also talks to someone else later and starts crying so could have been her mum telling her off for being out all night ?? Then the strange behaviour; when she gets undressed she throws her clothes off into the corner and cries a bit as if she's annoyed with herself and/or ashamed of what she's done or to give my girl the benefit of doubt, something happened between her and boyfriend. Very worried about her strange behaviour and hope she is not getting herself into a big hole that she can't get out of. Maybe it's time she went back home to mama and away from the perils of the dark side of Barcelona.

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Brilliant posts as ever StnCld316.   Thank you.


@happyman - throwing clothes came immediately after taking the ring off her finger and throwing it onto the bed.   She acted thwarted rather than devastated.   And when a few minutes later Adele lay on the bed next to her she seemed to act out advances such as stroking her face which I guessed was her explaining to Adele why she had thought  he might be interested in her


So I'd like to agree with your something with boyfriend theory.   But it seemed a long text so I'm also keeping alive the theory it might be girlfriend back home fed up with her going out all  night.


Might make for a hotter weekend with Adele.   Hope so.  

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@iloner yes I noticed the role play bit as if it was referring back to something that happened during the night but it was a hell of long night. She's on Skype again now but can't see screen so don't know if it's mama or the dark haired girl. The voice sounds youngish and she's lying in bed not covering up her magnificent boobs so I would go for the dark haired girl. It would be nice if one of our eagle eyed friends had it recorded to catch the beer mat and if Yury or Yanik have any interpretations of their conversations. I'm with you all the way on the girlfriend back home theory but they are up again after less than 4 hours sleep and Adele has gone out already so let's hope they have a girlie night in tonight or is that too much wishful thinking. Yes it is dark haired girl, just got full on face view

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