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Everything posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Yes it was her, visited Nelly and Bogdan twice and one time while Elm and his girl was house sitting.
  2. Why dosen't Zoya and Lev ever have and couples come over and visited like the other apartments, or come and stay for a few days like "Demid and Dasha or Masha or Sasha"? Or why haven't they went or gone to visit or couples. Seems there only visit comes from Taboo or the police. All the other apartments seems to always have guest or free loaders staying with them.
  3. Your right, Sabrina's ass deserves a real dick and not that phony shit that Elvis uses on her.
  4. Thats because she is not doing anything but laying around looking good for the cams, since she has been back she may have masturbated twice other than that just look at her as a model in the house thats up on herself. To me from what I have seen since their return Kristy has been more real.
  5. Good luck on that one, If Sasha sticks his dick in that one I am sure he has been smoking the wrong shit. I am sure Masha is not going to let that happen!....."but you never know"
  6. These two had sex today "undercovers" and Thomas was moving like he had a golf ball stuck up his ass! LOL I'll give them sometime to get use to us being around.
  7. This is so true, Lev is lazy and as much as I love watching her so is Zoya, I love Zoya I am here for Zoya when she is in trouble with Lev but she is a bit Lazy. The only time that apartment gets a real cleaning is when Taboo is there for a few days, and Taboo cleans it "I have seen her clean it a few times from top to bottom". "Sorry Zoya"! your still my favorite girl! LOL
  8. Leora is great, she is really one of the reasons that I joined RLC. She is very sexy and well give you your moneys worth, as for as her boyfriend "thats a different topic". Her dog gets three stars from me also, he is very entertaining when it comes to her having sex with Paul, "I sometimes think he is trying to give Paul a few classes"LOL
  9. When well RLC add SugarBonnie's aka Blue name to that apartment? after all she did draw a lot of attention to that apartment in the pass month. I think she needs her own apartment. What do you think?
  10. Yes Nelly has been walking around nude most of the day and looking very sexy with her slim and very sexy body. Bogdon and Nelly are still my favorite couple.
  11. Danaya Danaya Danaya!!! I well be glad when she leaves she is a real bore, all she does is stay bed under covers digging in her ass "masturbating" all day long like know one knows what she is doing, and the other girls come in her room as though there almost scared to talk to her making her feel like she is a pure queen, asking her questions while she is laying there with a finger stuck up her pussy, hurry and get this bitch out of there.
  12. I would want to stay at Zoyas as long as Lev wasn't there for the weekend so I could give her the fucking that she really deserves.
  13. Elvis "aka Carina" is a very confused dyke, she he I think don't know what the hell he she wants to be, those pants hanging off he she ass makes he she looks so dam stupid. But what really gets me is that what the fuck do Sabrina see in he she, it makes me wonder about her eye-que as well. Thank good for blue being there, because if she wasn't staying there that apartment would be off limits to be me... Carina stop acting and trying to look like "BULLWINKLE MOOSE".
  14. I agree with you on that one, they just need to take time to do some cleaning.
  15. Their not hiding in that hallway closet to have sex and they don't care how they leave that apartment for one.
  16. Anezka and Karel has done things that no other couple has done in that apartment, they are making things happen, they are making us watch, but they are not cleaning up a dam thing they drop or eat with they by far are the nasty and dirtiest couple that has lived there. Thank god for the cat or we just might see a mice or rat in the future hanging around. They say you "keep your ass like you keep your house".
  17. Blue or Sugarbonnie what ever she is calling her self these days needs to take that shit out of her head, she really looks like shit. She went from Blue to Sugarbonnie to dumb Bunny.
  18. I really would love to see Sugar Bonnie get her own apartment and if she did leave Carina and Sabrina, the only entertainment they would have in that apartment would be the dog and two cats.LOL
  19. I think that Sasha has gotten a little bored and needs some outside help, I think he truly loves Masha but just can't keep up with her any more. All he need is some get away time they are under each other 24/7.
  20. I think its time RLC gave Blue "Sugarbonnie" her own place, I am sure the ratings has gone up in that apartment because of her and only Carina wants that attention pointed towards her. Carina can get a bit jealous at times and thats when all hell breaks out with her and Elvis. Yes Blue has stepped up her game in the last few weeks "I have love it" but I think its time she had her own place.
  21. Raquel Welch the actress is 76 yrs and still sexy as every "HELL YES"!
  22. Demid and Dasha made love this morning finally with out looking like he was he was hurting her, It must have been good for Dasha because she smiled afterwards and went back to sleep. This was the first time I had seen Demid be so passion with her. alright alright alright.
  23. With the type of shaft that I have all I use is axle grease it helps those tight hole from taring so much.
  24. Zoya is very sexy and so is Leora, although Leora masturbation sets may sometimes look fake she does give us something, and sexy Zoya always has all eyes on her when she masturbates. I would hate to have to pick just one of these nice young ladies to sleep with and not both, what a very hard choice. lol
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