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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. I think that these two Adriana and Daniel may need some kind boost like other apartments have an outside guest or couple over for about a week or two that would bring some spark into the apartment.  Adriana is sexy, but may have gotten a little bored with the cams. I also notice that Adriana doesn't have a lot of  girl friends that come by either.  I don't think they should leave, but start having more company over and a few parties "might help."  "My thoughts only"8)

  2. On 9/6/2017 at 8:59 AM, capeguy said:

    Eva is just so cute! And, she has an awesome figure, which does not hurt. She and Sam seem to enjoy exploring their sexuality and so far they have not disappointed. Keep up the great work you 2.

    I agree, Eva is very sexy and loves sex and she brings me to this apartment all the time,  she and Sam has brought this apartment to a high level.  I still see Dasha visit every now and then, "I wonder if she messes being there?" or is she trying to get another apartment?8)

  3. Its not hard to see that Renata doesn't like or want to be around Tereza and there is some friction that soon well turn into fire.  Sher and Regina sucks up to Tereza like to hungry cats but when Tereza's not around they "Sher and Regina" is looking for Renata for some free orgasms and sexual advise that Tereza has no idea of doing, so Tereza she uses her night life skills instead, witch she is very good at for those that don't know her and her sneaky ways.  I think that Renata feels abandoned by Sher the most.  I am sure Renata like some of the viewers was hoping that Tereza was gone for good.  Tereza is very sexy but has her sneaky ways,  she never do anything around the apartment except eat and sleep and loves the streets, she tries to be to sexy just before heading out the door for an all night swing,  I was hoping when she got to B1 she was going to take it to the top again, but Renata did that for a moment, Renata knows how to bring that energy to the apartment and Tereza may be somewhat jealous. "Just my thoughts only"8)  

  4. Masha and Sasha has been getting a lot of company in the pass few months, I wonder if its by choice? or is RLC having these people stay there.  I am hoping they start getting some that loves to play like that do "sexually" instead of Sasha's brother and wife.  Either way they "masha and Sasha" do keep the viewers entertain weather its just them or with out company. I am looking and hoping Masha's sister make another visit and stay for a few days, she really opened up a lot her last stay.8)

  5. Zoya and Lev has one foot out the door, and I am wondering if they have had more friends to come by would they have been leaving now?  It seems that they kept to them self's most of the time and Lev was not the type to have a lot of friends, at least to come by and visit.  Taboo was the only one who ever came by and 2 years ago some guy did visit Zoya.  I also remember once Zoya visited Nelly and Bogdan while they was having a house party, and she didn't seem to be to comfortable with being there so she left.  Anyway I am going to miss seeing her sexy slim body and her very sexual masturbation sets.  Maybe she well return one day.8)

  6. Now that Irina has moved in one of her clents or studs Zlata has lost what little privacy she had.  As long as Irina's hero stud lives there the viewers won't see to much nudity unless its Irina entertaining him, and I am going to see how this is going to work with anyone new that comes there. I think that Irina with the help of Lola has made her own rules at B2, I wonder how much did Lola get with this deal?  Also Zlata has proven to the viewers that she didn't come desperately looking for a man like Irina has done, but I wish she would start doing and showing something besides watching tv all day.  I figure once Lola gallops out of B2 Irina and her hero stud well get the big room for the bed "that's if he haven't been replaced by then."8)

  7. 10 hours ago, phantomtwister said:

    just saw Olivia licking Nick's ass, that was hot

    Olivia and Nick are definitely freaks who loves lots of sex, they almost have Masha and Sasha beat, but I think sooner or later Olivia and Nick may find them another couple to join in with them, I am hoping its Taya...lol  I also believe all of the slapping around that he "Nick" does with Olivia is part of there sexual fun and excitement "something like an aphrodisiac to get them started." I try not to miss much of these two, Olivia keeps Nicks balls drained...lucky man..LOL8)

  8. I see that Renata has two friends come over today "Yana and Ricky", I think its good to see other's come from different apartments and visit at times instead of B1 and B2 all the time.  If I was Renata is would kind feel bad with the apartment a bit messy though especially when her room mates are female, you'd think they would be a little more tidier.  Yana and Ricky seems to be enjoying them self's and from my point of view needed the get away.......Renata seems to have that touch of making people happy.:)8)

  9. Does anyone know if Irina have moved out of B2,? seems she just comes home take or get new clothing and freshen up.  I think she may have also took the viewers on a sucker trip since her arrival because she has done "NOTHING" but chased men,  I am hoping she is one of Lola's suitcases or handbags when she leaves B2.  I can't call her what I want to call her, "but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck.  Another one of Lola's products.8)

  10. Seems that Lola and Zlata are getting alone very well even though most of the time when Lola has male company Zlata's in bed "not welling to participate" who knows she just may have a boyfriend back at home who watches, but then why would she want to come to RLC.  Irina is doing what some of the girls in B1 are doing staying out most of the day and night,  I am sure she is out with her father figure boyfriend until her last days in B2.  I wonder if these girls are briefed before they come to B1 or B2 about there purpose at RLC or the viewers? or once they get paid they just don't care!!!8)

