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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. The girls was looking sexy painting their breasts earlier tonight and seem to have fun, now almost 3 hrs later Candy seems to be having a few problems and talking and crying on the phone in the bathroom, whom ever she talks to seems to be keeping her from being herself most of the time that she has been here.  I also see that Nicole has should up in B2 with a few over night things, I guess her and jessica is not seeing eye to eye after last nights big embarrassment to B1 "Lima drinking"  I guess running to Michelle and winning may help solve her problem "Nicole's big problem is at B1 and not B2" I guess she may try and persuade RLC into letting her move there to B2 once Candy leaves.  I really hope not..."I am not a big fan of hers at all, and if RLC does move her over there, she well rarely be seen, because her ass well always be gone."  She prove to me what she's all about her first week at B1  I am hoping RLC sends her ass packing when her time is up "hopefully sooner then others"  I wonder who's going to move over in bed tonight??8)

  2. Dasha and Demid having sex again, Demid giving her some good hard ass fucking, I don't know if its me or not "but he always seems to be a bit rough with her" but I guess its not because she keeps loving it.   I wonder why cam #9 is blocked "can't see anything but good sound.  Anyway he dropped a hot load on her ass....lol8)

  3. Sexy Michelle and Candy and Danaya still getting alone well, I see they did spend some time out together.  The apartment might be colder then the outside...lol   i wished they would put down those cell-phones, I don't think they can function without them.  I wonder when Candy is suppose to leave? and who are they going to put in that room?8)

  4. I am wondering why RLC is coming up with all of this scripted crap with Sasha laying in bed with Masha's girl friends or sister, you think they could come up with something a little more convincing, like some real fucking and sucking instead of these stage plays.  Same shit last year this time, but different girls.  I believe if they are trying to get some viewers they need to bring back the stud that gave Masha a good fucking.  By sasha just laying around in bed with these women and doing nothing makes him look weak as a man, and what woman "Masha allows that kind of crap anyway?"  I really don't know any man or men who just get in bed with a woman and don't try something, unless its a family member. I guess it did't go so well with Masha's sister so they brought in another woman.  There apartment is starting to become boring.  Sasha go get in the tub for a few hours and think of something much more better!!!8)    

  5. I guess I spoke a bit to soon last night, Sexy Michelle, Candy and Danaya give us a small show anyway.  I was expecting a little bit more, but I think it was a pretty good show considering it was Danaya's first time with the girls.  I also think its going to be more to come.  Candy surprised me with her sexy dancing,  and giving Danaya a nice rub down, she did back off after awhile though, "could it been because of her being so shy and may be her boyfriend "could have been watching also."  and Sexy Michelle didn't give us a lot of dancing but did take the time to touch and rub Danaya's juicy milk jugs...lol    Michelle haven't done a web-cam show since returning off her 2 day vacation with Candy, and seem to have gone into a leadership mode.   I thought they did pretty good for the first time together.8) 

  6. I see Masha's sister is back for a visit and she has a friend with her too, "nice"..lol the last time I saw Masha's sister there she and her he-man boyfriend was there having a verbal argument, he starting looking at her cell phone and didn't like what he saw. "when you look for trouble you get it"  Then again it might be a good thing for Sasha, seems he is working his way up that hill to her "Masha' sister"...lol  I am waiting to see if Sasha is going to get his cake and "eat" it too.8)

  7. Seems like after Sexy Michelle and Candy's little vacation they have been on a slow roll, or are they losing their fans to B1?  I am still waiting for Danaya to start interacting with them.  With Sexy Michelle's long hourly briefing with Nicole last night I am waiting to see where things are going for her also.8)  

  8.  Sexy Michelle is giving Nicole and Jessica a class on what to do, I hope they pick up things from her. The last time I saw someone trying help others was when Vanessa and Thomas was trying to help Kitty and Smith, it must have failed, because Kitty and Smith got the boot was gone within a weeks time.8)

  9. I see Candy or Danaya didn't go with Michelle to visit B1 and there gathering, could it be because of what alcohol does to Michelle after a few drinks. "she does get a little loose." And Michelle is schooling Nicole and Jessica, while Lima listen's.  I am sure Nicole would rather be out with her male friend.  Jessica is looking very sexy in her outfit tonight.8)

  10. Danaya is back with us I see in B2, with Sexy Michelle and Sexy Candy, I am hoping that all three girls get along well. Danaya is not a rookie she knows the ropes and I think she well do great once she gets use to B2. With three sexy women in one apartment "what could go wrong?"...lol8) 

  11. I check out RLC daily unless I am out on the road "trip or vacation", I watch all four screens most of the time.  Although RLC has come down some what from being a voyeur site, seems that in all the apartments everyone knows when they are being watched "to me that not voyeurism."  Other then that RLC is a good site until some of the paying and none customers try and discredit your own thought and what you believe.8)  "If you could get the staff to answer your e-mails as quickly as they ban it would be even better.  Only thing banning does is cause RLC to lose money, "whos going to pay for what they can't see or do??8)

  12. 2 hours ago, binford said:

    Have not you seen the much too wide hip? Or the huge gap between the thighs? Or their absolutely ugly feet?

    Hast du nicht die viel zu breite Hüfte gesehen? Oder die riesige Lücke zwischen den Oberschenkeln? Oder ihre absolut hässlichen Füße?


    LOL...... I am one who loves a woman with wide hips and a huge gap between those thights "bowlegged"...lol  as far as her feet......I am not going to say anything......lol8)

  13. 7 minutes ago, vortios said:

    The one who must be from Mars is me. Did the eyes and ears of B2? How did you come to that deduction? I mean, Sia spends many hours away from home, and I suppose you say that, because she understands English better than Amich and Candy. As for the girls reading our messages, I think it's all rumors. Who has proof that this is true? No one.

    Sia sits there on the couch and watches her lap-top facing her constantly while looking at the flat screen tv, and if she saw something that the girls needed to know she would tell them.  Some times the girls would read something on there phones and if they didn't understand something they would ask her and she would explain...lol8)

    Your not Sia, are you?...lol8)

  14. 34 minutes ago, vortios said:

    I see you have a good eye on your deductions. But I think it's good for her and for us. Sia does not give a show, maybe she got very attached to the party boy. But it is not the first one that comes and behaves like that. Usually they are models, who see a good way to earn money, make contacts with agencies in Barcelona and not spend money on hotels and support.

    I think Sia just came there to earn a little money that's all, I really don't thing she was ever to comfortable in front of the cams anyway.  From watching and studying her, she is very smart, and that's why I said earlier doing the month she was and is Michelle and Candy's eyes and ears. I'd rather she left to, if being there is making her look sad and down all the time.   Sia "B2 adviser, B2 eyes and ears, B2 listener for the girls."...lol8)

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