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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Looks like Angie is house sitting again today, Glasha and Sonya had their turn yesterday, and I sure its giving Glasha and Sonya some time to spend with their tail wagging studs.  I wonder how long are they going to keep this up "most likely as long as they can get away with it" and RLC don't notice.  Angie must be getting bored today, she goes from room to room singing as though she is giving us a tour of the apartment "like we need another one"...lol    I figure after about another three or more weeks these young ladies well realize what there purpose there are, or are we viewers being taken on another "its not working ride."   Surely Glasha and Sonya well be home later tonight for some rest, t.v time shower and go to bed, and then it well be Angie's turn again.8)

  2. I see that Markus's company is visiting again taking over the apartment, most in the kitchen "sucking on a water pipe" smoking up the hold dam house,  while Adeline is in bed,  I don't think that Adeline get's to much privacy when at home in one week alone.  Seems that when her and Markus are home alone he spends most of his time on the computer until one his buddies come over.8)

  3. Andrew was laying down carpet in some woman's home.  As he was finishing, he got a craving for a cigarette.  He looked around and discovered that his cigarettes were missing.  He did, however, notice a bump in the carpet and figured that he had laid carpet over the pack without noticing it there. He decided rather than to take up the carpet, he would get a hammer and pound it in to the ground so no one would know.  When he finished that,  the owner of the house walked into the room and commented on what a nice job he had done.  "Andrew,  The carpet looks wonderful" she exclaimed.  "Here are your cigarettes;  I found them in the kitchen.   Oh yes, by the way, have you seen my cell phone?"

  4. I know I have suggested this once or twice before, but I think that RLC needs to get rid of those cell phone's, some say it well never happen, but why not keep trying!!!  I think that if the people in these apartment can't read what where are saying about them then thing would be more better in these apartments.  Most of the day we watch mostly "girls, ladies" checking their cells all day...seems after one has done some kind of sexual activity they check their phones "are they looking or ratings or what?" I say again get rid of them in these apartments.8)

  5. On 11/14/2017 at 8:08 PM, Scotsman84 said:

    Have seen it over the years and have seen others mention it, why some do certain things not long before they leave when they haven't done much when they have been part of the project. Personally I think they do it so they have a chance of coming back. I'm sure most will agree we will never understand the female species. :rolleyes:

    After reading your comment, I was waiting to see the answers you were going to get, for me its like looking threw a loaded cocked gun and hoping its just blanks in it.  Anyway I believe that most of these new girls that RLC is bringing in are just here for some free room and board and some for just some R and R, and of course the money,  I also so believe that a few are just there looking or a man on the outside to take care of them.  When these girls arrive we see them and say how sexy they look and "she is going to do this and that" and I am sure they read this and get the big head...lol, but in turn they don't do what we thought or had in mind "then we have these members that say give them time" that could turn out to be 3 to 4 weeks and another sign up for us members "mean while these girls are going out having a good time meeting tom dick and hairy and coming in late the next morning giving us some lazy shows and a lot of sleep doing the day."  And some still say give them time "because somewhere doing a shower sense they fell in love with this girl"...lol   Well I think when it gets close to time to leave thats when they want to start doing what they were paid to do...now they want to start to do there job, but where ready for there asses to leave, "because they haven't done shit in days or weeks"...lol    I am glad that RLC is starting to get new people, but I just wish they would start making them do there job on the inside of there apartments "I could really care less what they do on the outside, where there from, where they live" just give me my money's worth.  I guess its like getting a lap-dance, it doesn't get good until its almost over.....then we pay for another thinking its going to get better but it doesn't...all we did was pay for the same woman to do the same thing that she did the last time...LOL   Yes I am sure some of them want to come back..."they made easy money, for doing nothing" some where so comfortable "B1 and B2" that they stayed gone more then they stayed in the apartment.   I am afraid to give me opinion of the female species,  I want to keep what little friends that I have here..LOL   Like you I can almost tell when its time for them to leave the project "thats when they want start doing."   "THESE ARE JUST MY THOUGHTS ONLY"8)

  6. Even though she did do the do to Victoria,  Renata seems like she is in the dumps and don't have that get up and go power she use to have for RLC...she looks like she have been working 3rd shift at an assembly line...lol  Renata needs to get up and go visit her two friends Sher and Regina at B1 before they leave and give them a wild party...."if its not to late"...LOL8)

  7. Even though Kitty is not showing her new breasts a lot, I think it must being doing something to Smith sexually, lately he has been going after Kitty alot "and keeping up with her too"..lol  I also thinks that what Kitty wants from him and needs, "of course I still like her masturbation sets."8)

  8. Seems Glasha had her another date to drop by "nice looking guy." but it seems they all just want to have sex with her and she doesn't mind putting out...seem she went out side with him for a few min's they came back in she went straight to the bathroom and brushed her teeth "BLOWJOB" no dought...LOL  lucky him...who's next, Dam that was to easy!!8)

  9. 4 hours ago, Plank said:

    Bit strong don't you think? Clearly you don't like M & S and that's fair enough, but you don't have to watch them.