  11. I am sure B2 was highly watched last night "early this morning" by some viewers and seems Irina found her man or he found her. Who ever this man or date was he was very persistent into getting into her pants,  at witch he did a few times with his fingers and I am sure they got some what wet too, from the way things looked on the balcony she may have also has played with his tool too.:rolleyes:   I am glad to see her move forward and open up somewhat,  her room mate Miss Lola also had some male company who wasn't as hard up like Irina's date was, but was fun to watch at times acting out with Lola.  It was good to see some action in B2 with out some kind of paraphernalia being snuck around in the apartment or bathroom for a change.  One thing that I am concerned about is that Irina's boyfriend seemed not to want to be seen on cam when it was time to go, I wonder if he is a married man with a family,  he does look a lot older then her and may even have a daughter her age,  if any of this is true she needs to be careful "instead of using, she just might be used."   When well we see Zlata in action of some kind?  Thank you Irina and Lola.8)  

  12. 13 hours ago, phantomtwister said:

    I don't like Taya... Ok, she has great tits and ass. I'm watching for 3 days now, and in the morning she let Will fuck her. But there is no passion...Always talking...Always having pain somewhere. Before he cums she take some tissues. When he cum it's her case to get as soon as possible aside to get no drop of sperm on her. If i was that man, i would look for someone else :)


    Nothing against your comments but be glad your seeing something active in that apartment, there are one or two apartments with nothing but siting looking at each other, or working hang out shifts that need to be replaced.  At least your getting something for your money my friend.8)

  13. Its been a few days since Zlata and Irina arrival to B2, are we the viewers going to see any kind of sexual gatherings or sets "masturbation" etc? Lately its been nothing but watching tv with them and sleep.  I hope where not going to get another lemon like Tereza "who does nothing but run the streets every night"!!  I am still waiting to see how they "Zlata and Irina" going to act with Lola's pop up male "wof wof" male friends.8)

  14. On 8/20/2017 at 8:03 PM, dougiestyle4u said:

    Don't be surprised if we see a 3some soon with Stesha, Marco and the new guy. Earlier today Stesha laid on the sofa with the new guy snuggled tightly against her and she kept caressing him which to me is awfully too close for comfort. Obviously some hanky panky going on while Marco is away. I could see Stesha being on the wild side. I could be wrong but I could be right since we are talking about RLC (case in point - Maya with the new fuck boy and we still have Stepan).

    I don't think Stesha is the type,  she doesn't look like the sharing type either when it comes to her man, with some of the company that they have had in the pass I think it would have happen by now.  All there company when there seems  more family oriented "close" when there visiting.  When Marco isn't there for a long period of time "most likely working" she lets her fingers "masturbation" do the walking.  I have seen a guy there who kept eye balling the slimmer female who visits with her boyfriend on the sly, they was sitting across from each other a the dinner table.  I also might be wrong also about your comment.8)

  15. Oh no!!!! Zoya is packing and leaving!!! this can't be.  I blame Lev and his dumb I-pad full of games, and not being creative around the house. Dam you lev "I am in love with Zoya" and you ruined it for us!!!LOL  I am sure there are 2 other so called VIP>:( apartments that RLC needs to get rid of also.  Zoya please don't go....I love you!!!! LOL8)

  16. Seeing that RLC has gotten rid of one or two apartments I am sure most likely because of slow performance or not enough viewers are watching, why not get rid of B1 and B2?  Why not put 2 or 3 lesbian couples in B1 and 2 or 3 straight couples in B2, that's what the viewers has been asking for anyway for a long time "but not necessary in those apartments."  From what I have seen in the last two or three months these two apartments have been dropping all most rock bottom with these girls who stay out in the streets most of the time anyway.  There might be one or two in these apartment that may give the viewers what they want.  Why keep getting girls that are there only for a vacation and who wants to go street hoping every night.  Why are the paying customers paying to watch empty beds most of time and a few sleeping tired out ladies because they have stayed out for the last 12 hours or all night and then they want to sleep all day long,  I have also notice they seem to leave one behind each time that do go out " I guess she is suppose to be the entertainer for that night."  I think the other apartments are doing great there not gone all the time, they give us more entertainment and most of it is real,  The girls in B1 lately has been giving us nothing, but quick and fake crap.  Why do RLC always get rid of the good girls and keep the dead weight around?  With the lesbian couples filling B1 or B2 I think these two apartments well once again shine,  and the same with the straight couples.  B1 and B2 right now are a long way from being a voyeur site.  B1 and B2 are more less like "Ok now we got their money, less play hide and seek"8)

  17. Linda and Tibor are a great loving couple, we all know how sexy she "Linda" is and how she keeps Tibor and us viewers satisfied.  Since they stay I really can't recall any type of argument or dysfunction with these two, they like Nelly and Bogdan are very much in love with each other.  They also seem to always when time have a good company of people.  I have seen a few couples come and go in this apartment that would hide from the cams or just would stay gone all the time, but these two have took this apartment to a higher level, and is worth watching.8)

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