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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Seems after Leona's leaving today, witch I am sure Renata was as happy as a million dollar lottery winner "now she can run the house" and truly do things her way.  As the evening came close Renata went out earlier and bought some food and alcohol and got the girls together "Nita and Victora" for some body painting and oil rubbing games, Victoria was really into it, but it seems that the alcohol wasn't really working on Nita like I...lol or Renata thought it would...either way things was starting to get very sexy with these three laides with the massages a little dancing that they really couldn't get Nita to do, seems the more Nita drank the funner things was to her, until Renata and Victora went into the bathroom and got on there cell phone leaving Nita in the living room,  after about 5 minutes Renata and Victora kills the little party by getting dressed in what I would call "skank or on the corner" out fits, and Victora seems so happy....even Nita helps them get dressed, once dressed Victoria and Renata leaves out the door leaving Nita all alone with know one to play with.  Nita takes a short shower and lays down on the bed, after about 5 minutes Renata and Victoria returns with a guy "maybe Victoria's boyfriend" or someone she may be liking or a paying customer..lol  Anyway after hearing the noise Nita gets up and closes her door and gets back in the bed and I am sure listening or viewing it on her phone,  Nita didn't want to be part of Renata's costumer games, and I am sure that Leona may have schooled her about what might happen once she left.  Renata and Victoria quickly start moving in on this guy like two dogs in heat "to easy, he must have been on a dog lease out side of the apartment and waiting" Victoria goes down on the guy with know shame and Renata takes the unlicked parts "seems the guy wants Renata but she keeps pushing him back and he does wind up screwing Victoria "who I think knows this guy anyway"  This guy keeps eyeballing Renata and Renata who is also now hot in the ass and mouth and pussy by now, I am sure Renats wanted to screw  this guy also, she let Victora have her way with him...I guess Victoria finally got her "nut...orgasm" and got up and went in to the bathroom....she wasn't gone 2 min and came back into the living room to fine Renata had this guys dick inside of her...I am sure he must have gotten at least 5 good strokes in...lol   after seeing this Victoria seem upset and went into her room, Renata jumps up with a dump sneaky look on her face and the guy goes after Victoria.....what ever he and Renata said to her they made up "Brainwashed her or made her look like a bigger fool"  I wonder if Renata is really her friend after doing what she did, if I was Victoria I wouldn't have any trust in her anymore.  Mean while Nita is in her room I am sure making her on little fire with her two sticks "leg's" under covers "very sexy" to watch, after awhile Nita turns off her night light and raps herself up with the covers and conceal her self not to be seen trying not to give her self away masturbating "but little does she knows" the night light catches all of her movements and some,  maybe she should stack rocks on top of her they won't move as much..lol   I think that Renata may be the new Lola and recruiter for B2 and she need to learn "Don't get high on your own supply."  I also think that Victoria may have been used alone with her new or old mate.  All three and the guy "dog on the leash out side of the apartment" did put some eyeballs on B2 thanks to sneaky>:D Madam Renata!!!8)

  2. Nita, Victoria and Renata's little get together party, some rubbing and touching, I was hoping it went a little farther with all three girls "until Renata and Victoria" left and came back with a guy "and FUCKED it all up" Nita wasn't for it and went to her room and closed the door.  "Thanks to two dumb skanks!!!8)


    Looks like Renata has taken Madem Lola's place...she is the seller now!!!8)


    I was glad that Nita did't participate in  Madam Renata's>:D devilish deed tonight "she would most likely would have regret it the next day"

  3. I watched Leona leave this morning, and Nita seemed so sad tying to hold back the tears.  Leona is a very pretty young lady, and I sure has a real good future ahead of her being a model, to me she was not here at RLC to perform or just be another girl being wild and I have to give her a lot of respect for that, she has the beauty that would turn a blind man's eye sight back to normal.  Leona I enjoyed your stay at RLC, come back and see us "warm, cold, begging, cold-hearted, and impatient" people again on day.  Have safe trip back home.8)

  4. I see that Renata is not visiting B1 tonight, RLC must have made her stay home for a change, now she doesn't have anyone to talk to..."looks like Victoria has the night off and she is out of the apartment,  and while Leona sleeps like a rock her close and best friend Nita sneakingly pleasures "masturbates" her self to sleep.8)

  5. I wonder if this is really the last night for Leona and Nita? If so RLC gave its members a very cheap thrill by making them "Leona and Nita" give the viewers a last 2 day scripted play.  Even though Leona is very sexy, I would rather Nita stay "she doesn't try to get the viewers attention all the time, she is more natural"  there's no energy with Leona, just beauty.8)

  6. 39 minutes ago, Hans46458 said:

    She is a psychopath and he is 3 second man, they are perfect for each other.
    Last night they had sex, everything was nice. They lay beside each other after, he with his hand on her arm, half sleeping.
    Suddenly she started crying and that ended up in a shouting contest and slamming of doors.
    Sure, many would have had a one night stand with her but I would never have lived with someone with such a split personality.
    She isn't normal at all.

