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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I wonder what would happen if they took Lev's toys away from him?  Would he hang him self, would he have more time to please Zoya. Seems when he is away Zoya keeps all eyes on the apartment by entertaining us once or twice a day, when Lev is there its dead as shit.  You know its bad when Taboo doesn't come around as much anymore. 8)

  2. do you know that guy?

    I don't mean any harm, but who cares I am tried of him and Dasha and Demid's other guess who does nothing but sit around the apartment free loading all the time.  I can imagine what Dasha and Demid are going threw not having any privacy all the time.  Seems every time you look in there apartment its someone new, dam RLC give them a break. 8)

  3. Seems Sugarbonnie had company "boyfriend" stayed over last night and had sex,  He didn't look like the last guy that was there a month ago, anyway I guess he wanted some sex again this morning but Sugarbonnie turned him down and after a half hour she gave him a blowjob half way under the covers, He then hurried and got dressed and left and Sugarbonnie went back to bed for awhile.  I saw her get up later and went in the bathroom and threw some water under her arms and put on some clean panties got dressed and left out the door.  I wonder if ass and pussy stunk after she left out, they where never washed. :-\ lol 8)


    RUBBERMAN, on 28 May 2016 - 11:33 AM, said:snapback.png



    But I'm not the only one. Many fan know the real names of several members of RLC, but I think not discussed in forums because surely there would be problems. Some members have careers as actors, models, and I think they want their "alter ego" in RLC is kept separate from your normal life.
    I do not understand the reason for professional young men and women graduated at universities have a sex life like "reality show"  without them being pornographic actors. I am not Russian and Russia may look different these activities.
    I did what I could see is that several members of RLC eliminate their social media accounts at the time his/her real names are discovered.   It's complicated !!!
    Perhaps this is better than working at McDonals

    I understand, I owe you an opology. 8)

  5. Taboo is in the apartment because she is a relative of Zoya and have the same surname (not main surname).

    In addition Zoya, Lev and Taboo work together in a theater company.


    Lev and Zoya are part of the RLC show. Taboo is there just for some arrangement of convenience.... but the people can dream and waaaaaaait !


    Lev and Taboo studied at the same school of acting. My imagination makes me see Zoya knowing Lev thanks to its "cousin?" Taboo.

    Excuse me Inspector Clouseau "where did you get your information from"? 8)

  6. Well, today, her hair is an "UGLY RED".  She's so pretty, why can't she stay with her natural hair coloring.

    For some reason she insist on looking like one of the adams familys kids, I have been trying to figure out witch one for the longest..lol  Why in hell do she keep trying to keep her beauty hiddin under all that shit from bad tatoos to fucked up colors in her hair.  Sugarbonnie is sexy but she is also strange as hell. 8)

  7. Just north of where I live is the town of Woodbridge, adjacent to Toronto.where there is a large Russian expat community. These guys are mainly into heavy drinking,illegal shit, guns and quicky sex.  They don't have too much respect for females but you don't touch their women without permission.

    I've run into them in Cuba, as well, and they definitely don't have too many social skills. The women are better at that.

    And they are very contolling of there women "Demid and Dasha" for example. 8)

  8. They are a nice couple, and they are a very active couple - and Masha is hot, hotter, ...


    I've seen them fucking often, and therer are also lots of videos in the gallery.


    But there is one thing I've never seen: a cumshot from Sasha's well built penis directly into Masha's very hot vagina. Sasha always pulls out and unloads his seed over Masha - on her belly, in her mouth, on her tits ...


    Have I permanently missed an internal cumshot, or does Sasha really always pull out and never inseminate Masha?

    All the couples do that, they never cum in side there mates I guess they don't want any babies around or under contract by RLC not to have any.  Not to be funny but I thought the same thing with Masha and Sasha a while back. 8)

  9. Ever watch the three women, Rita, Elisa and Vika, wash dishes or utensils?  They just rinse them under running water, never use dish detergent, and put them away wet.

    No way in hell I could eat anything in that apartment, their just to dam nasty, panties and bras pulled out of dirty piles of clothes, dog kissing, pussy screaching by Elvis. 8)

  10. 1. Get rid of Elvis and that dam greedy ass dog of hers.

    2. Get rid of Lev, whats his purpose?

    3. Get rid of booger eating ass Paul

    4. Get rid of Maya and Stepan

    5. Get rid of the V.I.P girls "Kamila and Rita"

    6. Give Dasha and Demid and Masha and Sasha better apartments.

  11. After watching Carina "aka Elvis" Sabrina and SugarBonnie these three made the laziest and dirtiest list this week, they need RLC to give them a call about how bad that apartment looks from the living room all the way to SugarBonnies dirt trap.  I have never seen three girls "sorry" two girls and one want to be man live so nasty. And do they ever put food in the dog and cat bowls? that would stop them from begging so much. 8)

  12. Sugarbonnie has been looking great lately since she took that crap out of her hair, she is hasn't been doing a lot of online vids in her room I hope she haven't lost her custormers.  I do how ever wish that she would give those P.J'S "PAJAMAS" that she wears all the time a rest,  I am sure I have seen a pair trying to walk on there own,  they have to be pretty funky in the crack about now,  I have never seen her wash anything since last summer and sometimes I watch her just clean under her arms and not the rest of her ass.  Sugarbonnie if you can read this, "wash those P.J'S" or give them a months rest. 8)

  13. I don't get it. Two sexy women in the apartment and the shmuck is playing video games???  Does he lack imagination?

    Lev's nutts are dead all he wants to do is play with thoses games, when ever he does have so call sex with Zoya he hurrys and get back in the living room to play again. I would really like to know what she sees in his none working lazy ass. 8)

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