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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. On a Trans-Atlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm.  The turbulence is awful,  and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lighting.  One woman in particular loses it.  Screaming,  she stands up in the front of the plane.  "I'm too young to die!"  she wails.  Then she yells,  "Well,  if  I'm gong to die,  I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable,  No one has ever made me really feel like a woman,   Well I've had it,   Is there anyone on this plane who can make me feel like a woman??   For a moment there is silence,  everyone has forgotten their own peril,  and they all stare,  riveted,  at the desperate woman in the front of the plane.  Then, a man stands up in the rear of the plane.  "I can make you feel like a woman,"  he says.  This tall, tanned and built guy with jet black eyes starts to walk slowly up the aisle,  unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time.  No one move's,  As this man approaches,  the woman begins to get excited.  He removes his shirt.  Muscles ripple across his chest as he reaches her,  and extends the arm holding his shirt to the trembling woman,  and whispers:.........."Iron this."

  2. Seems that the three ladies has tone down a little in the apartment "at least in side the apartment, they may have taking there show on he road"..lol from last friday,  but then again the week is young.  As on can see that I am really not a true fan of the lady Pimp Angie who sets her room mates up with outside dates and stand back and watches like a fly on the wall with a devilish grin.  I notice that Glasha has started to leave out early in the mornings now looking so fresh, but comes back home looking like she has ran 10 miles or so.   Lets wait and see what the rest of the week has in store.8)  "My thoughts only"

  3. Lana and Robert must have fallen in love all over again, its been nothing but sex lately with this two,  I am glad to see this,  for a while I was afraid they was getting ready to break up.....there was no sex at all, and seems Lana was always in a bad mood in from of the cams.  I am glad to see that the energy has picked up again for them.8)

  4. Most of the time what stops me from getting involved in chat,  "Depends on who are what groups are there,  seems some groups won't respond to you when interring the chat room, or just ignore anything you say,  I have had this done a few or more times to me.  One reason that most of my thoughts in these apartments I wrote in blog section,  I figure some don't like talking to me in the chat room so I express myself in the blog section, "but I do get a lot of negative responds about what I say about some of these apartments from these groups,  and most of time it doesn't bother be anyway."  I may not be able to express myself in the Chat room but I can in the Blog section.   Like some members say "the chat room is a joke."   its a big fantasy world for some and if you don't agree with what they are saying or say something they don't like about certain apartment girls your out or just ignored by others.8)

  5. 1 hour ago, Lisa said:

    All you men seem to do is moan. You moan when they don't do anything then you moan when they do something. Make up your minds.

    God help your wives/partners.

    Is that way you like being around us!!!...............................................I am just kidding, its just a joke......I do respect your thoughts.....LOL8)

  6. Seems the sexy B2 girls had some company today "the sexy twins Lia, Mia, and sexy Yana and Ricky" all was over, they seems to all got together and had a nice meal.  I hope this brings Breatrice and Niea back to being closer friends. I think Yana and Ricky needed some out of the apartment time also.  I wonder if everyone is going to get together again and have a holiday party with in the coming weeks, or just a Pajama party would due with some wild sexy dancing...LOL8)

  7. No dought last night was another open house for all men in the area of Glasha and her live-in pimp Angie.  5 men down and how many more to go, I wonder when Glasha has finally used up all the rest of her body well she start to teach Sonya how to do her trade....or well Angie take over her mind too?8)

  8. I know some may be fans of these two Glasha and Angie!!! and thats understandable....and that's the question at the end of my blog.  It seems that each and every friday since these girls arrived they have had a flew of different men either to sleep or have sex with,  I am starting to wonder if RLC is experimenting with something new or what?  Tonight witch was so far was one of the funniest of all for these two "Glasha and Sonya"...lol and it did seems that Sonya must have been at the baby sitters for the night, she wasn't any where around..."thank god for that too"...lol   Anyway these two ladies must have been very desperate and went out and found Beavis and Butthead,..lol to have fun with and to make out with....Glasha did what she normally does when drinking "acts lose and free giving"  Angie "aka CHUCKY'S BRIDE"...LOL after a few drinkis looks more stupid and dumb.   I know I may get in big trouble for what I am about to ask....."but why do these ladies want to look and act like street walking w&@*&s every friday nite for the viewers to see?"    If there is something sexy about what they are doing!!! then I am lost!!8)

    From the way it looked Glasha most likely blew both guys out side of the apartment!!!!8)

    4 men in less then a month, I would be scared to stick my fingers up has asc...lol8)

    Whats easier? finding Glasha or finding dirt.....I think its a tie!!8)

    Next friday's list is Big bird and Elmo...lol8)



  9. Yesterday Dominica and Neia did spend a lot of time together, they even went and visited Yana and Ricky and spent a few hours with them.  After returning back to B2 I think Neia wanted to play, she changed into something more sexy and she wanted to play and dance trying to get Dominica to join her,  I don't think Dominica was in the mood she left Neia up and went to bed "cold":-\...lol   Dominica is very sexy and pretty, but I think that she has her limits to what she may do in front of the cams and give the viewers, it might be she does have a boyfriend who watches and keeps an eye on her and he may keep her in check also,  I also notice she is careful about what she wares and what ever it is is not to revealing.  Neia keeps on trying to keep her "Dominica's" attention a bit to much with the whispering "Neia this is a RLC a voyeur site, stop the whispering"...lol, and I believe after a while she might start to pull away....and see that the grass might be greener on the other side with Victoria and Beatrice.  I may be wrong, but I don't think we are going to see a lot of nude walking around the house with Dominica or masturbation, she still dressing in her P'J's before bed...lol "a lot of teasing yes"   May be she well prove me wrong!!!  I hope!!8)

  10. Yana an Ricky had some company today "Neia and Dominica" looks like they had a nice time talking with them, I am hoping that Ricky gave them some good advice to Neia about her friend ship with Beatrice.   Yana and Ricky seem to be doing good in the apartment as a couple.  I think they needed some alone time anyway "with out another couple being in the same apartment as them."   They seem to be having more sexy...LOL8)

  11. Seems after a few days of lurking,  its obvious Angie and her romance is fake with this stud of her's "one may think if her romance was so true then why keep someone that screwed your room mate. unless your just dumb and don't care, why not sleep together, and I also notice he has limits of hugs and kisses "if you want to call them that"  At times he does still watches Glasha and some times she does the same "but has tune down somewhat."  Today Glasha was gone most of the day "probably spending time with one of her other male companions getting her monkey off her back in and out of the apartment"...lol  Later today Sonya left out also with Angie, and after about an hour Angie came back with out her.  The more I see this guy the more he is starting to look like Angie's son and she is looks like his mother, if they really had sex she really didn't feel much from what I saw anyway, Angie's teeth are longer then his dick.  I am so hoping that he and Angie doesn't talk Sonya into given in to him for the cams.....he has already poked Glasha...and that make her look very bad "considering she had already been with two other guys earlier this month."  Another reason I think he's fake "if your so built and has a he-man body, why does he smokes so much" unless its all steroids, witch has been russian men cheat sheet for year.   "My thoughts only"8)

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