    Are you trying to say she needs a "CHECK UP FROM THE NECK UP"....LOL;D8)

  7. I thought that Victoria and Nita was going to be close friends, I guess I was wrong after seeing Nita giving her "Victoria" the cold shoulder as if she didn't want to have anything to do with her today.  Wow..Leona looked as if had been sucking on lemons also..."what's wrong with these stuck up ass wanna be models girls?"  Seems when Nita is not around Leona she is all out for a friends and once Leona returns she back to being a trained puppy.  I was so hoping she would have been friends with Victoria seeing that there is hardly never anyone there to talk to her anyway.  I now wonder if RLC paid for Nita to act like she was friends with Victoria?  "Shame on you Nita if its true"8)

  8. Seems that sexy Nita and sexy Victoria was having a great time until Renata came back into the apartment seems her energy and excitement faded:-\ and she went to bed.  She and Victoria are good for B2 and did have a lot of viewers watching,  I hope they keep on doing that in the days ahead.8)

  9. Seems Nita and Victoria has taken B2 to a higher level today, these two really get alone well together "sexy..sexy", I feel that Nita could bring back a lot of veiwers to B2 once she is more open and comfortable with the cams, she's is very sexy, and today she and Victoria shows that they have become good friends. "I guess Nita is not to shy after all.":rolleyes: these two need to be left alone in the apartment more often, they would keep me and I am sure a lot of the viewers watching more. Where ever Leona and Renata are at they need to stay gone for a while longer tonight. lol   Thanks Nita and Victoria..:rolleyes::rolleyes:8)

  10. I tuned in to B2 this morning and seen that Renata finally made it in with the sun and Victoria had another lonely night with out anyone to talk to but the walls of B2 she has to be very bored there by now,  but I then I seen how sexy Leona was laying on the couch and then on the bed, she's doing what I thought she would be doing "just being at B2 looking sexy" no parting, no dancing, no masturbation, nothing but waiting for her time to be up so she can collect her money and go.  As I have watched and have been watching Nita for the pass few days, she is sort of sexy, but have a big problems hiding under the covers not wanting to show her sexy body.  I wish RLC would get more like her but not so shy.:rolleyes:...."sorry Nita"8)

  11. From the way things are looking I really don't think that it was a good move for RLC to put Renata in B2 with Leona, Nita and Victoria,  I think Renata may just fail trying to get in the minds of her three room mates.  I don't think that she "Renata" is going to be as trustworthy with these girls as she was with the partying girls in B1,  I also since and feel that Leona isn't to fun of her either.  Leona is there to model make some money and not to party and the same for Nita.  Right now Nita:rolleyes:is the star of the apartment "that's if any of you members have been seeing what I have been seeing."  Victoria I don't know what her purpose is at B2, because she mostly keeps to herself a lot, and she doesn't really do or show much, she seems to have her limits and self pride.  Seems Leona, Nita and Victoria may have had there meeting about Renata already8).

  12. 1 hour ago, mikeusa said:

    I have join rob1 wgigi  mee4youu in the 1000 's post club 

    Keep doing what your doing and rewarding yourself and you could also make it to 2000...LOL  "CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND"8)

  13. I was watching Lana today, and she was laying on the couch looking so so and then while looking at her laptop she started playing with herself, then masturbation, once she got so hot she "jumped up and went away from the cams" I believe a hidden room where she must have finished off and had an orgasm, when she came back to the living room she put back on her panties and laid back on the couch and started looking at her laptop again.  I guess the viewers well always miss out with the shy ones.  But I do believe she and Robert have been around long enough to no better by now.  Thanks Lana for that SAD show.8)

  14. I think that Desiree may need some help from another female, she needs some kind of freaky friend to come by and put some energy into that apartment.  Instead of laying around the house like a beach whale Raul needs to start working off some of that 60 pack he calls a gut, he could also start being a little more romantic with Desiree.8)

  15. Looks like Smith is off of his punishment with Kitty and have his Nuts back again, seems after there big argument with the Blonde Mr. Smith has become more passionate with Kitty..."and even lasting longer giving her sex too"..lol   Lets see what happens in the next few day...."I am betting on the "Crying game" from Kitty.8)

  16. Seem Lana and Robert have a guest over, I wonder if she is a close friend or family? I guess its good to see that a lot of these apartments are starting to bring in other people to keep things from getting boring. but who could get bored watching sexy Lana anyway.8)

    Just got to see Lana and Roberts guest up close, she is very sexy,:rolleyes: I thought she was going to show me some action but "she teased and a good one too" with a smile and now gone to sleep...maybe I well get lucky and catch her next time.8)

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