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Posts posted by RUBBERMAN

  1. Mira and Kai finally getting some piece and quiet in the apartment, now that Kustie and Luci are somewhere "at B2 disturbing others with her out of controlling smoking and no care attitude in the apartment"  Mira and Kai are a good couple I just wished that RLC would have placed them with another couple and not these two.  Good luck Mira and Kai with the rest of your stay there.8)

  2. I see that Glasha's son is back "I mean boyfriend is back" he acts like a girl.  I wonder if he well get this lines right this time.. they need to start off my feeding him first.  And I see that Angie the house Madam is back too, letting every one know what to do when the time comes, I am also thinking that Angie may also have something hidden secrets in her closest too..  Maybe Glasha well keep this one and maybe he may help her with her drinking problem.  I wonder who Sonya's date is going to be?  I hope its not the other girl, I mean guy..LOL8)

  3. Looks like Mira and Kai are back at home,  I am sure they thought they would come to a quieter and smoke free apartment and most of all Dominica would have been gone too.  Dominica should use her long nose to suck up most of the white smoke in the apartment instead of keeping it up Kurst ass most of the day...LOL   This may help Mira and Kai breath again. "neither of their room mates "Luci and Kust" has no respect for them at all.8)

  4. I see that Dominica has ran back over to her baby sitters apartment again.."she must have been crying to them..Boo hooing" someone must have mentioned something sexual in B2, so she ran off to Kust and Luci..lol   I am sure she is going to be some what of a ass for Mira and Kai's privacy.  Luci doesn't see to care as long as she can get's her drink on.  Kust takes the excitement out of a voyeur site. And Dominica well continue to neglect her room mates at B2 until her stay ends, she seems to have her head so far up Kust ass I am sure her shoulders has shit on them.8)

  5. I guess the convent is almost closed since Neia and Beatrice gave us viewers a nice show tonight with a candle like massage from each of them...lol  I am sure someone between the two are horny...lol  I just wished they would have went all the way and stop the teasing!!  Nicole didn't join in, maybe she is still trying to get comfortable again with the cams again.  Dominica came in late after spending time with Lust and Luci..."another let down" for the viewers.  Maybe Nicole and Dominica well become friends and get to know each other soon.  Its good to see that Beatrice and Neia are close together again. "Good job ladies":rolleyes::rolleyes:8)

  6. I see that Kust "aka Casanova" and his side kick Luci has not so surprisingly company.."Dominica" and they are really enjoying them self, with the drinking and heavy vipor smoking.  Nira and Kai did join them for a few minutes but I don't think they was to comfortable with the in take of all the white smoke in the apartment, and Dominica's high pitched squeaky voice..lol and they went to their room and had sex, then later left.  From the way it looks she "Dominica" may spend the night with the dynamic duo..lol   I would think that Dominica would want to get to know Nicole back at B2 and help bring back a little life in the apartment.  May be Kust well have her sleep with them seeing that Luci is almost drunk anyway.  I was so hoping that Dominica would be a plus instead of a big negative.

    Dominica did leave after an hour of stay with Kust "while Luci gave us some quick fake masturbation"  Now Kust back at home...LOL8)

  7. Seems now that Victoria is gone,  I wonder who well make the choices and lead the apartment.  I also see that Luci and kust are visting the girls "Beatrice, Dominica and Neia"  since the girls first visit to Luci and Kust's apartment Dominica seems to know the both of them and kicked it off very well.  I am sure that Kust and Luci are more then just a visiting couple in their apartment seeing that he "Kust and Nora" also knew each other, seems he gets around and makes him self at home when visiting any of the apartments as if he knows each and every person personally.  If he is giving Dominica any advice I hope it's for the good of the viewers, because she hasn't really show'd any type of energy since she has been there at all..."unless some like watching her sleep away her days at B2."  Right now Beatrice is the main one the viewers are watching"....at least I am.LOL8)

  8. 1 hour ago, PeterGrey said:

    I don't know for sure ofc but I got a feeling that other guy yesterday is maybe not into girls. There was something with his hand-gestures and posture while they were talking in the kitchen, I reacted on. And he was so into the girl-talk they had. It doesn't have to mean anything, he may be a long-time friend of the girls. Just a hunch I got.

    Where did the third girl sleep? Did she take Angie's room?

    I am glad you mention that,  I thought it was me,  but you also notice this....both guys did that at times....like you said "it doesn't mean anything" but they both had a different approach towards the girls."  That whole crew looks like that need a lot of acting help at times...LOL  if you know what I mean.  As for as the other girl she slept in Angie's bed....and she's wasn't bad looking but know one came near her.   I truly believe that everyone in that apartment at the time knew or knows each other.   I am just glad that Glasha did not get drunk last night because she gets somewhat out of control and makes her self look bad.  she is a pretty lady, but not so pretty drunk.8)

  9. Seems Glasha has found herself a young buck,  who also looks at least 5yrs younger then she,  I guess its nothing wrong with that either....depending on how you have to train him from time to time to stay.  I am glad that she has finally got someone that she may want " I have to say may want because, today I may see this guy and next week there might be another."  I thought she was in love a few weeks ago but then again that guy didn't stick around either.  After following her and watching her and this guy since yester-night when she first had sex with him I didn't think he was going to be there again for another night,  seem tonight they have had sex a few times to witch after the second time became some what boring to watch, I believe the swilling in this dick started to go limp also.  While he was in the shower earlier that morning he really shy'd away from the cams " I did notice, why...lol  from the waist down he did look like he was about 10yr....maybe it was the water, or again why he likes the covers over him while having sex...lol  he also might want to go get him self check out by a local doctor after day three.   I think this guy should have been with Sonya,  he looks more around her age then Glasha.   Speaking of Sonya " I wonder why she didn't give in to the guy that's in bed with her?....he may have remined her of her granddad...lol  I believe Sonya is keeping all of her energy outside of the apartment until eviction day.  Lets hope and see if Glasha keeps this one.....if all else fail...they can use him around the house as a MOP!!!8)

  10. There was a fly buzzing around a barn one day when she happened upon a pile of fresh cow manure.  Due to the fact that it had been hours since she had had her last meal,  she flew down and began to eat.  She ate and ate.  Finally, she decided she had eaten enough and tried to fly away.  She had eaten too much though, and could not get off the ground. As she looked around wondering what to do,  she spotted a pitchfork leaning up against the wall.  She climbed to the top of the handle and jumped off, thinking that once she got airborne,  she would be able to take flight.  Unfortunately she was wrong and she dropped like a rock,  and smashed when she hit the floor.  Dead!!


    Never fly off the handle when you know you're full of shit.8)

  11. Seeing that Beatrice has been putting most of the energy in B2 lately,  and all Neia, Dominica and Victoria has been doing is taking there energy else where, I am wonder who well be the first to go when Victoria leaves.  Neia only shows energy when putting on lingerie shows with the giggles... and lately Victoria and Dominica haven't been doing anything but leaving the apartment daily "perhaps meeting up with her boyfriends" even though what ever they are doing outside of the apartment it would be nice to see something different from them besides sleeping and sitting around waiting for time for pass.  Lets not turn B2 into a convent ladies!!!8)

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