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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Now that Sugar bonnie  has gone, there is no one for Sabrina to fight with but herself,  Once again this apartment is dead, even the dog is bored and may just start to bit the hell out of Sabrina for being the mean person that she can be.  Now as we tune into their apartment we see two people siting on the couch looking like they have been sucking green lemons all day, and with no one to play with, its so bad that they have forgot how to play with themselves "masturbate."  Hopefully things well start to change and get back to normal real soon.8)

  2. On ‎2016‎-‎09‎-‎20 at 3:27 PM, yunggeh said:

    OH YEAH what my lucky stars brought to me too soon as i log on RLC hahah THANK You BELLE

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    I guess Anna and Belle is giving Carolina her initiation rub, I am hoping that rub has gotten Carolina a little horny, but with all the giggling that might not be.8)

  3. OMG Anna is back home! I wonder if it had something to do with "WOLFMAN JACK" leaving.  At one point I thought Anna was going to move back in with Madam Lola "(-----),"  I never thought that I would have seen Anna so open and easy as a lay in bed.  If the ladies are that easy over there I need to take me a trip there, but on the other hand I wouldn't qualify, I am not into drugs.  Lets see what the next few days look like, lets see if these girls are still going to party or are they burned out or well they sleep the rest of there time there.8)

  4. I really don't think its over, I think this may go on as long as there are a big amount of  viewers,  I did not see the first night and a few minutes of the 3rd, but I did see the second night witch I made my biggest comments on, being  as honest as I can I felt bad for my comments "not saying that I did not like some of the things that was going on" but I truly felt that there was drugs going on that night, weather some of you said "there were no proof of any drugs"  Well that word "can you prove this or did you see that" sometimes I think I am talking to a few cops or Detectives in the discussion room, weather some one has proof or not thats their opinion, why spoil their fantasy because you don't have one.  Yes this girls may have label themselfs but I am sure they knew what they were signing on too.  I just wish I couldn't feel the drug part of it, "I wasn't born yesterday, and I have been around a lot of things in my life" I just feel drugs was a big part of all of this.  I am hoping know one gets hurt in the up coming nights of their fun before all this starts getting boring.  My lesson for the year is "be careful what you ask for" you just might get it,  I got it, liked some of it, but hated as lot of it.8)

  5. On 9/14/2016 at 8:25 PM, Dundas said:

    Just learned that A&K have left RLC and I'm very glad for Anezka: the traumatized beautiful young woman is no longer haunted by camara's.
    I wish her well, but even without camara's it won't be easy.    

    Anezka was great, her boyfriend "NO GO" giving them a grade for keeping the apartment clean -E not good at all. 8)

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  6. On 9/9/2016 at 11:57 AM, stevec said:

    Is sugarbonnie moving out? It looks like she has been cleaning her room and gathering up her stuff for the last few days. I don't have access to her bedroom cam so I can't really tell. I did see her grab some tupperware and mugs and pans from the kitchen and take them back to her room though. She has hardly been there since their last argument.

    Yes its seems that Sugarbonnie is moving out,  I don't know if that might be good on Carina "aka Elvis" and Sabrina, seeing that Sugarbonnie did have a lot of eyes on that apartment for awhile.  Of course Sabrina has always been jealous of Sugarbonnie being in the spot light that she wants had.  Sabrina can be a bitch when she wants to be "hope you are reading this because its true", when Sabrina doesn't have her way she fights with everyone in the house even with Elvis. With Sugarbonnie leaving I see this apartment going even farther down hill, being screwed on cam by her lover "Elvis" is not the pretties site to watch.  Sugarbonnie has had her share in men in her bed for the last 6 months but she did keep us watching, even with her own web site she kept us watching, and Sabrina couldn't stand it.  Now lets see how Sabrina is going to make up for her lost.  Sabrina could make a come back if she got rid of some of the rump roast around her ass.  Sugarbonnie don't for get your cat.8)

  7. On 9/4/2016 at 6:47 PM, iloner said:

    I did try to watch this apartment.    Stesha is lovely to look at and at least one of the guests - the thin one with the annoyingly bully boy bf.

    So many rooms, so many people - and so little happens.   So I don't bother much now, unless Stesha is going to bate.

    If the apartment isn't watched much I don't think its homophobia.   Its that it is dull.


    I am glad that I am not the only one who notice "Jug head" the bulling boy friend, I don't know how the thin girl puts up with him.  When they "Stesha and Marco" has guest I was hoping more things would be going on besides the passing of the water pipe, and the morning breakfeast   "another dead apartment"8)

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