    Yaa, I guess your right..that was somewhat strong, but I am sure there has been worst said in the chat room with praise and laughter.  But your right!!!!8)

  10. 2 hours ago, TBird97 said:

    From watching M&S interact with "Olive", I fail to see any sign of her being "mentally challenged".  I'm not a big fan of either Masha nor Sasha, but I don't see them taking advantage of "Olive". Yes, all three had been drinking and maybe that lowered any resistance any of them had, but "Olive" wasn't restrained in any way.

    You can't please everyone.

    I was just voicing my own opinion thats all..."I really wasn't pleased my none of it" I also feels and see that this girl acts at time of being slow, even when not drinking..." guess I got her mixed up with Sasha.8)

  11. Besides starting to look nasty as hell with what they are doing with there visiting maid or house cleaner....these two need to be put in jail, they look like the are trying to have sex with a mental patient.  Its easy to see that this girl is slow "up stairs" and is going to do what ever Masha says.  All three needs a check up from the neck up.  There boring!!!!   They need a new script,  there is nothing sexy about what they are dong with this young lady.8)

    56 min's later, Just watched Sasha screw a mentally challenged lady,, who most likely didn't know what she was doing because she was drunk....Sasha should feel dumb "which he is" about what his (Derogatory) of woman just made him do!!8)

  12. I just watched Lina and Tibor doing there sexy love making, Tibor is one lucky man, Linda is so sexy she is a 10 all the way:rolleyes:...I love the fact they don't have a boring sex life, the way both enjoy watching porn and have fun with it... "Tibor if you ever break up with Linda"  I can all most guarantee that there well be a line waiting for sexy Linda..LOL8)

  13. 1 hour ago, ed2 said:

    He might be a gamer, but he certanly is no Lev. Lev was an abusive slob! He did beat Zoya!!!

    Marcus seems like a very nice guy, he treats Adeline well, and even though I'm hetrosexual, he apeares to be pretty good looking. Many couples on RLC have a very monotonous and boring sex life, but A&M are more interesting sex life. It is more variating and natural, wich I like.

    But I would just love to see some masturbating once in a while too!

    I agree with you on the masturbating...she is very sexy.

  14. After watching this apartment for the pass 8 or more hours off and on, I thinking it may not get the attention that was thought.   It does seem to be slow at times even when Glasha and Sonya's male friends "Pee-Wee Hurman" and "Shaggy" was there, and even then I started to get somewhat bored watching them begging for some ass over and over, I am hoping that these guys won't end up moving in they do look homeless,  Sonya seems to be a follower behind Glasha and does what she tells her to do they also might be best friends "and sometimes best friends can point you into the wrong direction"..  Angie seems to keep to herself and I notice she really hates the cams "mostly at night when she is trying to rub one out under the covers" someone should have school her on the 24 hr cams and that were all voyeurs watching all the time...lol   I am hoping that this apartment rise up, but with out any substance abuse or wild out of control parties. If Glasha is the head leader she needs to start acting like it.  There are three sexy ladies in this apartment, I am waiting to see what happens next.8)

  15. 5 hours ago, bamboosa said:

    is sasha is in between two chicks

    Its just another stage show, trying to make the viewers think that its some kind of threesome going on....I'll believe it when he finally puts his wood inside of her "he'd have to lower his standards a lot" to really want to screw this lady,  unless Masha gives him the ok and tell's him to do it.  Masha is ruler of that apartment, Sasha does not act like the man of the house, "anytime a man lets another man come in his house and watches him screw his lady while she gets off on it and love it more then she does her own man," that's not being the king of his castle.8)

  16. I had the chance to see the dinner party Ilona, Tim, Yana and Ricky had today...I also notice that Renata and Victoria was there from B2 also. "it was very nice, funny and sexy"  The dinner sitting was nice, and the ladies did have the guys dressed up like ladies..lol I thought it was funny watching Tim and Ricky dancing "in those ladies outfits."  the ladies was sexy looking,  Ilona was dancing a little, I thought she was going to dance the way she did when she first came to B1, "she danced all the time."..lol  Of course Renata had on her sexy shorts and stockings that would turn heads and Victoria hung in there.  Yana was sexy, she is a good dancer too.  It was  good to see them get together and nice to watch.:)8)

  17. I guess Glasha paid for her beers anyway...Pee-Wee got lucky after all.  Maybe he'll get a case of wine next time.   Sonya didn't give in..."YET"!!8)

    Correction Pee-wee didn't get lucky after all.....but I am sure he has a case of the blue-balls...LOL  and so does his partner Shaggy who's in bed layiny next to Sonya.... I am sure it well happen next time fellows....."hange on in there"..LOL8)

  18. Looks like Glasha's friend "PEE-WEE" HURMAN brought back one of his friend "SHAGGY" for Sonya, and from the looks of things both Glasha and Sonya are going to have to repay these guys with some bed rolling for the beers and outside smoke, its not hard to see that Glasha is ready and welling to pay for her share...sad to say this welll be Sonya's second guy within the last 24hrs..."I see why vernereal disease is so high in Russia.  I didn't know that Russian women was so easy. "I am so hoping Sonya doen't discredit herself and give in to this pegging guy"8)

  19. Someone anyone tell me if its true or not, "does Taya and Will have gay male friends? and does Will let Taya play with them????  If all of this is true why haven't they had sex with there other room mates "Olivia and Nick?"  for the pass hour I have been watching these guys take a bath together lay in the same bed with Will and Taya like this has been going on for years. "talking about sharing" this is wild!!!!!8)

  20. Madam Renata gave a pretty good show tonight with the girls "if I had to buy it..it would stay on the shalf"...lol  I have to give her an E for effort for trying the girls was looking sexy, a lot of fake moves and a lot of whispering back and forth with Neia and Beatrice iin each others ears as if it was scripted...I am also thinking that the drinks "alcohol" was not real.  Good try girls:rolleyes:...  When Renata first got to B1 she was one of my favorits she did make things happen there when needed, but once she got into B2 to which I think was a very big mistake..." she orchestrated this same kind of so call show" but she screwed Victoria's boyfriend on cam, on the couch once Victoria left the room and came back to catch her in the act>:D...from then on I have no respect for her and Victoria shouldn't trust her either no matter how many times she wants to play house.  I give her the name Madam Renata because of what she did to Victoria,  I have also notice she dosen't do a lot of the things she use to do anymore "I am sure its because of her boyfriend watching.8)

  21. Unless she is really hard up "when drinking she acts like she does", Glasha must be using this guy "PEE-WEE HURMAN" for his finances "wallet" because I can't seem to put this goofy looking, half stone looking man with her, he acts and looks like he needs to be in rehab.  I also thinks she "Glasha" is trying to use Sonya to help her, but Sonya keeps backing away.  "My thoughts only"8)

  22. The party is over, and someone made the kiddies clean the place up..."good after last nights" out of control ramp page.  But one of Glasha's male friends "PEW WEE HURMAN"  the ">:DDRUG SUPPILER"  is still there, waiting for his next move...I am hoping out if RLC has him on vids any where last night.  I thought we had some new smart young ladies..NOT...maybe things well get better in the comming weeks...  Hopefully RLC well be rotating these girls out like B1 and B2, I can amagin what its going to be like if they don't.8)

  23. Seems these four ladies do have a lot in common when it comes to beauty "in there intorduction to their apartment."  As a viewer I watched the begining of yesterday's beging with them getting up in the mornning "but unsure weather on one or two was hidding from the cams or just makiing store runs for there tonights up comming party."  As the day started so did the every 12 min shots of alcohol between the four, at first I thought maybe there having a drinking contest or something "wow" and then there was another bottle and another....as I watched these girls slowly go from mature sexy ladies and into in-mature little teenage girls.....out of know where their other little friends started showing up at the party "more little boys then girls" some of the little boys where really out of control when they started pushing some of the girls around "I guess either it was the drinking or some other unknown source from outside of this now "out of control day care center."  A lot of the "kids" began jumping around on some of the chairs and tables threw out this once nice looking apartment, from the looks of things they didn't really care who's apartment it was either,  I also witness a little girl throwing up in the bathroom sink "Nasty Nasty" she did mangage to push it down the drain though...lol  As the night went on the party was like watching a bunch of out of control kids whos parents left them alone with a few run away bad kids that needed a free paid place to threw a party..."and it worked" for the ones who doesn't work for RLC.  Surly it all came down to  some loud talking and sneaky sex...if they can remember weather it happen or not the next day..lol  I am not aginst any party in any of these apartments, but I was so hoping for more mature ladies....these ladies made B1 and B2 look like a convent...I have to admit these four girls looks "fooled the hell out of me."  They are sexy but to wild once they start drinking....I also think they need to put there head togther "witch could possibly make on e brain" and contorl there company more then they did last night.  Maybe this apartment well last "I hope not, I think I'll try and stay out of this one, unless they find a sitter for these young ladies,"   I am sure other viwers liked what they saw and I have nothing aginst there thoughts these are just minds "only"

    The party is over, the next day someone made the kiddies clean up the place....but the Drug supplier is still there...I wonder when he's going to make his next move??8)

  24. From the way things look at there first party, there company doesn't really give a shit about there apartment or the cams..  I don't think they well make it at RLC to long, unless there have been some new changes. There are a few asshole guys there pushing the girls around too. I was hoping for some more mature people not teenagers acting like kids.  Another failed project that went limp..."at least for me."8)

    I'd rather watch Smith Doctor Kitty's tits...LOL8)

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